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1、Junior high school English fallible questions( ) 1. _ it is today!A. What fine weatherB. What a fine weatherC. How a fine weatherD. How fine a weather( ) 2. Which is the way to the _?A. shoe factoryB. shoes factoryC. shoes factoryD. shoes factory( ) 3. This class _ now. Miss Gao teaches them.A. are

2、studyingB. is studyingC. be studyingD. studying( ) 4. We will have a _ holiday after the exam.A. two monthB. two-monthC. two monthsD. two-months( ) 5. There is no enough _ on the corner to put the table.A. placeB. roomC. floorD. ground( ) 6. We can have _ blue sky if we create _ less polluted world.

3、A. a; aB. a; theC. the; aD. the; the( ) 7. Are you _ American or English? English. We are working in Wuhu.A. aB. C. theD. an( ) 8. You like playing basketball, and he likes running, _?A. dont youB. doesnt heC. do youD. does he( ) 9. Why not take _ umbrella with the sign “ Made in China”? It is _ use

4、ful umbrella?What _ good advice it is!A. an; an; aB. an; a; C. a; an; aD. ; an; a( ) 10. When shall we meet again next week? _ day is possible. Its no problem with me.A. EitherB. NeitherC. EveryD. Any( ) 11. Robert has gone to _ city and hell be back in a week.A. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. any ot

5、her( ) 12. A latest magazine, please.Only one left. Would you like to have _?A. itB. oneC. thisD. that( ) 13.Which book would you like to borrow? _ of the two books is OK with me.A. EitherB. BothC. AnyD. None( ) 14. Mrs. Lee teaches _ math. We all like her.A. weB. usC. ourD. ours( ) 15. There are ma

6、ny trees on _ side of the street.A. eitherB. anyC. allD. both( ) 16._ is the population of the city?A. How manyB. WhatC. How many peopleD. How much( ) 17. Why dont we take a little break? Didnt we just have _ ?A. itB .thatC. one D. this( ) 18. The teacher asked the boy many questions,but he only ans

7、wered_ of them.A.someB.lotsC.eachD.few( ) 19.About _ the fans are waiting here. They want to see the great singer.A. two thousand ofB.two thousandC.thousand ofD.two thousands of( ) 20. How many apples do I have? You can have _. I want none of them.A. oneB. allC. bothD.some( ) 21.Japan is _ the east

8、of China. Fujian is _ the southeast of China.A. in; inB. to; inC. on ; toD. in; to( ) 22.The postman shouted, “ Mr Green, here is a letter _ you.”A. toB. fromC. forD. of( ) 23.He hasnt heard from his friend _ last month.A. sinceB. by the end ofC. forD. until( ) 24. Jimmy lost his key yesterday。_? It

9、s his third time in just one month.A. Has heB. Did heC. Was heD. Does he( ) 25.Youve passed the exam. Im happy _ you.A. onB. atC. inD. for( ) 26. I wonder _ they finished so many different jobs in such a short time.A. whyB. howC. whenD. where( ) 27.Ought I to go right now? .A. Thats very bad. B. Yes

10、, you go ought toC. Yes, you ought D. No, you ought not to( ) 28. I dont know when he _. When he _ here, Ill call you in a minute.A. will come; will arriveB. comes; arricesC. will come; arrivesD. comes; will arrive( ) 29. He turned _ the radio a little because his father was asleep.A. onB. downC. up

11、D. off( ) 30. I dont know the homework _ today.A. onB. inC. ofD. for( ) 31. Would you like some coffee?Yes, and please get me some milk. I prefer coffee _ milk.A. withB. toC. ofD. on( ) 32. They each _ a book. Each of them _ from China.A. has;areB. have; isC. are having;areD. is having;is( ) 33. _ y

12、ou _ your book to the library?Yes. I returned it yesterday.A. Did, returnB. Have, returnedC. Will, returnD. Do, return( ) 34.Though its cloudy now, it _ get sunny later.A. canB. mayC. mustD. need( ) 35.It is in the library, you _ talk loudly.A. may notB. cantC. needntD. mustnt( ) 36. If anyone wants

13、 to say something in class, you _ put up your hands first.A. mustB. mayC. shouldD. can( ) 37.The pen _ him ten yuan.A. paidB. costC. tookD. spent( ) 38.The train _ for twenty minutes.A. leftB. has leftC. is leavingD. has been away( ) 39. How many books _ they _?Five. But they havent finished reading

14、 even one。A. did,borrowB. had,borrowedC . will,borrowD. do,borrow( ) 40. He _ his bike so he has to walk there.A. lostB. has lostC. had lostD. loses( ) 41.Could I use your dictionary? Yes, you _.A. needB. couldC. canD. should( ) 42. In the past few years there _ great changes in my hometown.A. have

15、beenB. wereC. had beenD. are( ) 43. Could you tell me when Mr. Li _ in HuanggangSure. When he _, Ill call you.A. arrives; will arriveB. will arrive; arrivesC. arrives; arrivesD.will arrive; will arrive( ) 44. Mary dances best in our school.I agree. Ill never forget _ her dance for the first time.A.s

16、eeB.to seeC.seeingD.seen( ) 45. Is tea ready?No, mother is _ it ready now.A. doingB. cookingC. burningD. getting( ) 46. There are many people downstairs. What do you think _ ?A.to happenB. happeningC. is happenedD. has happened( ) 47. Remember to spend some time_ your loved ones,because they are not

17、 going to be around forever.A. fromB. withC. inD. on( ) 48. I hear Sam has gone to Qingdao for his holiday.Oh, how nice! Do you know when he _?A. leftB. was leavingC. has leftD. had left( ) 49.David, look at the man in white over there. Can you tell me _ ? He is a doctor.A.who is heB.who he isC. wha

