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1、牛津小学英语6B期末测试卷牛津小学英语六年级下学期口语测试要求一、Free talk (6 %,师生共同完成,注意营造宽松的环境和气氛)所涉及语言功能:人物描述、物品描述、谈论过去、咨询、谈论气候、课外生活、介绍等以及3A-6A的语言功能项目。此项测试主要考查学生的日常交际和情景反应能力。教师和学生的交流均要求灵活,尽量避免与课本知识雷同,同时应注意文明礼貌用语的使用。对话不少于5个来回。参考测试样(建议教师根据学生的反应,灵活调整话题):T: Hello/How are you.? S: Response.T: Your English is better this term, I thin

2、k.S: Response.T: Do you do morning exercise every day?S: Response.T: Really? Who is strongerthan all of you?S: Response.T: Why?S: Response.T: , I think.S: Response.二、Ask and answer(5 %,师生共同完成,可以使用图片、实物等辅助测试)所涉及话题:外表比较、动作比较、问路、月分和季节、打算、人物介绍等以及3A-6A所涉及的话题。此项测试主要考查学生的情景反应和即兴语言表达能力。教师应鼓励学生尽可能多说,只要能达到相互沟

3、通,就应给予肯定。问答不少于5个来回。有条件的学校可以根据学生实际增加内容。 参考测试样:T:Excuse me, can you tell me the way to(可出示地图)?S: Response.T:You mean I should?S: Response.T:I want to get there faster, how?S: Response.T:But I also want to go to?S: Response.三、Say something about (6 %,主要由学生完成,可以使用图片、实物等)此项测试主要考查学生综合语言运用能力。教师可以让学生预先准备4-5

4、个话题,其内容要求涵盖体育活动、课外生活、事情描述、季节与生活等。要求学生独立完成,教师应鼓励学生用自己的语言进行叙述, 描述词语不少于8句。有条件的学校可以根据学生实际,让学生临时抽话题,在准备23分钟后进行测试。参考测试样(要求在测试前为学生创设一定的语境):T1I went to see my grandpa last Sunday Would you like to tell me?T2I think do more exercise will be good for us, so I Would you like to tell me?T3I like spring best bec

5、ause Would you please?四、Song or rhyme(3 %)此项测试可以随堂或课外进行,可以采用两人或三人组合的形式完成。在测试前教师对学生要提出要求,在测试中要注意吐词、音准、节奏是否准确、悦耳。注:教师在口语测试中应尽可能运用眼神、手势等体态语言帮助学生理解测试要求及内容,以保证测试顺利进行;在测试时,教师可以根据学生的实际情况和需要变换四项测试内容以及测试的顺序(对学习上有困难的学生可以适当降低要求并可以提供再测的机会);在测试中教师还应争取做到各项目之间不要有明显断痕,保证测试的自然流畅。结合过程评价,鼓励部分学生免试。口语测试总分为20分,测试要求在期末检测的

6、卷试前两周完成并统一登分,以便计入期末测试的总成绩。牛津小学英语6B期末测试题 姓名_ 班级_ 学号_题号口试(20%)听力部分(20%)笔试部分(60%)总分一二三四一二三四五六得分注:口试成绩按照“口语测试要求”统一登分。听力部分(20)一听录音,选出你所听到的内容(听两遍)1( )ABCD2( )ABCD3( )ABCD4( )ABCD5( )ABCD6( )ABCD二听录音,按所听内容顺序编序号(听两遍)( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )三听录音,判断正误,用“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误(听两遍)1( )2( )3( )4( )5( )6( )7( )8( )9( )1

7、0( )四听录音,选择正确答案(听三遍)( )1. Mr Green comes from _.A. B. C.D. ( )2. He likes children and teaching _, too.A. B.C.D. ( )3. _ is Mr Greens hobby.A.B.C.D. ( )4. Mr Green went to the _ yesterday.A.B.C.D.( )5. Now, it is _ and they are going to have a lesson.A.B.C.D.笔试部分(60)一默读下列句子,写出句子中含有所给单词划线部分相同读音单词1.Th

8、e nurse in white skirt gave me a purse she picked up at work.bird nurse_ _ _ _2. The old woman with a yellow bag is walking slow in the snow.bowl_ _ _ _3. David had no time to say goodbye and went home by bike.write_ _ _ _4. All right, you can come to the sports meeting with your daughter thisSunday

9、 afternoon.tall_ _ _ _5. Many people have bread and milk for their breakfast every morning.pen_ _ _ _二根据提示写词,完成句子(每空一词)1.The womans t_ but the mans t_.2.The bears b_ but the elephants _.3.The papers l_ and the pumpkins h_.4.This sign _ _! You must stay away.6. Its very h_ in s_ in Nanjing and its ve

10、ry c_ in w_, too.7. This mans _ _ PE, so hes very s_.三在下栏中找出上栏适当的应答,将序号写在题前的括号内( ) 1. Whens Childrens Day?( ) 2.Yesterday was my birthday. ( ) 3.Its the 10th of September.( ) 4. What date is it today?( ) 5.I like drinking green tea.( ) 6. What else did you do? ( ) 7.Who are these apples from? ( ) 8.

