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1、班级: 姓名:温馨提示:按要求复习至少10遍以上,认真复习一遍,在里打一勾,以便更好地观察复习进度与深度,遍数越多越好!加油!PEP4总复习资料一.要求听说认读的单词first floor 一楼 second floor 二楼 teachers office 教师办公室library 图书馆playground 操场computer room 计算机房art room 美术教室music room 音乐教室breakfast 早餐English class 英语课lunch 午餐music class 音乐课PE class 体育课dinner 晚餐get up 起床go to school

2、去上学go home 回家go to bed 上床睡觉cold 寒冷的cool 凉爽的warm 温暖的hot 热的sunny 阳光充足的windy 多风的cloudy 阴天的snowy 下雪的rainy 阴雨的tomato 西红柿potato 马铃薯green beans 豆角carrot 胡萝卜horse 马cow 母牛sheep 绵羊hen 母鸡clothes 衣服pants 裤子hat 帽子dress 连衣裙skirt 女裙coat 外衣sweater 毛衣sock 短袜shorts 短裤jacket 夹克衫shirt 衬衫gloves 手套scarf 围巾umbrella雨伞 sung

3、lasses 太阳镜pretty 美观的expensive 昂贵的cheap 便宜的nice 好的二.要求理解会背的对话1.Excuse me. Wheres the teachers office? 打扰一下。教师办公室在哪里? Its on the second floor. 它在二楼。 OK. Thanks. 好的,谢谢。 Hi. Is this the teachers office? 你好。这是教师办公室吗? No, it isnt. The teachers office is next to the library. 不,它不是。教师办公室在图书馆旁边。 Hi, Miss Whi

4、te. Heres my homework. 白老师,你好。这是我的家庭作业。 Thank you, Mike. 谢谢你,迈克。 Bye, Miss White. 再见,白老师。2.Welcome to our school! This is my classroom. 欢迎来到我们学校!这是我的教室。 Its so big! 它真大呀!How many students are there in your class? 你的班级有多少学生? Forty-five students. 四十五个学生。 Is that the computer room? 那是计算机教室吗? No it isnt

5、. Its the teachers office. 不,它不是。它是教师办公室。 Do you have a library? 你们有一个图书馆吗? Yes, we do. 是的,我们有。 Its on the second floor. 它在二楼。 This way, please. 请这边走。3. Hi! School is over. 嗨!放学啦。Lets go to the playground. 我们去操场吧。 OK. 好的。 What time is it now? 现在几点了? Its 5 oclock. 5点了。 Time to go home, kids. 孩子们,该回家了

6、。 What time is it? 几点了? Its 6 oclock. 6点了。 Its time for dinner. 该吃晚饭了。 Oh! Lets go! 噢,我们走吧!4. Oh! Its 6:30. 噢,六点半了。 Its time to get up. 该起床了。 Breakfast is ready. 早餐准备好了。 Hurry up! Its time to go to school. 快点!该上学了。 OK. 好的。 What time is it? Its 8 oclock. 几点了?8点了。 Its time for English class. 该上英语课了。 I

7、m ready. 我准备好了。5. Mum, what time is it? Its 11:00. 妈妈,现在几点了?11点了。 Can I go outside now? 我能出去吗?No, you cant. Its cold outside. 不,不可以。外面很冷。 Have some lunch, Mike. 迈克,吃午饭吧。 OK. 好的。 Can I have some soup? 我能喝一点汤吗? Yes, you can. 是的,可以。 Be careful! 当心! Its very hot. 它很烫。 6. Hi, Chen Jie! This is Mark. 你好陈洁

8、,我是马克。 Hi, Mark. 你好,马克。 Wahts the weather like in New York? 纽约天气怎样? Its rainy. 下雨的。 How about Beijing? 北京的天气怎么样? Is it cold? 冷吗? No, it isnt. 不,不冷。 Its 26 degrees. 这里26度。 26 degrees! 26度! Thats cold! 那很冷! Huh? No, its not. Its warm. 哈,不冷,很暖和。 7. Look at these! 快看这些! Are these carrots? 这些是胡萝卜吗?Yes, t

