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1、传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!不规则动词过去式am/is was arewere have/hashad do/doesdid cancould willwould shallshouldswimswam singsang ringrang sitsat comecame givegave runran drinkdrank becomebecame beginbegan buybought bringbrought catchcaught thinkthought teachtaughtsendsent buildbuilt gowent spendspent los

2、elost lendlent meanmenat sweepswept feelfelt learnlearnt/learned smellsmelt sleepslept putput cutcut hithit readread hurthurt letlet beatbeat costcost writewrote riderode riserose winwon drivedrove speakspoke getgot forgetforgot choosechose sellsold wakewoke breakbrokeflyflew/flied blowblew drawdrew

3、 knowknew throwthrew growgrew seesaw saysaid holdheld taketook understandunderstood standstood maymight meetmet eatate leaveleft wearwore hearheard makemade hanghung lielay fallfell digdug findfound stealstole常用单词人称代词第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称句中位置主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey句首、句末宾格meyouhimheritsusyouthem动词、

4、介词之后形代myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词之前名代mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs后不加名词反身代词myselfyourselfhimselfherselfitselfourselvesyourselvesthemselves通常与by连用一、 人称代词二、 基数词One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thi

5、rty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand million billion三、 常用动词listen say speak talk read write play sing dance swim jump run eat stand sit fly see look watch go come want like love visit四、 常用疑问词what when where which who whose how how many how much how old how long how big how fa

6、r what time what colour what number how often 五、 Be动词、助动词、情态动词Be动词 am is was are were助动词 do does did情态动词 can could will would shall should may might have got has got must need等六、 颜色black write red green yellow orange pink brown purple七、 交通工具car plane bus boat ship train bike bicycle taxi 八、 常见水果(fru

7、it)apple pear banana orange watermelon mango tomato peach grape strawberry九、 动物(animal)dog cat duck chick bird fish panda snake lion parrot dragon tiger monkey elephant bear owl goose horse 十、 文具bag book pen pencil ruler chair desk eraser paper pencil-box dictionary sharpener十一、 星期、天及季节(weekdayseaso

8、n )Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sundayspring summer autumn/fall winter十二、 月份(month)January February March April May June July August September October November December十三、 时间morning afternoon evening tonight night year tomorrow minute today yesterday weekend holiday 十四、 身体部位ear

9、hand arm eye head foot mouth leg nose hair shoulder face finger lip十五、 家庭dad father mum mother brother sister grandpa grandma grandmother grandfather consin parents aunt uncle nephew 十六、 职业teacher doctor driver nurse farmer pupil worker policeman student dancer fireman十七、 指示代词this that these those h

10、ere there十八、 天气warm hot cool cold rainy sunny windy cloudy snowy wet dry 十九、 常见形容词fat thin tall short long small big old young little strong large light nice new lovely funny clever good bad cute naughty beautiful easy difficult hard 二十、 介词In on at behind front between under after before for near ab

11、out above to next to from 二十一、 国家China Japan England France America Canada Australia Mexico Spain Italy Korea Germany Greece India Russia二十二、 衣物shirt T-shirt sweater coat trousers pants jeans skirt dress hat cap sock shorts underwear shoe二十三、 食物rice meat egg bread cake biscuit noodle milk fish ice c

12、ream chocolate cheese hot dog sausage chips moon cake juice sweet tea corn beaf soup fast food dumping 二十四、 节目Spring Festival Lantern Festival Dragon Boot Festival(端午节) Mid-Autumn Festival Christmas Womens Day Childrens Day Teachers Day Thanksgiving(万圣节) Halloween(感恩节)二十五、 学科maths Chinese English PE/art/music Lesson science geography history Olympic Maths computer chemistry


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