11、Whose watch is it?( ) 9.What did you do on Sunday?( )10.You are late, Jim. What time did you get up?A. Theyre from Grandparents.B. My grandma likes it too.C. We also went to see Mr Green.D. Its on the 1st of June.E. We went to the park to fly kites.F. Its hers, I think.G. Sorry, I didnt know. Did yo

12、u have a party? H. Its the 3rd of January.I. Shall we buy some presents for our Chinese teacher?J. I got up at 6:30, but the traffic was heavier than yesterday and the bus went slower.四选择填空 ( ) 1. Look, there are _ many people in this zoo! A. veryB. moreC. soD. much( )2. There is a storybook _ you _

13、 Mr Green. A. for, fromB. from, toC. to, fromD. for, with( ) 3. Usually, our _ arms are _ than the _ ones. A. right, stronger, leftB. right, as, leftC. left, heavier, rightD. left, stronger, right( ) 4. Jims family _ not at home yesterday. They went to the park. A. isB. areC. wasD. were( ) 5. A: _ a

14、 beautiful skirt youve got!B: Thanks a lot. A. ItB. TheyC. HowD. What ( ) 6. Would you like to show us how to _ a horse? A. drawB. drewC. drawsD. drawing( ) 7. We have no lessons _ Saturdays or Sundays. A. inB. atC. on D. every( ) 8. Nancy is _ a dance lesson now. She _ Chinese dances every Friday a

15、fternoon. A. having, learns B. having, learn C. has, learningD. have, learns( ) 9. A: Thank you for your help.B: _ A. Really?B. No thanks. C. Thank you. D. Youre welcome.( ) 10. A: _ is the book from?B: Its from Mike. A. WhoseB. WhenC. WhoD. What( ) 11. A: Who _ the my desk? B: Perhaps Tom did. A. c

16、leanB. cleansC. cleanedD. is cleaning( ) 12. A: Does your father like drawing?B: Yes, _. A. he doesB. he isC. he did D. he likes ( ) 13. A: How do you go to school every day?B: _ by bike, but _ on foot.A. Usually, oftenB. Usually, sometimesC. Sometimes, oftenD. Often, usually ( ) 14. A: _B: Id like

17、some tea.A. Would you like some tea?B. What can I do for you?C. Whats your hobby?D. I like tea.五根据提示完成对话(每空一词)1.A: Excuse me, _ you _ _ _ _ to the shopping center?B: Go along this street, _ _ _ the fourth crossing and the shopping center is _ your _. A:Thank you.B: Thats all right.2.A:_ _ is it toda

18、y?B:Its the 3rd of August. Yesterday _ my birthday. A:Really? _ you have a birthday party?B: Of course, a big one!A:_ _ you _ at the party?B:Some of my _ came to my home and they gave me lots ofbirthday _. Mum _ some delicious food and we _ a lot. A: You _ a good time, I think.B:Yes, we _ songs and

19、_ games together, too.六阅读,判断正误,回答问题并完成表格12 Jinling Graden35 Beijing RoadNanjing 210018Jiangsu, China21 MayDear MaryI saw your name in the newspaper, you asked for penfriends in China. I would like to be your penfriend.I am twelve years old. I live in Nanjing. I am a student at Liuyuan Primary School

20、. We study Chinese, English, Maths, Science, Art, PE and some other subjects. My favouite subjects are Maths and PE. I like playing the guitar, collecting stamps and taking photos. I like summer best because my favourite sport is swimming. I will finish primary school soon and go to a middle school

21、this year. My family is not so big. There are five people in it: my grandfather, my father, my mother, my little sister and I. My father is an engineer, my mother is a doctor. My grandfather was a policeman and now he is retired(退休). My sister is a student of Grade(年级) 4 in my school. We live in an

