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1、托福作文抽象加分词以及写作句型总结wellbeing 泛指一种比较良好的生活状态mechanism 政府类常用词:机制 to reform the current decision-making mechanism in the governmentalienation 疏远,形容词更加常用,be alienated from sbequilibrum 很像balance,如ecological equilibriumsimilarity 相似之处,反义词:distinctiondistinction 可以看做difference的升级版:差异。形容词distinctive指“很独特的”,接近

2、“unique”disparity 差距,gap的升级版remedy 解决方法,像solutionposterity 后代,一般只用单数,而且不加thenovelty 非常新鲜有趣的东西rarity 罕见稀有的东西commonality 共性Some friendships grow over years.Others form in an instant.The commonality of all these friendships is-the recognition of the special things we share in common.Friends assure us t

3、hat we are not alone in the world.incidence 有点像rate,但它一般是特指某种坏现象的发生率The rising incidence of obesity,cornary heart diseases and diabetesambience/atmosphere 气氛,氛围necessity 必需品或必要性luxury 奢侈,作文里有时也作“奢望”niceties 在美国是很常见的一个词,而且经常用复数,表示那种看起来很美但实际上并不是很必要的事物The niceties of technology-aimed life mean little w

4、hen our needs are simple:warmth when were cold;food when were hungry;sleep when were tired.materialistic 物质化的,非常现实的,在美国这个词经常用来描述大城市居民mediocre 平庸的,水平一般的,用来描述人或事物alarming 令人警觉的,如the alarming crime ratedisturbing 困扰人的recurring 一再出现的,一再困扰人的,后面通常跟不好的事物,比如recurring problems,recurring paindesirable 值得拥有的,在

5、作文中是代替good的上乘之选,如Foreign language skills are highly desirable/A desirable neighborhood/Its desirable that you have some familiarity with computers.adept in 指某方面技能很高abject 在写作中经常用在一些表示艰难困苦的名词之前加重程度,比如abject misery,abject povertylaborious 一般后面只能跟task或者undertaking之类表示任务或者工作的词,表示需要付出很大努力的flawed 有缺陷的,比它更

6、委婉的说法是imperfectPeople are by nature flawed.Therell always be times when our friends do things that are disappointing or hurtful to us.Sometimes these things are done on purpose;sometimes by accident.impeccable/flawless 这两个词是“无懈可击的”,perfect的近义词indiscriminate 这个词与歧视无关,而是“不加区分的,不加选择的”The indiscriminate

7、 use of chemical fertilizer has been causing serious problemsdiscriminating 这是个褒义词,指有品位,有鉴赏力的注:“歧视的”在英文里正确形式是discriminatoryoptional 可选择的,不是必须的,反义词:mandatory/compulsorychronic 长期存在的(问题),慢性的(疾病)pressing 紧迫的,比如pressing issues,pressing conscerns,有时也可以用burning/urgent代替intense 强烈的,但比strong跟strong,比如intens

8、e pressure,intense emotionsexhilarating 比exciting的程度强bitter 辛酸,辛辣的bitter experience/a bitter battle/bitter argument/a bitter disputesensible 明智,有理性的mercenary 完全就是为了钱的sweeping 席卷一切的,比如the sweeping impact of globalizationall-encompassing 包罗万象的,比如the all-encompassing information highwayrampant 猖獗的,比如ra

9、mpant crime,rampant inflationmounting 这个词同样是指负面现象大量存在,但它更多地强调依然在增加:mounting pressure,mounting conscerns,mounting criticism,mounting debtsburgeoning 发展迅猛的,比如:burgeoning population/burgeoning demand for energy让论证更有力的verbsacquire 获取 knowledge/skillsafford 注意在写作中这个词经常是offer“提供”的意思:job opportunities/a se

10、nse of achievement/protection/an uninterrupted view(没有阻碍的视线)anticipate 可以用来替换expect:anticipate changes/developments/discoveries/diffcultiesboost 提升,增加:efficiency/crop yield(农作物产量)censor 审查(多用于media类话题):films/bookscombat/address/tackle/grapple with 解决:a problem/a situationconserve 节约使用(注意和preserve“保护