9、hey are. 是的,它们是。Wow! Theyre so big! 哇!它们好大!What are these? 这些是什么? Theyre tomatoes. 它们是西红柿。But theyre yellow! 但是它们是黄色的! Try some! 试试看!Theyre good. 它们很不错。Thanks. Yum. 谢谢。味道不错。8. Wow! You have a lot of animals! 哇!你有很多动物!What are those? 那些是什么? Theyre horses.它们是马。 Cool! How many horses do you have? 酷!你有多

10、少匹马? Mmm. Seventeen. 嗯.17匹。 What about those?那么那些呢? Are they hens? 它们是母鸡吗?No, they arent. 不,不是的。Theyre ducks.它们是鸭子。9. OK. Its four oclock. Its time to go home! 好的,四点了,该回家了! Amy, are these yours? 艾米,这些是你的吗?No, they arent.不,它们不是。 My shoes are green. 我的鞋子是绿色的。Theyre Chen Jies. 它们是陈洁的。 What about this h

11、at? 这个帽子呢?Is this Johns? 它是约翰的吗? No, it isnt. Its Mikes. 不,它不是。它是迈克的。10. Sarah, can you help me, please? 萨拉,你能帮助我下吗?OK. 好的。 Whose coat is this? 这是谁的外套。Its mine. 它是我的。And those? 那些呢? Whose pants are those? 那条裤子是谁的?Theyre your fathers. 是你爸爸的。 Oh, no! Sam! 噢,不!萨姆! Youre funny! 你太搞笑了!11. Can I help you?

12、 我能帮你吗?Yes. 是的。These shoes are nice. 这些鞋子很漂亮。 Can I try them on? 我能试一试吗?Size 6, please. 请给我拿6码的。 Of course. Here you are.好的,给你。 John, are they OK? 约翰,鞋子合适吗? No. Theyre too small.不,它们太小了。 Hmm. OK. Lets try size 7. 让我们试试7码。 Theyre just right! 它们正好! Good! 好的! 12. Sarsh, how do you like this skirt? 萨拉,你

13、觉得这条裙子怎么样? Its very pretty.它非常漂亮。Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?Yes. 是的。 How much is the skirt? 这条短裙多少钱?Its 89. 它89美元。 Oh, thats expensive!噢!那很贵! I like it, Mum. 妈妈,我喜欢它。 Sorry, Sarah. Its too expensive. 对不起,萨拉。它太贵了。三.要求听写的单词water 水tiger 老虎sister 姐妹computer 电脑dinner 晚餐girl 女孩bird 小鸟nurse 护士hamburger 汉堡包arm 手

14、臂car 汽车card 卡片ball 球tall 高的wall 墙 horse 马fork 叉子homework 家庭作业world map 世界地图apple 苹果people 人们table 桌子 四.要求掌握的语音知识water tiger sister computer dinner 均含有er组合,发音为短音/;girl bird nurse hamburger 均含有ir或ur 组合,发音为长音/:/;arm car card 均含有ar组合,发音为长音/a:/; ball tall wall 均含有al组合,发音为长音/:/horse fork 均含有or组合,发音为长音/:/;

15、 homework world map or在字母w后面发音为长音/:/apple people table 均含有le组合,发音为/ l/五.要求听懂会做的动作 Go to the library. Read a book. Shhh Be quiet. 去图书馆看书,嘘安静!Go to the teachers office. Say hello. Hi, Miss White. 去教师办公室打招呼,你好,白老师!Go to the playground. Play football. Yeah! We win! 去操场踢足球,耶,我们赢了!Go to the garden. Water

16、the flowers. Wow! Beautiful! 去花园浇花,哇,真漂亮!Its time for breakfast. Lets drink some milk. 该吃早饭了,我们喝些牛奶吧。Its time for lunch. Lets have some chicken. 该吃午饭了,我们吃些鸡肉吧。Its time for dinner. Lets eat some rice. 该吃晚饭了,我们吃些米饭吧。Its time for PE class. Lets jump and run. 该上体育课了,我们跳跳跑跑。Its time for English class. Le

