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1、小学三年级英语阅读理解3篇I get up at 6:50 every morning.Then I put on my clothes and shoes.And I eat my breakfast at 7:20.I have milk,apple and break for breakfast.At 7:30,I go to school by bus.I arrive at school at 8:00.Then I begin my lessons at 8:20.I go home at 5:30 after school.( )1.I_ at 6:50 every mornin

2、g.A. work B. get up C. wake up( )2.My breakfast is at_A. 7:20 B. 7:30 C. 7:00( )3.I go to school_.A. by bus B. by train C. on foot( )4.I_ school at 8:00.A. arrive at B.arrive in C.arrive( )5.I_ at 5:30.A. go home B.play football C.sleep 【篇二】小学三年级英语阅读理解Mike and John are good friends. Mike is twelve.

3、John is thirteen. They are good students. They like hamburgers. Miss White is their (他们的)English teacher. She likes them very much.( ) 1. Mike and John are good friends.( ) 2. Mike is twelve.( ) 3. John is twelve, too.( ) 4. Tom likes hamburgers.( ) 5. Miss White thinks(认为)they are good students. 【篇

4、三】小学三年级英语阅读理解Its eight oclock. The children(孩子们) go to school by car every day. But they are walking to school today. Its ten oclock. Mrs. Green usually(通常) stays at home in the morning. But she is going to the shops this morning. Its nine oclock. Mr. Green usually reads his newspaper at night(晚上).

5、But he is reading an interesting(有趣的) book this evening.( )1.When do the children come to school?A. At 8:00.B. At 7:00.C. At 9:00.( ) 2.How are they come to school today?A. By car.B. By bus.C. Walking( ) 3.When is Mrs. Green going to the shops?A. At 8:00.B. At 10:00.C. At 9:00.( ) 4.When does Mr. Green read his newspaper?A.At 8:00.B.At 7:00.C.At 9:00.( ) 5.What is Mr Green do this evening?A.Reading a books.B.Writing a letter.C.Watching TV.


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