11、”的区别):rescources/fresh watercultivate/foster/nurture 培养:creativity/skills/interestcurb 遏制:crime/nuclear weaponscurtail 削减:expenses开支/budgets预算display 展现(还可以用近义词demonstrate/exhibit代替):talent/abilities/potential/skillsdisseminate 传播(某种思想或者观念):ideas/thougtselevate/heighten/raise 提高:citizens awareness o

12、f公民的某种意识/the standard of living生活水平eliminate 消除:poverty贫困/injustice/weapons of mass destructionenhance 增进,美化:the cityscape市容/infrastructureenlarge 扩大:the market for products产品市场enrich 丰富:ones knowledge/biodiversity生物多样性ensure 确保:social stability社会稳定/ethnic unity民族团结expand 扩大:ones outlook眼界/domestic

13、demand内需exploit/utilize 使用,开发:natural resources/ones potentialexplore 探索:outer space外层空间/other cultures(表示不同种类的文化时culture可以用复数)fulfill 实现,完成:fulfill ones potential发挥潜力/fulfill ones dream/fulfill ones taskgenerate (大规模地)产生:employment opportunities/electricity/tax revenue税收harness 在环境类话题使用:开发(某种资源):wi

14、nd energy/solar energy/natural resourcesimplement 实施:a policyintegrate/incorporate 结合:integrate oneself into a society whose culture is so different from ones own/incorporate students suggestion onto curriculum design(课程设计)intensify 强化:regional cooperation区域合作/cultural interaction文化间的相互交流justify 让合理

15、/证实的合理性:It often seems that the amount of money that they are able to earn in a shory time cannot possibly be justified by the amount of work they do.lower 降低:costs费用/expectationsmaintain 维持:close links紧密的联系/social order社会秩序motivate 给动力:motivate students to think independently/motivate employees to

16、work hardermold 塑造:ones character性格optimize 优化:the management of sth./the distribution of resources资源配置override 比更重要:At the moment,the governments concern about poverty overrides its other conscerns.(形容词overriding也很常用,表示当前最重要的)perform/conduct 从事:scientific research科学研究multiply 成倍增加:peoples choice/em

17、ployees earningspose 在议论文里不是“摆pose”的意思,而是指对构成某种挑战或者威胁:pose a threat to构成威胁/pose a challenge构成挑战preserve 保护某种资源:natural resources自然资源/cultural heritage文化遗产promote/facilitate 促进,推动:healthy lifestyles/cultural exchanges文化交流/sustainable development可持续发展pursue 追求:maximum profit最大利润recycle 循环利用:waste/rubb

18、ishreinforce/strengthen/consolidate 增强:family bonds亲情/economic ties经济联系/ethnic solidarity民族团结release 释放:stressrelieve/ease/alleviate 减轻:traffic congestion交通堵塞/povertyremove 消除:the barrier障碍/discrimination歧视safeguard 保障(一般后面跟抽象概念):political and social stability政治社会的稳定/national cohesion民族凝聚力shift 转移:o

19、nes attention to/the focus toaccelerate 加速:pace of life生活节奏/economic growthstimulate 激发:imagination/creativity/economic developmentsynthesize 有机结合(比combine或者blend结合的更紧密):synthesize the Asian and the Western cultures/synthesize different sources of informationtranscend 超越(某种界限):national boundaries国家的

20、界限/racesupgrade 升级:the facilities/skillsuphold 支持某种事业或者价值观:our national values/justiceutilize 使用,利用,有些时候可以代替use:solar energycause 产生,导致(新托福作文中一般跟坏现象):misunderstanding误解/psychological strain心理压力/a vicious circle恶性循环corrupt 毒害:the minds of childrendeplete 消耗:natural resouces/the ozone layer(大气层中的臭氧层)d

21、isregard 无视:traditions/the lawdistort 歪曲:facts/truthdisturb 扰乱:social order社会秩序exacerbate/aggravate 导致进一步恶化:economic recession经济衰退/environmental pollutionerode 侵蚀:the cultural identity of a nation一个国家的文化特性/ones confidence信心exhaust 耗尽:energy/resourcesfuel 本意是燃料,但当动词用的时候,很像中文的“激化”,后面一般跟一个抽象名词:antagoni

