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1、大学英语四级考试最新版高频词汇及短语available意 义 a.现成可使用的,在手边的,可利用的;可取得联系的,可得到的构 词 a(to)+vail(value,价值)+able(后缀)-有利用价值的-可利用的搭 配 make sth. available to/for 使可以享受某物;使.买得起某物the only available room 唯一可用的房子;辨 析 available a. 现成可使用的,在手边的,可利用的handy a. 手边的,就近的,便利的,敏捷的at hand 在手边,在附近,即将到来真 题 Convenience foods which are already

2、 prepared for cooking are_in grocery stores.A)ready B)approachable C)probable D) available 答案DIn general,the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth of the total _for living expense.A)acceptable B)available C)advisable D)applicable 答案Bcharge意 义 n.控告,指控;主管,看管;费用,价钱;负荷,电荷,

3、充电vt.索价,要.支付;控告,指控;使承担(任务、责任等);使负荷,使充电搭 配 in charge of 主管,看管in(under)the charge of 在的掌管下charge sb.with 指控某人charge(sb.)(money)for sth. 要价,要(某人)付.(钱)买某物take charge 开始管理,接管a positive/negative charge 正/负电荷be on charge 正充电at modest charges 以公道的价格charge for trouble 手续费charge a battery 给电池充电辨 析 accuse accu

4、se 指的是严重程度不等的犯罪或冒犯行为,accuse与介词of连用,charge charge所指的是正式控告或指责具有违法性质的行为,charge与介词with搭配.真 题 She was complaining that the doctor was _too much for the treatment he was giving her.A)expending B)offering C)costing D)charging 答案DThis hotel _$60 for a single room with bath.A)charges B)demands C)prices D)cla

5、ims 答案Aeffect意 义 n.结果、效果; v.实现、使生效变 形 effective 有效的,生效的,起作用的;给人印象深刻的;实际的,事实上的effectively 有效地、起作用地搭 配 bring/carry/put into effect 实行、实现take effective measures 采取有效措施effective range 有效射程;effective ways of reducing pollution 降低污染的有效方法;take effect 生效、起作用to the effect that 大意是effective 有效的、起作用的in effect

6、实际上、实质上come/go into effect 生效to no effect 无效;毫无结果辨析 effectconsequence effect 指明显的原因所产生的后果。consequence 可指没有明确原因的后果或效果。effective valid effective 表示能产生实际的效果。valid 指仍为权威部门认可,可以继续使用,是法律用语。真 题 They took _ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.A) fruitful B) beneficial C) valid D) effective 答案D

7、Though the long-term_ can not be predicted, the project has been approved by the committee.A)affect B)effect C)result D)consequence 答案BThe new appointment of our president _from the very beginning of next semester.A)takes effect B)takes part C)takes place D)takes turn 答案Atransmit意 义 vt.播送、发射;传送、传染构

8、词 trans(从到.)+mit(发送)变 形 transmission 播送、发射 ;传送、传染搭 配 transmit knowledge from one generation to another 把知识由一代传给另一代transmission of news 消息的传播;transmit news by radio 由无线电发送消息真 题 American football and baseball are becoming known to the British public through televised _ from the United States.A)transfe

9、r B) deliveries C) transportation D) transmissions 答案DSome diseases are _ by certain water animals.A) transplanted B) transformed C) transported D)transmitted 答案DCommunication is the process of_a message from a source to an audience via a channel.A)transmitting B)submitting C)transforming D)switchin

10、g 答案ACultural_indicates that human beings hand theirs languages down from one generation to another.A)translation B )transition C)transmission D)transaction 答案Crelate意 义 vi.有关联;适应,和睦相处;vt.使互相关联;讲述,叙述变 形 relative 相关的,有关的;相对的,比较的;亲属all human values are relative,so beauty is relative to the beholders e

11、yes.relatively 相关地,有关地;相对地,比较地relation 亲属搭 配 relate to/with 有关联relative to 有关,涉及in/with relation to 有关,涉及close/near relation 近亲distant relation 远亲真 题 It is difficult to_cause and effect in this case.A)unite B)think C)relate D)describe Ctake搭 配 take after 与相象take apart 拆开(机器等)takeas 把理解为take away 拿走,

12、夺去,使离去;减去take down 取下;记下;拆卸take for 认为,以为;误认为take on 接受;包含;领会;承担,从事;呈现,具有;开始雇佣take into account 把考虑进去take issue with sb. 与某人争论take off 拿走;脱下(衣帽等);起飞take oneself off 走开,离去take up 拿起;着手处理;占去take sb. to task 责备某人,申斥某人take to 开始;对产生好感;形成的习惯take up 占去,占据;开始从事take over 占据;接任(职位)take out 拿出;去掉;扣除;(通过申请等)取得

13、,办理;(on)对.发泄take out loans 借贷take aback 使吃惊,使困惑take back 收回(说错的话);使回忆起take in 接受,接纳,吸收;包括;领会,理解;欺骗take effect 生效take turns 轮流take up with 与.成为朋友take out on 对.发泄真 题 The new appointment of our president _from the very beginning of next semester.A) takes effect B) takes part C) takes place D) takes tur

14、ns 答案AFrequently single-parent children _some of the functions that the absent adult in the house would have served.A) take off B) take after C) take in D) take on 答案DOur son doesnt know what to _at the university; he cant make up his mind about his future.A) take in B)take over C) take up D) take a

15、fter 答案BId _ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.A) take into account B) account for C) make up for D) make out 答案A出现18次的短语词汇turn搭 配 turn away 走开;把脸转过去turn ones back on 不理睬turn out 生产;驱逐;翻转turn on 开,旋

16、开(电灯等)turn off 关(水源等);拐弯turn into 进入;使变成,使成为turn in 转身进入;拐入;交出;上床睡觉turn down 关小,调低;拒绝turn sbs blood cold 使毛骨悚然turn against 对采取敌对态度by turns 轮流,交替take turns 依次,轮流on the turn 正在转变中turn back (使)折回;(使)往回走turn around/round 转变,(使)转好in turn 依次,轮流;转而,反过来turn up 出现;找到;证明是turn to 变成;求助于;着手;查阅turn over (机器等)运转;

17、翻过来;仔细考虑真 题 Lets not wait any longer, he might not _at all.A)turn over B)turn up C)turn on D)turn down 答案BThe French pianist who had been praised very highly _to be a great disappointment .A)turned up B)turned in C)turned out D)turned down 答案CThis popular sports car is now being _at the rate of a th

18、ousand a week.A)turned down B)turned out C)turned up D)turned on 答案BFaced with all the difficulties, the girl _her mother for comfort.A)turned over B)turned form C)turned to D)turned up 答案CUnder the present system, state enterprises must_ all profits to the governmentA) turn down B)turn up C)turn out D)turn in DEverything we eat and drink contains some salt; we can meet the bodys need for it from natural sources without turning_ the salt bottle.A)to B)over C)on D)up答案 A


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