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1、传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!郑州大学远程教育学院 入学测试机考专升本 大学英语 模拟题1、One of my teeth is so _ that it is going to be missing soon.( ) Alose Bloose Closs Dlost标准答案:B2、How about taking a walk?Oh, I think its _ cold for a walk. ( ) Avery much Btoo much Cmuch too Dso much标准答案:C3、You are supposed to write your compo

2、sition every _ line.( ) Aone Ba Cother Danother标准答案:C4、After living for years in a big city, they found it difficult to settle _ in a town.( ) Afor Bat Cup Ddown标准答案:D5、The reason for my absence was _ I had fallen ill.( ) Awhy Bbecause Cfor Dthat标准答案:D6、Only with your help, such difficulties in the

3、field.A. can we overcome B. we can overcomeC. should we overcome D. We should overcome标准答案:A7、The ski resorts are usually crowded. There are many people skiing.A. enjoy B. that want C. who enjoy D. want标准答案:C8、Would you like to the United States?A. trip B. voyage C. going D. to travel标准答案:D9、Not you

4、 but your father .A. are to blame B. is to blame C. are to be blamed D. is to be blamed标准答案:B10、After all this time youd think hed have forgotten , ?A. didnt he B. wouldnt you C. hadnt he D. dont you 标准答案:B11、I should never have said that . I wish I that.A. didnt say B. wouldnt say C. hadnt said D.

5、dont say标准答案:C12、Iv already decided I _ buy a new car.A. am going to B. will C. would D. was going to标准答案:A13、What would you do if you your job?A. lose B. lost C. would lose D. will be标准答案:B14、We dont be able to go to the club our parents give us permission.A. although B. nevertheless C. unless D. o

6、nce标准答案:C15、Why dont you try to come home 9 oclock?A. by B. under C. until D. up to 标准答案:A16、You dont have to pay for your flight; theyre _ in the price of your holiday.( ) Aconcluded Bheld Csettled Dincluded标准答案:D17、She pretended _ me when I passed by.( ) Anot to see Bnot to be seeing Cto not see D

7、having not seen标准答案:A18、Last summer I took a course on _.( ) Ahow dresses to be made Bhow dresses be made Chow to make dresses Dhow to be made dresses标准答案:C19、You will never pass the examination _ you _ harder.( ) Aunless, dont study Bunless, study Cif, study Dif, not study标准答案:B20、Though _ he said

8、was of little help to me, I thanked him all the same.( ) Awhat Bwhich Cthat Dwho标准答案:A21、I think they are dating. They a lot of each other recently.A. had seen B. had been seeing C. have seen D. have been seeing 标准答案:D22、I the paper after lunch. Thats one of the things I really enjoy.A. used to read

9、 B. am used to reading C. use to read D. have used to read 标准答案:B23、I am against children to school before they are six.A. who send B. being sent C. sending D. having sent 标准答案:B24、In the era of market economy, the concept of “Consumer First” should be _by manufacturers.( ) Arejected Breformed Creli

10、ved Dreinforced标准答案:D25、Hes widely known more _a poet than _a novelist.( ) Afor,to Bfor,as Cas,for Das,as标准答案:D26、The football match was held over until further notice _the continual rain.( ) Aon account of Bthanks to Cbut for Das for标准答案:A27、The rain was heavy and _the land was flooded.( ) Aconsist

11、ently Bconsequently Cconstantly Dcontinuously标准答案:B28、 a binding contract last year and it is still valid.A. We have signed B. We havent signed C. We signed D. We had signed标准答案:C29、The speaker raised his _ in order to be heard by the people at the back.( ) Avoice Bcry Csound Dnoise标准答案:A30、It is no

12、 good English without speaking English.A. to learn B. learn C. learning D. learned标准答案:C31、Heres my card. Lets keep in _.( ) Atouch Brelation Cconnection Dfriendship标准答案:A32、_ the teachers suggestion, Tom finally found a way to settle the problem.( ) AFollowing BTo follow CFollow DHe followed标准答案:A3