18、t does he doD. what he does( ) 50. I want to teach inTibet when I graduate from the college.Me too.Teachers _very much there.A. needB. are needingC. are neededD. is needed( ) 51. Tommy, do you know if Frank _ to the theatre with us this Sunday if it _? Sorry, I have no idea.A. will go, is going to b

19、e fineB. goes, is fineC. will go, is fineD. goes, will be fine( ) 52. I dont have to introduce him to you _ you know the boy.A. untilB. unlessC. sinceD. But( ) 53. Would you please _ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious (明显的) mistakes? Of course I will.A. look aroundB. look throughC. lo

20、ok upD. look into( ) 54. This pair of shoes _ really small for me.Why not try another _.A. is, pairB. are, pairC. is, oneD. are, one( ) 55. If you dont go to the meeting tomorrow, _?A. he will, tooB. he wont, eitherC. he does, tooD. he doesnt, either( ) 56. I dont think we can finish all the work be

21、fore Friday, _?A. do IB. can weC. cant weD. dont we( ) 57. The shop _ at 8:00 a.m. and it _ for ten hours every day.A. opens; is open B. is opened; opensB. C. is open; has opened D. opened; opens( ) 58. The old man lives in atown. He lives, but he doesnt feel .A. lonely, lonely, alone B.alone, alone

22、, lonelyC. lonely, alone, lonely D.alone, alone, alone( ) 59. Do you know _?Im not sure.Maybe an artist.A.what the man with long hair isB.what is the man with long hairC.who the man with long hair isD.who is the man with long hair( ) 60.Why dont you choose the red tie?For me, it doesnt _ my shirt ve

23、ry well.A. fixB. acceptC. compareD. match( ) 61. Hello,Sandy. This is Jack. What are you doing?Im watching a match. It started at 7:00 p.m and _ on for another an hour.A.has beenB.wasC.had beenD.will be( ) 62. _?Things are going very well.A. How soon does it goB. How often does it goC. How far is it

24、 goD. How is everything going( ) 63. The population of the world in the 20th century became very much _ than that in the 19th.A. biggerB. largerC. greaterD. more( ) 64. Whats the weather like tomorrow?The radio says it is going to be even _.A. badB. worstC. badlyD. worse( ) 65. Though she talks _, s

25、he has made _ friends here.A. a little, a fewB. little, fewC. little, a fewD. few, a few( ) 66. My parents never stop going on about(唠叨) how I should study hard. _.A. So my parents doB. Nor my parentsC. Nor do my parentsD. Neither my parents do( ) 67. He never does his work _ Mary.A. as careful asB.

26、 so careful asC. as carefully asD. carefully as( ) 68. Many Chinese students think science subjects are _ foreign languages.A. more difficult asB. less difficult thanC. much difficult thanD. so difficult as( ) 69. _ music she is playing!A. What niceB. How niceC. What a niceD. How nice a( ) 70. His w

27、ork is better than _.A. anyoneB. anyone elseC. anyone elsesD. anyones else( ) 71. The nurse told the children the sun _ in the east.A. risesB. roseC. will riseD. has risen( ) 72. Are you sure you have to? Its been very late. I dont know _ I can do it if not now.A. whereB. whyC. whenD. how( ) 73. Hel

28、lo, Jack! Havent seen you for a long time!John! _A. How old are you?B. How are you?C. Hows that? D. How time flies!( ) 74. I could not get through the door because there was a big stone _.A. by the way B. on the wayC. out of the wayD. in the way( ) 75. Can you lend me the book _ the other day?A. tha

29、t you talked B. you talked about itC. which you talked to D. you talked about( ) 76. You never told us why you were late for the meeting,_? _. I think it is not necessary to explain.A.werent you; NoB. did you; NoC. did you; Yes D. didnt you; No( ) 77. What is your little brother like?_. He enjoys te

30、lling jokes.A. He is tall and thin B. He is shy and quiet.C. He is outgoing and funny.D. He is strong and heavy。( ) 78. Jims father got very angry _.A. with that he had doneB. with what he had doneC. at what he had done D. at what had he done( ) 79. What are on show in the museum?Some photos _ by th

31、e children of Yushu, Qinghai.A. have been takenB. were takenC. are takenD. taken( ) 80. He didnt go to the lecture this morning, did he? _ . Though he was not feeling very well.A. No, he didntB. Yes; he didC. No, he didD. Yes, he didnt( ) 81. Have you found the information about the famous people _

32、you can use for the report?Not yet. Ill search some on the Internet.A. whoB. whatC. whomD. which( ) 82. The doctor did what he could _ the dying man. A. saveB. to saveC. savedD. saving( ) 83. The life we were used to _ greatly since 1980.A. changeB. has changedC. changingD. have changed( ) 84. These

33、 coats are different _ size.A. fromB. ofC. to D. in( ) 85.Will you join us to play basketball on Saturday afternoon?_, but I promised to go swimming with Eric.A. Never mindB. Many thanksC. Take it easyD. With pleasure( ) 86. Whom would you like to be your assistant, Jack or David?If I had to choose,

34、 David would be _ choice.A. goodB. betterC. the betterD. the best( ) 87. Where did you go on holiday this summer? England?You are _. We went on a 10-day trip to Paris.A. fuunyB. rightC. coolD.close( ) 88. Shanghai is larger than _ city in New Zealand.A. any otherB. otherC. all otherD. any( ) 89. Who

35、 is singing in the next room?_ must be Maria.A. ItB. SheC. This( ) 90.Again, my computer doesnt work._must be something wrong with the CPU.A. ThereB. ThatC. ItD. This( ) 91. She was born _ the evening of August 8, 2008.A. inB. onC. atD. with( ) 92.They preferred _ in bed rather than _ horses.A.to lie; to


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