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1、名校名 推荐Unit 3Computers .单项填空 (建议用时8 )1I saw a woman running toward me in the dark.Before I could recognize who she was ,she had run back in the direction _ she had come.A of whichB by whichCin whichD from which2 Many scientists have believed that there may be a_ of life on the Mar.( 济南模拟 )A signalB s

2、ignCmarkD sigh3 I knew _ John Lennon , but not _ famous one.A /;aB a; theC/;theD the; a4 She_her eyes from her book.( 南昌四校联考)A roseB arousedC raisedD B and C5 Would you like some more soup? _.It is delicious, but I vehad enough.A Yes, pleaseB No, thank youCNothing moreD I dlike some6 _ the questions

3、 put forward , he felt very happy.A SolvedB Having solvedCSolvingD To solve7 Millions ofpounds worthof damage _ by a storm which swept across the northof England last night.( 威海调研)A has been causedBhad been causedCwill be causedD will have been caused8 How about going downtown this morning? Well. ,

4、itsabit too cold outside.And _ , I vegot to do some housework.A some wayB anywayCsomehowD somewhat9 Dontbelieve him.He_ a story.A makes upB is making upCmakes up ofD is making out10 _the car accident, Jackson couldn twork any longer.(枣庄质检 )A As a resultB As a result ofCAs the resultD As result of11

5、He studys very hard.Imsure he is _ the way to becoming a college student.A onB inC atD by12 How do you_ a disagreement between the company and its customers? The key to solving the problem is to meet the demand made by the customers.A make do withB do withChandle withD deal with13_ about the economi

6、c crisis that he decided to look for more information about it.A So curious he wasBSo curious was heCSuch curious he wasD Such curious was he14 I couldn tdomy homework with all that noise_.A going onB goes on1名校名 推荐Cwent onD to go on15 The new story is writtenin_easy English_even beginners canunders

7、tand it.A such; thatB so; thatCsuch; asD too; that .阅读理解 (建议用时8 )Rachel Carson was born on May 27,1907 in Pennsylvania.Her mother bequeathed her a deeplove of nature and the living world that Rachel expressed first as a writer and later as a student ofmarine biology.Carson graduated from Pennsylvani

8、a College for Women in 1929 and studied atthe Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory.She received hermaster sdegree in zoology fromJohns Hopkins University in 1932.She worked for the U S.Bureau of Fisheries,writing radio scripts during the Depression(经济大萧条 ) to increase her income and writing featu

9、re articles on natural history for the BaltimoreSun.She began a 15-year career in the federal service as a scientist and editor in 1936 and rose to become Editor- in- Chief of all publications for the U S.Fish and Wildlife Service.She wrote books on conservation( 保护 ) and natural resources and edite

10、d scientific articles , but in her free time turned her government research into prose(散文 ) , first as an article Undersea(1937) , and then in a book, Under the Sea-Wind(1941) In 1952 she published her prize-winning study of the ocean ,The Sea Around Us,which was followed by The Edge of the Sea in 1

11、955.These books made up a biography( 传记 ) of the ocean and made Carson famous as anaturalist and science writer for the public.Carson resigned in 1952 to devoteherself to herwriting.She wrote several other articles designed to teach people about the wonderand beauty ofnature, including Help Your Chi

12、ldto Wonder(1956)and Our Ever-Changing Shore(1957) , andplanned another book on ecology.InCarson swriting , she expressed her view that human beingswere only part of nature.Disturbed by the overuse ofchemical pesticides(杀虫剂 ) after World War , Carsonchanged her focus in order to warn the public abou

13、t the long term effects of misusing pesticides.In Silent Spring(1962) she challenged the practices of agricultural scientists and the government ,and called for a change in the way humankind viewed the natural world.Carson was attacked by the chemical industry , but she still called for new policies

14、 to protect human health and the environment.Rachel Carson died in 1964 after a long battle against breast cancer.16 The underlined word “ bequeathedin ”Paragraph 1 probably means “ _”A passed onB gave lessonsCbrought upD set an example17 What do we know about Rachel Carson during the Depression?A S

15、he was working as a full- time editor.BShe wrote for radio stations.CShe devoted most of her energy to writing.D She was in charge of the U S.Bureau of Fisheries.18 By publishing her prose and books , Rachel Carson _.A accumulated considerable wealthBarouse people ssocial awarenessCrose to fame as a

16、 naturalist and writerD showed concern about endangered species19 Why did Rachel Carson change the theme of her writing?A World War caused a lot of suffering.BModern technologies improved nature.CThe environment was greatly damaged.D Too many chemical pesticides were used.20 The text is mainly about

17、 _.2名校名 推荐A how to protect marine animalsBthe life story of Rachel CarsonCenvironmental protection in the U S.D the side effects of chemical pesticides .阅读表达 (建议用时14 )Have one of those days or weeks when everything seems to annoy you? Even if you donothing about it ,your bad mood will probably go aw

18、ay after some time.But with a little effort,youcan forget it much faster , often within a day or two. Walk it offExercise is the most popular way to remove bad mood. A person whosin a bad mood has low energy and high tension. Taking a fast ten- minute walk ,or taking some quick exercise can do wonde

19、rs towards changing that bad mood. Tune it outListening_to_your_favorite_music_for_a_while_can_also_make_tensions_go_away_quickly, because_music_starts_associations_with_past_positive_experiences_wevehad. Give yourself a pep talkStop and listen to what son your mind.Bad moods are often started by to

20、o many negative thoughts. Write them all down on paper , including the pessimistic( 悲观的 ) messagesyou vebeen giving yourself and then give optimistic answers. Avoid things that wontimprove your moodTV may not help much. You need to increase your energy level and stimulate your mind. And before you r