13、3、Her dog ran out of the yard _ the old lady opened the gate.( ) Amoment Ba moment Cthe moment Dthat moment标准答案:C34、Have you ever been to the square _ was built last year?( ) Awhich Bwhere Cwhen Dwhat标准答案:A35、In this park, birds often fly down from trees to eat from visitors hands. They are used to

14、_ in this way.( ) Abe fed Bfeed Chaving fed Dbeing fed标准答案:D36、_change your mind,please give us a call.( ) AWere you to BWould you CCould you DMight you标准答案:A37、_ a fine day!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 标准答案:B 加两个题代替第37和97题。 38、See you later, Jenny. Im glad _ with you for six months.( ) Ato wor

15、k Bto be working Cto have worked Dto having been working标准答案:C39、He was told he could join the army when he old enough.A . would be B. should be C. was D. were标准答案:C40、The differences between Chinese and western society can misunderstandings.A .course B. causes C. create D. rise标准答案:C41、On our way t

16、o New York, we _ the town of Albany.A. got over B. came through C. went over D. got through标准答案:D42、More has been learned since 1945 about the chemical changes in the body than in all human history before time.A .in B. that C. which D. the标准答案:B43、How long each other when they got married?A. had the

17、y known B. have they known C. would they know D. did they know标准答案:A44、Could you hold on a few minutes I check this with my boss?A. for B. since C. during D. while标准答案:D45、Though adults breathe twelve times a minute , breathing is so automatic the average person hardly ever thinks about it.A. and B.

18、 that C. for which D. in fact标准答案:B46、He studied, yet he passed every exam.A. frequently B. little C. regularly D. rarely标准答案:D47、The novel is worthy of _.( ) Areading Bread Chaving read Dbeing read标准答案:D48、It is very kind _ see me.( ) Afrom you to Bby you to Cof you to Dyou标准答案:C49、It looks _its go

19、ing to rain.( ) Athat Bas Cas if Dlike标准答案:C50、The stone was so heavy that it was difficult for the old man to_ it.( ) Alift Breach Crise Dtouch标准答案:A 51、After talking to the old woman for a while, her fear and timidity .A. went away B. stopped C. disappeared D. left behind标准答案:C52、The old couple wo

20、uld love to know how things are going on with their grandbaby.A. deeply B. at a great cost C. dearly D. as much as 标准答案:C53、Many people want to buy it because_, the price is reasonable; _ , its rather durable.( ) Aon one side, on the other side Bfor one thing, for another Con the one hand, on the ot

21、her hand Din one part, in the other part标准答案:C54、The proposal _we start doing the experiment two days earlier has been agreed upon by all.( ) Awhich Bwhat Cthat Dof which标准答案:C55、Many teakettles whistle when the starts to boil.A. containing water inside B. water contained insideC. Water containing i

22、nside D. contain water标准答案:B56、His health failing, in 1995.A. Andrew Peters went on leave from the armyB. so Andrew Peters went on leave from the armyC. when the army gave Andrew Peters leaveD. the army gave Andrew Peters leave标准答案:A57、 the difficulties of exercising , many people prefer to be on a

23、diet to lose weight.A. Being aware of B. Aware of C. Being aware D. To be aware 标准答案:A58、Can you see a man and his horse _are crossing the bridge?( ) Awho Bwhich Cthat Dall标准答案:C59、Dont smoke in the meeting-room , ?A. do you B. will you C. can you D. could you 标准答案:B60、But for your help, we _the wor

24、k as scheduled.( ) Acould not finish Bwould not have finished Cwould have finished Dcould have finished标准答案:B61、I remember for the job, but I forget the exact amount.A. being paid B. to get paid C. to be paid D. that I receive pay标准答案:A62、John he could improve his exam results, but he did not have e

25、nough time to study.A. knows how B. knows that C. knew how D. knew that标准答案:C63、I know nothing about his journey _ he is likely to be away for six months.( ) Aexcept Bunless Cexcept that Dapart from标准答案:C64、What we have to take the courses offered only for this term .A. are B. is C. have been D. has

