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1、名校名 推荐Unit 2The Olympic Games. 填空1(2013 浙江省温州中学月考)So severe was the snowstorm in Inner Mongolia_ the local government had to start the first degree emergency plan.A andB thereforeC thatD as解析: so形容 that.句型,意 “如此以致于”。答案: C2(2013 州 )Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Jason,and_.A I was

2、neitherB neither was IC I waseitherD either was I解析: 空 句意 :我也不高 。表示上面的情况也不适用于后面的人或物。答案: B3 Cinderella has been learning Chinese in Beijing University for the past four years. No wonder she_above her colleagues in Chinese.A stands outB sticks outC comes outD sorts out解析: 答 句意: 怪她 比她的同事 学得好。standout 突

3、出,杰出,符合句意。答案: A4 My interestsinclude football , bowling and surfingthe web_studyingmy favorite subjects.A instead ofB as we ll asC less thanD rather than解析: 此 是用来 接两个同等的成分,且由句意知此 是“除之外 有” ,故 B 。答案: B5 After five hours on your feet, you_a break.A conserveB deserveC observeD reserve解析: conserve保存; des

4、erve 得; ; observe 察;遵守; reserve保留。由1名校名 推荐句意“站了五个小时后,你应该休息一下。”可知,B 项正确。答案: B6(2013 湖北四校期末联考)Chinas high speed rail network _ plays asignificant role in Chinas economy development.A without doubtB in turnC on purposeD by accident解析: withoutdoubt毫无疑问。句意:中国高速铁路网络毫无疑问在中国经济发展方面起着重大作用。in turn反过来; on purpo

5、se故意地; by accident偶然地。答案: A7You should know that these cars are worn-out and must be_.A relievedB replacedC placedD removed解析: 句意:你该知道这些汽车太破旧了,必须换掉。replace取代,替代。relieve减轻; place放置; remove 消除。答案: B8 What can I dofor you, sir? No, I only want to speak to the person _.A in dangerB in returnC in peaceD

6、in charge解析: 由回答者生气的口气可以判断他是想和负责人谈话。in charge负责,掌管,符合句意。 in danger处于危险中;in return作为回报; in peace和平地。答案: D9 Mr.Smithbought an old house cheaply ,decorateditup and sold ithalfa yearlater at a_.A benefitB bargainC profitD prize解析: benefit益处; bargain便宜货; prize奖项; profit利润,盈利; at a profit以获利。句意: 史密斯先生买了一个

7、很便宜的房子,把它装修了一下,半年后把它卖掉来谋利。答案: C10 You can ask Jack to help you.Im busy now. He is too short to_the book on the shelf.A replaceB organizeC reachD select2名校名 推荐解析: 考 辨析。答句句意:他太矮了, 不到 架上的 。根据He is too short可知 reach( 到 ) 符合 境。答案: C11 The writergoes to the libraryevery_daysand hellfinishthe novelwithin_d

8、ays.A a few ; a fewB few; fewC few ; a fewD a few ; few解析: every few days“每几天”; few 前不加 a,因 every 修 few。a few 表示“一些”。答案: C12 Aftertheoperation, thepatientissupposedtogotothehospitalfor_checks every month.A commonB normalC regularD usual解析: 此 表示“定期 ”, 使用 regular。regular意 “有 律的, 定期的”,指合乎 或 种 一般。答案: C1

9、3 I found it no use arguing with him. _He is always stubborn.A How come?B I couldnt agree more.C Its a deal.D That depends.解析: I couldnt agree more.我十分 同。答案: B14 More than thirty students competed_each other in the Englishcompetition. But they could only compete_three medals.A against ; withB agains

10、t ; onC with ; forD on;for解析: compete with sb.“ 与某人 争”; compete for sth.“ 而 争”。答案: C15 (2013 安 庆 一 中 模 拟 )Thatstudentadmitted_inthemath exam,_that he would never do that again in the future.A to have cheated; promisingB cheating; promised3名校名 推荐C to cheating; promisedD having cheated; promising解析: a

