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1、外研版初中英语八年级下册Module 3 Journey to spaceUnit 2 We have not found life on any other planets yet.上课教师李群荣学生年级八年级教 材英语(外研社)八年级下册课 时 1天津市滨海新区大港同盛学校 八年级 李群荣教 学 设 计课 型Reading and Writing教材分析This lesson comes from the second unit of Module3, which emphasizes the reading and writing skills. The topic of this mo

2、dule is about space travel. Ss can understand the main meaning of the lesson and learn the expressions of universe, space and galaxies.教学目标 Enable students to read and write the passage on the space travel; master the basic grammar of present perfect tense; broaden the students horizon on space知识与能力

3、I .Three tasks: vocabulary; reading comprehension; writingII . Key vocabulary: Key grammar: communicate none of discover no one environmentIII. Ability goals: Enable students to read and writing sth about space travel过程与方法Task-based approach ; communicative approach;PowerPoint; audio-visual teaching

4、 method情感、态度与价值观To enjoy the experience of cooperation;To broaden their horizons on space教学过程教学步骤活动目的教师活动学生活动1. Warming up and Lead inShow the video to students in order to help them know the object of the lesson.Play the video.The students watch the video.2. Tasks Task1 Vocabulary To practise the s

5、s ability of learning by themselves and help to consolidate the basic vocabulary1.Ask ss to read the text by themselves and ask the students to master these vocabularies.2.Play a word game to arouse ss memory on space1.read the passage by themselves and finish Part 1 on the learning paper.2.remember

6、 the basic words and then have a pk3.Task 2Reading comprehensionTo improve ss reading and understanding abilities with the help of task-based method1.The teacher reads paragraph1 and the ss find the answer to question1 while listening.2.ask ss to think about questions 2 and 3 while one student read

7、paragraph23.Ask ss to read Paragraph3 and 4 by themselves silently complete two sentences on the PPT. (fast answer)4.Ask the ss to read the last paragraph together and answer the question together. 5.Play the video and let the ss find the best title.1.Ss listen to the teacher and answer the question

8、1.2.While listening to their classmate reading, they think about the other two questions.3.Read by themselves and complete two sentences.4. Read the last passage together and answer the question together.5.Watch the video and discuss the best title in group.4.Task 3WritingTo revise the grammar of pr

9、esent perfect tense, to practise the ss observing and writing skills1. Show the picture to the ss and introduce the picture.2. Lead ss to answer the questions directly according to the information provided.3. Provide enought time for ss to make up a passage.1.Observe the picture and try to describe

10、the picture2.answer the questions according to the information3.writing time5.Task 4Show TimeTo show ss writing works and encourage the other ss1.Take photos of the good works and send them to the computerRead in pairs or read the works on the computer.6.Summary7.HomeworkTo check ss understanding of

11、 this lesson.To help ss broaden their horizons on spaceAsk ss to summarise or the teacher lead ss to do it. According to the passage, make a summary about space travel.1) Master the words and expressions of this module.2) Search for and read some passages on space travelLook at the blackboard and su

12、mmarise this lesson about what they have learned.Remember the homework.教学反思本课时是复习课,所以我将第三单元采用任务型方法进行讲解,将整章分为4个TASK,每一个任务完成对应的知识点,培养学生具体能力。任务一:词汇复习,夯实基础,为下面任务做铺垫;任务二:听力训练,培养学生听力理解能力,为之后说的练习进行输入;任务三:语法专项训练,巩固现在完成时及just.yet,already的用法及对have been to 和have gone to 进行区分,并结合对应练习训练学生说的能力;任务四:Around the world是使学生了解更多的天文知识。Module task是培养学生收集、筛选资料的技巧和培养学生的主题和话题意识以及小组间的合作意识。整堂课,还需要更深入的备学生,才能更好的体现“以生为体”的理念。在课堂的气氛调动方面仍需加强。


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