26、 been标准答案:A65、It is a small country, yet has a lot of resources. A. potential B. unknown C. secret D. unlimited标准答案:A66、They talked and talked as if they never meet again.A. will B. would C. should D. shall 标准答案:B67、The development of the light bulb partly as a result of the widespread availability

27、of electricity and the need for cheap, clean light.A. occurring B. was occurring C. was occurred D. occurred标准答案:D68、He struck the girl in the face and she fell to the ground _.( ) Adie Bdeath Cdead Ddeadly标准答案:C69、I think it quite essential that your child _ a foreign language at school.( ) Amust l

28、earn Blearns Clearned Dlearn标准答案:D70、She woke up from the nightmare _ .( ) Awith start Bwith a start Cstarting Dstarted标准答案:B71、Is there any_in your company?( ) Avacancy Bdesertion Cemptiness Dhollow标准答案:A72、There is a computer system _he company is experiencing problems.A with which B. as which C.

29、such as D. for such标准答案:A73、The company is going to hand the free samples tomorrow.A. up B. out hand up C. on D. down标准答案:B74、Dont take him for a friend; hes _a bully.( ) Aeverything to Bnothing but Canything like Dsomething of标准答案:D75、She was exhausted and in no_for dancing.( ) Aemotion Btemper Cmo

30、od Dfeeling标准答案:C76、 more careful, such spelling mistakes might have been avoided.A. You had been B. You have been C. Had you been D. Have you been 标准答案:C77、Usually there is traffic in the streets on weekdays than on Sundays.A. ess B. little C. few D. fewer标准答案:A78、I would rather with you.A. not to

31、go B. to not go C. to go D. not go 标准答案:D79、You should visit the Empire State building you are in New York.A. where B. while C. which D. that标准答案:B80、-Jane wasnt in when Jack came, was she? -_, but she returned a few minutes later. ( ) ANo, she was BNo, she wasnt Cyes. She was DYes, she wasnt标准答案:B8

32、1、Readers can _ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.( ) Aget over Bget in Cget along Dget through标准答案:C82、Hardly _ the door when he rushed into the office out of breath.( ) AI opened Bdid I open CI had opened Dhad I opened标准答案:D83、When we saw his face , we knew _ was bad .( ) A

33、the news Bsome news Ca news Dnews标准答案:A84、The number of students in our school _.( ) Aincreased Bis increased Chas increased Dare increased标准答案:C85、_your step , or you might fall into the water .( ) ASee BWatch CMiss DLook at标准答案:B86、The meeting _ .( ) Ais to put off Bis going to put off Cis to be p

34、ut off Dwill put off 标准答案:C87、I suppose she is not serious,_ ?( ) Ado I Bdont I Cisnt she Dis she标准答案:D88、I can only do it for you _Im paid in advance.( ) Ajust as Bin that Cnow that Don condition that标准答案:D89、Whatever is worth _ at all is worth _well.( ) Adoing, being done Bdoing, doing Cbeing done

35、, doing Dbeing done, being done标准答案:A90、We stayed at home because Mary wasnt very on going out in the rain.A. keen B. willing C. want D. like标准答案:A91、I cannot sleep. The dog next door is making too much noise. I wish it quiet.A. kept B. would keep C. had kept D. to keep 标准答案:B92、 a binding contract

36、last year and it is still valid.A. We have signed B. We havent signed C. We signed D. We had signed标准答案:C93、If I get back to London in time , Ill definitely come.A. can B. could C. would be able to D. will be able to 标准答案:A94、_change your mind, please give me a call.( ) AMight you BWere you CShould

37、you DWould you标准答案:C95、Hardly had they arrived at the airport _the plane started to leave.( ) Athan Bthen Cuntil Dwhen标准答案:D96、If motorists had to pay an extra tax to drive in cities, they their cars a lot less.A. use B. will use C. used D. would use 标准答案:D97、John is _ university student.A. some B. any C. a D. an 标准答案:C98、Whatever you do, you click with the right mouse button or the program will crash.A. must not


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