22、old house. Near our house, there is a beautiful park. Our family often take a walk in the park after supper.I would like to know something about you and the UK. Please write to me soon. My e-mail address is L. My fax and telephone number is 86-25-82011853.With best wishesYu Ren A. 根据所给提示判断正误,用“T”或“F

23、”表示1.Mary is an English girl.( )2.There are six people in Yu Rens family.( )3.Yu Rens father was a policeman.( )4.Yu Ren and his sister study in different classes.( )5.Yu Rens family often have a talk after supper.( )6.Yu Ren will be a middle school student this year.( )B. 根据所给提示回答下列问题1. Is Yu Rens

24、sister older or younger than him? _2. What are his parents jobs?_3. Why does Yu Ren write this letter?Because_C. 根据所给提示用英语完成虞仁同学的个人简历表Name:Age:Telephone and fax number:School: Favourite subjects:Hobbies:Favourite sport:Favourite season:Favourite food:Penfriends name牛津小学英语6B听力内容及参考答案听力内容一听录音,选出你所听到的内

25、容(听两遍)1. a camera 2. windy 3. winter 4. a snowman 5. go skiing6. surf the Internet二听录音,按所听内容顺序编序号(听两遍)1. I can run faster than him. 2. This bus is for the supermarket, granny.3. Id like this dress for the party, Mum.4.The teachers office is over there, near the library.5. We like having snowball fig

26、hts with our friends in winter.6. The pumpkin on the left is lighter than the one on the right.7. My kite flies low but yours flies lower.8. We are going to plant trees tomorrow morning. Id like you to join us.三听录音,判断正误,用“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误(听两遍)1. A: The rabbits ears are longer.B: Yes, and the dogs ears

27、 are shorter.2.A: What did you do yesterday?B: We worked on a farm.3.A: Wheres my mobile phone?B: It was beside your CD Walkman a moment ago.4. A: Does your grandfather like doing exercise?B: Yes, he likes doing exercise in the park every morning.5. A: What does that sign mean?B: It means we should

28、stay away from that building.6. A: Do you like making snowmen in winter?B: Yes, very much.7. A: Who runs faster in your class?B: Liu Tao does, I think.8. A: What are the girls doing now? B: They are playing football in the playground. 9. A: Mum, can I have an envelope?B: What for, dear?A: Im going t

29、o write a letter.B: OK, here you are. 10.A: Are you making model planes?B: No, were making puppets.A: Are you going to give a puppet show?B: Right, we are going to give it tomorrow afternoon.四听录音,选择正确答案(听三遍)Hello, boys and girls. Im your new teacher. Im from Australia. My names Jim Green. You can ca

30、ll me Mr Green or Jim. Im forty-two years old. I like children and I like teaching English, too. Maybe, you want to know my hobbies. Yes, I like swimming, traveling, taking photos and reading books. Yesterday, I went to the zoo and I took many photos there. You can have a look after class. Its half

31、past nine now. Shall we have our class? OK, lets begin.参考答案听力部分(20分)一(6分)1C 2D 3B 4C 5D 6A二(4分)1,8,5,2,7,4,3,6三(5分)1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. F 9. T 10. T四(5分)1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. A笔试部分(60分)一(5分,每小题只需写对3个单词就给满分)1. nurse, skirt, purse, work2. old, yellow, slow, snow3. time, goodbye, by,

32、bike4. all, sports, your, daughter5. many, bread, breakfast, every二(15分) 1. tall, taller 2. big, bigger 3. light/lighter, heavy/heavier 4. means, Danger 5. hot, summer, cold, winter 6. good, at, strong三(10分)1.D 2.G 3.I 4.H 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.F 9.E 10.J四 (7分)1.C 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.C 1

33、2.A 13.B 14.B五(12分)1. can, tell, me, the, way, turn, left, at, on, right 2. What, date, was, Did, What, did, do, friends/classmates, presents, made/cooked, ate, had, sang, played六(共11分)A. (3分)1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.TB. (3分)1. Shes younger than Yu Ren. 2.His father is an engineer and his mother is a d

34、octor. 3. Because he wants to be Marys penfriend.C. 根据所给提示用英语完成虞仁同学的个人简历表(5分)Name:Yu RunAge:12Telephone and fax number:86-25-82011853School:Liuyuan Primary SchoolFavourite subjects:Maths and PEHobbies:playing the guitar, collecting stamps and taking photosFavourite sport:swimmingFavourite season:summerFavourite food:Sorry, I dont know. 或者加一“”Penfriends nameMary注:Favourite food一栏主要考查学生的反应能力,所以一定要有相应说明表示:他或她没有得到相关信息,否则不给分。14


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