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1、传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!剑桥国际少儿英语5级重点剑桥国际少儿英语五级Welcome to our ezine1. Words: like , live ,sport ,lunch ,home ,read , magazines ,play ,use ,internet , Science , Histor ,Geography , language , exam , dictionay language , exam ,dictionary.2.3. Phrase : school subjects , musical Instrument , near scho

2、ol. Sentences : Nice to meet you !How do you spell words?Is it ?What is it ?Can you hear me ?Unit 1 Time for television.1. Words : cartoon, weather , doumerrtary , news , comedy , series , sport ,. quiz cortoon , weather , sport , interesting , exciting , bering , good , bad ,funny , past , arrive ,

3、 wait , knock.2. Phrase : quarter to , quarter past , have lunch /breakfast /supper , get up, music videos ,comedy programme , quiz show , turn on /off , play with , livingroom , more than.3. Sentences :Three times a week .Its quarter toIts quarter pastWhat time is it?Its half pastWhos there?Whats h

4、appening?Unit 2 People at work1. Words : secretary , footballer , actor ,journalist , cook , writer , mechanic, nurse pilot , Dentist , Footballer , mechanic , nurse , Phrase : do ones best , all day , play tennis , play football, ,wake up ,watch TV, write about , burn down , look at , computer sale

5、 , at the firestation,wear a uniform , grow up .3. Sentences: 主 be going to be 职业What be 主 going to Where be 主 going to Who be 主 going to When be 主 going to What time be 主 going to Unit 3 City life1. Words :right , left , comer , past ,along ,across , bridge , museum, station, map , bus , behind cin

6、ema , market , library, park,bank,cafe , street ,river , taxi , hotel , airport ,restaurant , castle , theatre supermarket,2. Phrases :straight on , go along ,on the left /right ,turn left /right into ,bus stop,swimming pool , bus station ,city zoo,shoe shop, sweet shop ,trainstation,fire station ,

7、book shop, toy shop, music shop, fruit shop ,police station ,post offince.3. sentences:You are hereTake the second street on the left .Go straight on Whats on the left/right /corner?Wheres 地点Unit 4 Disaster!1. Words:weather , listen , tsunami,hurricane , volcano , earthquake, icebury , storn , janua

8、ry ,february , march , April , may , june , july , august ,september , october , november , december .2. Phrases :listen to , have a picnic ,on the radio , fell off , climb up , on the sea , a piece of cake , feel ill , at the beach , come down , in the forest/the town.3. Sentences :Were you listeni

9、ng to the weather We were lstening to the radio.We were listening to Were you naving a piuntc?On 年份 月份 日份Its 月份What can you see?Whos there?Unit 5 material things1. Words: wood , gold , glass , card , paer , wool , metal , silver , plastic , material , rubber , bone , stone , leather , brick , weigh

10、, recycle .2. Phrases : see through , be made of,walk through ,class windows ,Here it is .3. Sentences: The mice are made of chocolate The spider isnt made of fur . What are they made of ? Everythings material. Everything we see.4. Grammar: 主 be made of 材质 What be 主 made of ?Unit1. 6 Senses Words: l

11、ook ,feel,taste ,smell , sound , flour , pizza, salt , pepper, knife , fork , spoon , plate , sense . Phrases: feel , sound like , taste like , smell like . Sentences: What does it feel like ? It feels like What does it feel like looks like? What do you thinklooks like ? Itsounds like It feels soft.

12、 So do I4. Grammar: What does it 感觉的词 like? It looks/feels 等感觉的词 like So do I -我也一样!Unit1. 7 Natural world Words: extinct , wings , spots , spotted , stripes , striped.,butterfly ,insect, go , stop , drop, jump, climb , run, clean , walk,put , should , garden,brrds , trees , play .2.3. Phrases:on th

13、e grass, in a bin , get out , wait for , Sentences: People should take their rubbish with them. They shouldnt leave it on the grass What should we do about this ? eat ahealthy breakfast.4. Grammar: should /shouldnt 动词原形 Wait for sb /sth. What should you do ?World of Sport Words:Golf , athletics , sn

14、owboarding , skiing, sledging , hill , spring , summer, autumn , winter , snowball. Phrases: in the spring /summer /autumn /winter sledge down , play golf ,come up Sentences:Weve done it . He hasnt lost . Have you ever won a prize? What has she done ? What have theydone? Dont just sit.4. Grammar:主 have/has 动词的现在完成式。 主 have/has 动词的现在完成式。 现在完成式变疑问句时,have提前。 Its good to do sth. Love to do Love 名词


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