21、each for that piece of cake and coffee , think about how_are linked.Sugar andcaffeine contribute to depressed moods.While carbohydrates , such as potatoes and pasta (意大利面食 ) produce a calming effect on people who have a desire for them.( 济南统考 )21 Whatsthe best title of this passage? (Please answer w

22、ithin 10 words.)_22 Which sentence in the passage can replace the following one?Sometimes your bad mood may disappear of itself after a while._23 Fill in the blank in the last paragraph with the proper words.(Please answer within 10 words.)_24 Please suggest some ways to remove the bad mood.(Please

23、answer within 30 words.)_25 Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese._答案 .单项填空1 D2.B sign 迹象,痕迹。 3 B a John Lennon 表众多同名同姓人中的其中一位,而the famous John Lennon则是指著名的那个。3名校名 推荐4 C “抬起眼 ”,此 用及物 ,故 C , raise 抬起。 5 B6 B 主 和 solve 之 主 关系。 7 A 里 生在 去的 作 在造成的影响,故 A。 8 B 句意 : 无 怎 ,我有些家 要做。 9 B be making up

24、a story 造故事。 10 B此 “由于 , ”,故 B , as a result of 由于 。11 A 由于句中有 how,所以 用 deal with ,表示如何 理; handle with 去掉 with。12D13 B用 so修 形容 curious,且 so 置于句首,主句 用倒装,故 B 。 14 A15.A得分策略得分点 7: 脱思 定式的影响,分析 干句子 构,吃透 境 典例 Where did you find your wallet? It was in the shop _ I bought the shirt.A thatB whereC whichD the

25、reA。其 ,如果去掉 It was 因分析有些考生会 此 是考 句型,从而 和 that 后,剩下的句子 “I bought the shirt in the shop ”, 与所 的情况不相符,因此,根据 境,此 用 where 引 一个定 从句,故 B 。得分笔 做 ,考生不能只看 构, 必 从句子的 境来分析。从句子的意思来看, 个句子 然不是完整的 句型,而 是省略了没有被 的部分“that Ifound my wallet,”而留下的被 部分“ in the shop where I bought the shirt 中含有一个”定 从句。完整的句子 是 “It was inthe

26、 shop where I bought the shirt that Ifound mywallet. 。” . 理解16 A 猜 。根据第一段可知,是她的母 把 自然界和生物世界的 蕾切 卡 的。可 ,生 bequeath 意 “ ; 送 ”。 17B 理解 。根据第二段可知,蕾切 卡 在 大 条期 台写稿。18 C 理解 。根据第三段的最后两句可知,蕾切 卡 通 出版 籍,普及了人 的自然知 ,因而她也作 自然学家和科普作家 人所知。19 D 推理判断 。根据第五段可知,受到二 后 虫 的 用 象的困 ,蕾切 卡 把写作的关注点 向提醒公众关注 用 虫 可能 生的 期的副作用。20B 主

27、旨大意 。本文介 了美国著名的自然学家、科普作家Rachel Carson 的生平。 得分策略在 理解中遇到推理判断 ,如何 行推理和判断?( 三 )4 度、 点及感受 推理判断 高考 理解 中有些 目考 考生 文章作者的思想、人物性格 向等方面的理解。 于判断情感 度 的 ,考生需要分析段落大意、作者的思路,理解段落大意、 文章的中心思想, 才能判断出作者的情感 度。(1)学会辨 清楚文章的体裁。高考 理解 涉及各 文章,以 文 主,文章的主 句往往会直接或 接地表明作者的 度立 ; 明文, 因 其体裁的客 性,所以作者往往采取中立 度; 叙文, 作者往往不直接提出文章 点,而且作者写作 也

28、常 有某种 向性,所以考生 种体裁的文章 要 心捕捉表达或暗示情感 度的 或短 。(2)学会区分不同的 点,尤其要善于找出作者的 点。考生要注意文中出 的直接引in 和 接引 , 出 的 点一般是当事人的 点,而不是作者的 点。 作者的 点一般用my view/opinion, personally, I think ,I hold 等 引出。要分清 中的表示支持或肯定、中立、反 或否定的 ,再以此 照文章内容。下面是一些常 的有关作者 度的 :4名校名 推荐 表示支持或肯定的词语: positive 积极的,乐观的; supportive 支持的; optimistic 乐观的; humor

29、ous 幽默的; serious 严肃的; enthusiastic热情的; pleasant 愉快的; concerned关切的等等。 表示中立的词语:indifferent 不感兴趣的,漠不关心的,中立的;uninterested 不感兴趣的; neutral 中立的; impersonal 冷淡的; subjective 主观的; objective 客观的等等。 表示反对或否定的词语: disgusted 憎恶的,厌恶的; critical 批评的; negative 否定的,消极的; suspicious怀疑的; tolerant 容忍的,宽容的; worried 担忧的; pess

30、imistic悲观的; depressed沮丧的; disappointed 失望的; ironic 讽刺的; sarcastic 挖苦的等等。(3)此类试题的干扰项常具有以下特点:或是自己的某种看法或观点;或是社会的一种普遍倾向; 或是与本文无关或与作者的观点或看法相反等, 考生容易误选与自己的看法相吻合的选项。 .阅读表达21 How to Beat a Bad Mood/Ways to Get Rid of Bad Moods22 Even if you do nothing about it , your bad mood will probably go away after some time.23 mood and food24 The answer may vary.25听一会儿自己最喜欢的音乐也能很快消除紧张情绪, 因为音乐能够让人想起以前积极乐观的经历。5


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