11、dmit doing/having done sth.承认做过某事;that student与 promise之间为主动关系,故用现在分词形式作伴随状语。答案: D. 完形填空(2012 江西高考 )That holiday morning I didnt have to attend school. Usually,on holidays,Mother _1_ me to sleep in. And I would certainly take full advantage of it. Onthis particular morning, _2_, I felt like getting

12、up early.I stood by my window overlooking the _3_, having nothing better to do. Butas it turned out, I was soonto learn about something _4_ in life.As I watched several people go by, get into their cars and drive off, I _5_an old man on a bicycle with a bucket on its _6_ and a basket of rags and bot

13、tleson its back-carriage. He _7_ from one car to another, washingand cleaning them.From the water on the ground,itseemed thathe had already_8_ washing and cleaningabout a dozen or more cars. He must have begun to work quite early in the morning.Several thoughts _9_ my mind as I watched him work. He

14、wasnt well-dressed.He had on a pair of shorts and a(n) _10_ T-shirt. The bicycle he rode was not byany means the kind modern _11_ would want to be seen ridingon. But he seemed _12_with life. There he was, working hard at his small business, _13_ at passers-byand stopping to chat now and then _14_ el

15、derly men and women on their way to themarket nearby.Therewas a noticeabletouchofthings _16_ the windscreen( 挡风玻璃( 擦净 ) the wheels and_17_, standingscrub._15_ in the ), then standing back to see whatway he seemed to be doing back to admire it; scrubbing they looked like after theIt was a _18_ to lea

16、rn, I felt. At no age need one have to beg for a _19_if one has good health and is willing to work hard. For a while I felt _20_ ofmyself. Youngas Iam just sixteen, and therewas this old man who must havebeenusefully engaged perhaps before the sun appeared abovethe horizon.1. A forcesB allowsC cause

17、sD forbids2. A otherwiseB therefore4名校名 推荐C howeverD besides3. A parking lotB bus stopC schoolD market4. A interestingB surprisingC awfulD useful5. A noticedB recognizedC calledD assisted6. A backB handleC wheelD seat7. A searchedB leftC movedD wandered8. A stoppedB startedC intendedD finished9. A c

18、rossedB slippedC disturbedD inspired10.A attractiveB shinyC simpleD expensive11.A repairmenB businessmenC driversD cyclists12.A busyB contentC carefulD bored13.A wavingB lookingC laughingD pointing14.A aboutB forC withD like15.A worryB respectC sympathyD pride16.A cleaningB fixingC replacingD coveri

19、ng17.A stillB yetC againD soon18.A lessonB subjectC skillD fact19.A businessB living5名校名 推荐C successD right20. A tiredB doubtfulC fearfulD ashamed答案与解析1B 根据上下文 境并 合常 可知, 在假日里,父母通常允 孩子 睡个 。 allow 符合文意。2.C在 一个特 的早晨,本来可以睡 ,作者却早早起床了,前后句存在 折关系,故 however 。3.A根据下文内容可知,作者站在自家的窗 ,看到的是停 里的情景。4.D根据最后一段内容可知,作者无

20、意中学到了人生中有用的 西。5.A根据上文出 的watched 一 可判断,此 指作者注意到一位与众不同的老年男子。6.B根据句中的 bicycle 以及 back-carriage可判断,水桶是挂在自行 把手上。7.C根据伴随状 washing and cleaning them可判断, 位老年男子是在洗 ,所以他的活 范 是从一 到另一 。8.D根据本段最后一句判断,此 表示他似乎已 洗完了大 12 或者更多。9.A此 表示作者看着老人在工作, 海中 几个念 。cross ones mind 是固定搭配,意 “ ( 念 ) 出 在 海”。10.C根据上文的句子“ Hewasntwell-d