22、sm敌意/conflict冲突hinder/impede/obstruct 阻碍:the development ofimpose 把某事强加给某人:impose their own will on their children/impose high taxes onjeopardize/undermine 危及,破坏(跟抽象宾语):ones future/economic prospects经济前景mutiply 激增:The amount of information has multiplied/Smoking multipies the risk of heart attacks a

23、nd other health problems.restrict/constrain 限制:the development of/ones freedomrethink 反思:their policy/their strategysap/dampen 削弱(自信等抽象名词):ones confidence/ones enthusiasm/the market demandspoil 破坏(原先很好的东西):the cityscapestifle 扼杀:creativity/potential/economic and social reformstretch 议论文中一般指过度使用,stre

24、tchto the limit为固定短语:stretch natural resources to the limit/stretch students energy to the limittarnish 玷污:ones reputation/ones imageviolate 侵犯:citizens rights/the law动词短语abide by/comply with 遵守:the law/the rules/the guidelinesattribute to/ascribe to 把归因于:They attributed their success to having a co

25、mpetent team working for them.be geared toward 指(产品,服务等)专门针对某种目的:The curriculum of this course is geared toward students who lack motivation in their studies.be stressed out 被压垮:Many students were stressed out after the serious cramming for the finalsdraw on 借鉴:others experiencegive rise to 导致(某种广泛存

26、在的负面现象):unemployment失业/inflation/debate/alienation from one another人与人之间彼此疏远give priority to 把放在优先位置:Teachers should give priority to the cultivation of students critical thinking abilityhinge on 取决于:The future of the economy hinges on whether the recession can be curbedinfrenge on侵犯:other individua

27、ls rightsmake possible sth:The new agreement makes possible potential improvements in the employees benefits regarding health and saftynail down 把弄清楚,确定nibble away at 逐渐消减:Even though inflation is low in America these days,it still nibbles away at our savings.open up(opportunities) 开启:These discover

28、ies will open up almost unlimited possibilities for our lives.prevail over:作文中一般是“战胜,克服”:Our inner strength will enable us to prevail over lifes obstacles.spur sb. on to sth 激励某人继续前进(注意to是介词):This success will spur students on to greater achievementssqueeze in 把勉强塞入:Life is hectic(超级忙碌的).We can bare

29、ly squeeze in the time to exercise.And when we do,we feel guilty that were not doing the hundred other things on our to-do list.写作句型be supposed to 在写作和口语考试中都可以用来替换should:In fact,going on a diet is supposed to be more than just eating little.It should also be about eating healthily.hold fast to 这里的fa

30、st不是“快速的”,而是“坚实地”,这个句型完整的意思是“牢牢地把握住”:In his biography,the message of perserverance and holding fast to ones dreams in the face of adversity is very strongput a premiumon/put emphasis on/attach great importance to 珍视bear in mind 牢记 :Bear in mind that the next generation of cell phones is just around

31、the corner(很快就要到来)be based on/on the basis of 基于be not carved in stone 某事不是一成不变的go a long way 非常有效:Sincere praise,encouragement and appreciation go a long way-even just saying “thank you” leaves a lasting impressiongive sb.the credit for 把归功于某人:Its generally recognized that Edward Jenner should be g

32、iven the credit for defeating the disease of smallpox.draw on 借鉴(经验等):As a friend and mentor,she drew on humor,a beautiful spirit and her faith in the Aboriginal culture to accomplish her workboost efficiency/productivity 提高效率/生产率:Automation substantially boosts productivity even though it may make

33、jobs even more stressfulgive sb. a competitive edge 给某人竞争优势:Foreign language skills give people people a competitive edge in this age of globalizationis a gateway to 是通向某一目标的途径:students performance on standardized tests has become a gateway to the opportunities that lie before a student when they co

34、mplete their studies.expand ones outlook 开阔某人的眼界:Encouraging students to study a foreign language is a way to expand their outlook and raise their cultural awareness.is a good vehicle for 这里的vehicle不是交通工具,而是承载信息的手段:Humor is generally considered a good vehicle for cross-cultural communicationgenerate

