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1、 六年级英语上册期中检测卷 得分_一、听力:30%A) 听录音,选出你所听到的内容:10%( ) 1. A.magic B. mango C. make D.made( ) 2. A. wear B. went C. was D. were( ) 3. A. friend B. flew C. found D. front ( ) 4. A. holiday B.hobby C. hold D. honey ( ) 5. A. park B. paper C. play D.party( ) 6. A. lose B. last C. lost D. lot( ) 7. A. but B. B

2、und C. bus D. put( ) 8. A. foolish B. fishing C. wash D. wish ( ) 9. A. lake B. like C. look D. make ( )10. A. bring B. brought C.become D. besideB) 根据所听到的句子,选择正确的答语:5%( ) 1. A. Yes, I was. B. I went to the park C. I did my homework( ) 2. A. Thats right. B. Yes, I do. C. Good idea( ) 3. A. No, he di

3、dnt B. No, he doesnt C. No, he isnt ( ) 4. A. It is fun. B. Yes, it is. C. It was fun( ) 5. A. In Shanghai B. In Nanjing C. In Beijing C) 根据你所听到的短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F):5%( )1. It rained on Wednesday.( )2. There werent many people in the bus.( )3. I didnt have an umbrella.( )4. All the people sat on the

4、chairs.( )5. I was hungry and wet.D) 听录音,根据所听内容填入所缺单词:10%Liu Tao_ to Beijing_ his family last New Years Day. He_ his uncle and aunt. They picked _ of oranges and caught a big fish on the farm. Liu Tao_ to give Mike some fish. He_ Mike,but Mike _ at home. So they_ the fish and ate it. They_ a good ti

5、me on the _. 二、选出画线部分读音与其他单词不同的一项,将序号填入题前括号里。5%( )1.A.near B. pear C. dear ( ) 2.A. March B. start C. quarter ( ) 3.A. catch B. cartoon C. cinema ( ) 4.A.wear B.here C. nearly ( ) 5.A.looked B.watched C.played 三、英汉互译:15% 1. 一个晴朗有风的日子_ 2. 国庆假期 _ 3.参观长城 _ 4. 那个小男孩_ 5.看报纸 _6.许多瓶子_ 7带一些饮料 _8.起先,开始_ 9、ha

6、ve a fashion show_ 10、Palace Museum_ 四、单项选择题:10% ( )1.Where _ your brother last night ? A.were B.was C.did ( ) 2. Last Childrens Day, a lot of _ went to the Summer Palace . A. people B. peoples C. Peoples ( )3.I _ to the party last weekend . A.didnt go B.didnt went C.wasnt go ( )4. _you_ Ben yesterd

7、ay ? A.Did ; called B.Do ; call C.Did ; call ( )5. -How did you spend your weekends? -I _ any places. It _ all day. A. went, rainy B. werent go, rained C. didnt go, rained ( )6. Jack often _ fishing on Sundays. But he _ kites with Mike last Sunday. A. go , fly B. goes, flies C. goes, flew ( )7.-Wher

8、e _ you two days ago? -I _ in Beijing. A. was: was B. was: were C. were; was ( )8. They have to_ the story again . A. start B. starts C. started ( )9. Its time _ watch the football match. A. to B. for C. in ( )10.-Im thirsty. Do you have _drinks? - Yes. What about _ orange juice? -OK. A. any, any B.

9、 any , an C. any, some 五、完成对话:14% 1、根据上下文的意思完成对话A:_did you go last Sunday,Wang Bing?B:I_to a farm.A:_did you do there?B:I_many ducks and chickens.I picked some oranges,_.A:_you catch any fish?B:Yes,I caught one,but it _too small.2、 看图完成对话 King:I_new clothes.Who can_ new clothes for me ? Men:We can.O

10、ur clothes are magic. ( The king was very_.)Men:Please_on these clothes. Do they fit?King:Oh yes,they fit_.Boy:Ha,Ha.The king isnt_ _clothes. 六、首字母填空:6% Great weather! It was s_ and hot all day.I w_ to a beautiful beach with my f_ . We h_ great fun playing in the water. I found a boy crying in the w

11、ater. He was lost. I h _ him find his f_ . That made me feel very happy.六、阅读理解:10%A) 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符“T”, 不符 “F”:5% Billy is a student in Grade Two. He doesnt work hard at his lessons. He likes to play. But he thinks he is very clever.One afternoon Billy goes home after school. He is very hun

12、gry. So he says to his mother, “Mum, Im hungry. Can I have something to eat?”“Supper is not ready. But here are two apples. You can eat them first.” Says his mother. Billy takes the two apples in his hands. He looks at the apples and says, “Mum, I have three apples now. Look, this is the first one.

13、This is the second one. One and two is three. Right?”“Oh, yes, you are very clever, Billy.” Says his mother, “Now please give me the first one. Give your father the second one. And you eat the third one.”( ) 1. Billy is a primary school student.( ) 2. Billy isnt a good student at school.( ) 3. One d

14、ay, Billy feels very thirsty, and he wants something to drink.( ) 4. There are two apples in this story.( ) 5. Billy eats the third apple.B. 阅读短文,选择合适的选项:5% One day, Mike and Jack were walking in the forest. We are good friends. If we meet a bear, Ill help you. Mike said. Ill help you, too Jack said

15、. Later there was a big bear in front of them. Mike and Jack ran quickly. Then Jack climbed a tree and forgot all about his friend. Mike was too fat. He lay on the ground and closed his eyes. The bear will think that Im dead(死的). The bear came up to Mike and had a look at Mike, even(甚至) put its nose

16、 to Mikes ears. The bear thought Mike was dead, so it went away. Jack came down from the tree. With a smile he asked his friend, The bear put its nose so close(近) to your ears. What did it say to you? Mike answered, The bear said, A friend in need is a friend indeed!( ) 1. Mike and Jack were walking

17、 _. A. in the mountain B. in a forest C. on a farm( ) 2. They met a _ in the forest. A. dear B. big tiger C. a big bear( ) 3. _ climbed up a tree quickly. A. Mike B. Jack C.Mike and Jack( ) 4. A friend in need is a friend indeed! means:A. 莫逆之交B. 患难见真情C. 情同手足( ) 5. Which is NOT right?A. Jack climbed

18、up a tree and Mike lay on the ground.B. The bear couldnt climb the tree.C. The bear said to Mike, A friend in need is a friend indeed!八、小练笔(不少于8句话):10% 根据提示,以Then and now为题,介绍你妈妈或爸爸的过去和现在的情况。 .ago,bought things,used the telephone,listened to the radio._ 六年级上期中测试听力材料和答案 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词 1.magic 2.were

19、 3.found 4.holiday 5.paper 6.lost 7.Bund 8.foolish 9.make 10.brought二、听录音,根据所听句子选择相应答句。1.Where did you go last Sunday ? 2. The National Day holiday is in October. 3. Does your father go fishing every Saturday ? 4. How was your birthday party ?5. Where is the Summer Palace?三、根据你所听到的短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)

20、。Last Wednesday was a rainy day. I went to school by bus. There were a lot of people in the bus. Some people sat on the chair, some stood near the window. I got off the bus at the fifth stop. But I didnt have an umbrella. So I was wet, I had a cold.四、听录音,根据所听内容填入所缺单词。Liu Tao went to Beijing with his family last New Years Day. He visited his uncle and aunt. They picked lots of oranges and caught a big fish on the farm. Liu Tao wanted to give Mike some fish. He called Mike , but Mike wasnt at home. So they cooked the fish and ate it.They had a good time on the holiday.


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