21、ressed.”可知,老人的穿着非常 朴,只有 simple 符合 境。11.D上文 到老人衣着朴素, 此 描述他 的自行 也非常 , 不是 自行 的人 愿意被 人看到的那种( 款式 ) 。12.B根据 But 一 可判断, 然老人的生活状况似乎很差,但他却 生活很 足。故选 B 。13.A此 指老人朝 路的人 手致意。wave at 朝 手 ( 致意 ) 。14.C老人 不 地也会停下手里的工作,与去附近超市的老年人 聊几句。chat withsb. 与某人 聊。15.D根据下文内容可知,老人似乎 自己的工作感到有些自豪和 傲。16.A根据上文内容可知,老人的工作是洗 擦 ,因此只能 cle

22、aning。17.C因 上文已 出 了standing back 一 作,所以再次出 使用again 。18.A作者看到老人辛勤、快 工作的 景, 受到了感染, 得自己学到了人生重要的一 。19.B通 老人 个例子,作者感 到, 如果一个人身体健康并愿意努力工作的 ,那么在任何年 都不必靠乞 生。6名校名 推荐20.D根据文章最后两句可知,跟老人比起来,作者为自己感到羞愧。. 阅读理解(20 12全国卷)Honey ( 蜂蜜 ) from the African forest is not only a kind of natural sugar, itisalsodelicious.Most

23、 people,and many animals ,likeeatingit.However, the onlyway for them to get that honey is to find a wild bees nest (巢 ) and take the honeyfrom it.Often,these nestsare highup intrees,and itisdifficultto findthem.In partsofAfrica,though,people and animalslookingforhoney have a strangeandunexpected hel

24、per a little bird called a honey guide.The honey guide does not actually like honey, but it does like the wax (蜂蜡) in the beehives (蜂房 ). The little bird cannot reach this wax,which is deepinside the bees nest. So, when it finds a suitable nest,it looks for someone tohelp it.Thehoney guide givesa lo

25、udcry thatattractsthe attentionof both passinganimalsand people.Once ithas theirattention,itfliesthroughthe forest,waitingfrom time to time for the curious animal or person as it leads them to the nest.Whenthey finallyarriveat th e nest,the_followerreaches in to get at the delicioushoney as the bird

26、 patiently waits and watches. Some of the honey, and the wax,always falls to the ground, and this is when the honey guide takes its share.Scientistsdo not know why the honey guide likeseatingthe wax, but itisverydetermined in its efforts to get it. The birds seem to be able to smellwax froma longdis

27、tanceaway.They willquicklyarrivewhenever a beekeeper istakinghoneyfrom hisbeehives,and willeven enterchurcheswhen beeswax candlesare being lit.1 Why is it difficult to find a wild bees nest?A Its small in size.B Itshidden in trees.C Its covered with wax.D Its hard to recognize.2What do the words“the

28、 follower” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A A bee.B A bird.C A honey seeker.D A beekeeper.3 The honey guide is special in the way_.A it gets its foodB it goes to churchC it sings in the forest7名校名 推荐D it reaches into bees nests4 What can be the best title for the text?A Wild BeesB Wax and HoneyC Beekeeping

29、 in AfricaDHoney-Lovers Helper答案与解析1 B细节理解题。根据第一段“Often ,these nests are highup in trees , and itis difficult to find them.”可知,这种蜂巢在树上很高的地方,所以很难找到。2C推理判断题。 根据第二段的描述可知,作为蜂蜜向导的小鸟儿通过鸣叫吸引经过的动物或人的注意,然后穿越森林带着他们找到蜂巢,所以the follower指的是寻找蜂蜜的动物或人,故答案为C 项。3A细节理解题。 根据第二段可知,这种蜂蜜向导小鸟儿自己并不能够吃到深在蜂巢里面的蜂蜡,而是在发现蜂巢后引导着动物或人找到蜂巢,当寻蜜的动物或人享受美味蜂蜜的时候, 总会有一些蜂蜜或蜂蜡掉到地上,于是小鸟儿才能享受到所喜欢的蜂蜡,因此说这种小鸟儿获取食物的方式很特别。4 D主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了能够作为蜂蜜向导的小鸟儿,所以标题应为Honey-Lovers Helper。8


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