35、 (employment)opportunities创造(就业)机会:International trade can generate more employment opportunities for the domestic job marketassume/shoulder the responsibility for 承担起的责任:Educators should assume the responsibility for ensuring that cultural,language and learning differences are addressed in teaching

36、.be mindful of 基本就等于“关注”,写作里用来代替pay attention to不错:The big companies should be more mindful of and sensitive to the environmental needs of the local communities.a wealth of 大量(有益的东西),特别是当它后面跟一些抽象名词的时候:The library brightened up the kids drab lives,offering them a wealth of educational entertainment a

37、nd an atmosphere in which they can enjoy itis a lifelong process 是持续一生的过程:Learning has become a learning process,not just because of the individual needs,but aslo because of the ever-increasing pressure.fulfill ones potential 发挥某人的潜力,近义:stretch sb./make sb.stretch:There is no shame in not meeting al

38、l of our goals,as long as our goals make us stretch.For example,if we want to run a marathon in under three hours,well train differently than if we want to run it in four hours;My present job doesnt stretch me,so Im looking for something more demanding.from within 来自内心深处:when you feel uncomfortable

39、with your circumstances,listen to yourself,your own experiences,your own thoughts and your gifts from within,which are real and true.remove the barrier for 为(发展,交流等)消除障碍:Machine translation was intended to help remove the barrier for communication between people who do not speak the same languagebe

40、in tune with 与一致,与和谐keep pace with 与同步发展promote the development of 促进的发展:The extensive use of English as a global language has helped promote the development of a host of(大量的)international organizationsraise peoples awareness of 提高人们的某种意识:The electronic media,therefore,have the obligation to help ra

41、ise the public awareness of the crisis.has found ones niche 这是一个特美式的表达找到了属于自己的一片天地,比如适合自己的工作或者事业等,或者公司找到了适合自己的定位:Chris has found his niche as a high-school baseball coach.be the cornerstone of 是的基石:The strong belief in individualism has been the cornerstone of America throughout its history.be the b

42、edrock of:Marriage and children are the bedrock of family life.be an essential ingredient of 是的必备条件:The development of new products is an essential ingredient of corporate successplay a pivotal/crucial role in 在中起关键作用A is an essential/integral/indispensable part of B A是B不可缺少的一部分Over the past decades

43、,digital technology has emerged as an essential part of our everyday life at work and at home.Parents are an indispensable part of preschool educationis part and parcel of 是最核心的部分sharpen ones intellect 提高某人用知识去分析问题的能力:Our friends are not all the same:One friend brings out our athletic side-we run or

44、 go to the gym together.Another sharpens our intellect with debate and discussion.Yet another is our favorite campanion for going to the movies or out to dinner.be a positive alternative 某事是有益的替代方式:Clearly,this is a positive alternative for motivated parents and their children.the mainstream of 主流Du

45、e to the ever-increasing concern over climate change,environmental ideas have been absorbed into the mainstream of American politics.But what truly matters is action,not talk,as President Obama aptly remarked about the Copenhagen Accordafford people the sense of belonging/the sense of fulfillment/th

46、e sense of achievement 给人们归属感/成就感:The sense of belonging to a team or a working community aslo contributes to job satisfaction as colleagues help each other enjoy their working lives.is a main driving force behind 是的主要推动力:Competition has been a main driving force behind productivity throughout the h

47、istory of the market-oriented economy.reverse the damage to 挽回对的破坏is a perfect complement to 是对的极好补充be in accordance with 与一致,符合,类似的表达还有be in line with和be in keeping with:The authorities must ensure that things proceed in accordance with the law.反义:be incompatible with/be at odds with/clash withinje

48、ct into 把注入,赋予:Even though the word fairness is somewhat elusive(飘忽不定的),Americans have managed to inject many meanings into itexplore every avenue toward 去探索完成的各种途径:The American government will explore every avenue toward peace in this regionawaken the conscience of society 唤起社会的良知或者责任感unravel the mystery/the detail of 解释清楚本来很难理解的情况:Life science has not completely u


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