17、ts read and write. 该上英语课了,我们读读写写。Its time for music class. Lets sing and dance. 该上音乐课了,我们唱唱跳跳。Put on your shirt. 把你的衬衫穿起来。Hang up your dress. 把你的裙子挂起来。Take off your hat. 脱下你的帽子。Wash your skirt. 洗你的短裙。Put away your pants. 把你的裤子收起来。Where开头疑问词,用来问地点,用in/on/next to/under/near来回答。六.要求掌握的本册句型 1. Wheres th

18、e teachers office/library?-Its on the first floor/second floor. Is this/that开头疑问词,用来问近处/远处事物单数的是不是,用Yes或No来回答。西来回答。-Its next to Classroom 3.2. Is this the teachers office? -Yes, it is./No, it isnt.Are开头疑问词,用来问近处/远处事物复数的是不是,用Yes或No来回答。 Is that the computer room?-Yes, it is./No, it isnt. Are these car

19、rots?/ Are those potatoes?Do you have开头疑问词,用来问有没有,用Yes或No来回答。 -Yes, they are./No, they arent.3. Do you have a library?-Yes, we do. / No, we dont。What time开头疑问词,用来问时间,用具体时间来回答。4. What time is it now? Its 5 oclock.-Its time for+(n.名词) Its time to+(v.动词)Can开头疑问词,用来问能不能,用Yes或No来回答。5. Can I go outside no

20、w?/Can I have some soup? -Yes, you can./ No, you cant. Can I help you? / Can you help me?-Yes. / OK.Can I try them on? (我能试穿下吗?)-Sure./Of course. Here you are. Whats the weather开头疑问词,用来问天气,用具体天气来回答。6. Whats the weather like in New York?-Its rainy. Whats the weather like in Sydney?-Its hot and sunny.

21、7. Is it cold? -Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.what开头疑问词,用来问是什么,用具体事物的复数来回答。8. How about Beijing? -Its warm. 9. What are these/those? -They are tomatoes/green beans/cowsHow many开头疑问词,用来问数量,用具体数字来回答。10. How many students are there in you class? -Forty- five students.Whose开头疑问词,用来问谁的,用具体是哪个人的来回答。 How many

22、horses do you have? -Seventeen. 12.Whoses coat is this? -Its mine. Whoses pants are these? -Theyre Mikes.13. What colour is the hat? What colour are the socks?How do you like 开头疑问词,用来问你觉得某件物品怎么样,用形容词回答 -Its yellow. / Theyre white.14. How do you like this skirt? -Its nice/pretty/expensive/cheap/big/s

23、mall.How much 开头疑问词,用来问单数/复数物品的价格,用具体价格回答。15. How much is this skirt? -Its 89. How much are the gloves? -Theyre ¥30. 七.要求注意的书写规范注意26个字母大小写,一定要书写到位,如下,要多写多练,特别是一些细节地方;字母在四线格里的位置要找准,一般是找到第三根线开始写;如果写句子,句子首字母一定要大写,中间的字母都小写,除了一些专用词如Chinese Enlglish等还是要保持大写,单词内部字母要靠拢一些,单词与单词距离要稍微远一些,总体要整洁清楚,句子最后把标点点在第三根线上

24、。写标准要靠能力,但是写得清楚是每个同学都能做到的!句子如:考试技巧及注意点:一 复习到位,心里自问单词会认读了吗?对话会背了吗?语音会应用了吗?单词会听写了吗?英语书、课堂作业本、总复习资料全都认真复习,并且没有疑问了吗?二 考试准备好铅笔两支、橡皮、尺子,考试时不能互借;三 试卷拿到先写班级、姓名等,然后马上抓紧时间看听力部分每一题让你干什么,是圈是打勾还是标号等,对于how many的可以事先先数好,做到心中有数;第一遍听,第二遍检查;不能边做听力边做笔试,时间足够,听力错过了很难检查,所以要当场确定;听力时一定保持绝对安静,否则影响自己影响全班。四 一定注意每个落笔,书写要标准,一定要清楚整洁。五 做完认真检查,要把你填的答案放到题目中整体默读一遍,看填得是否合理。


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