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1、Unit Four We Love Animals(Part A lets learn and lets chant)Teaching steps: 执教者:石峰区杉木塘小学 文芬SectionsLinksStepsActivitiesLet me knowReviewWarm up Lets chant. ”Clap your hands.”ReviewReview the words of body parts and makes them become an ET.T: Whats this? Its head /eye What colour is it?Now, look. What

2、s this? Oh, its an ET. Its from out space.Lead inT puts on the headdress of ET: Good afternoon, Im ET. I love animals. I want to go to the zoo. Do you want to go with me? OK, lets go.OverviewTask assignment The task for this lesson: know the names of the animals in English. Then introduce them to th

3、e ET.Explicit objectivesTo fulfill the task, we should review or learn:1) Words of animals, cat, dog etc. Words of colours, red, etc.2) Sentence patterns: whats this? Its a cat Its red I see a pigIts fatPresentationLead inET : Boys and girls. First, I want to make friends with you.ReviewGreetings an

4、d free talk:ET: Hello. Whats your name? S1:My name is Nice to meet you.Ask several students and the ET says:I know . This is, this is Now,We are friends.Presentation1. Learn the new patterns. ET: Im from the out space. I know little about the earth. So I often ask and ask: Whats this? 1) write down

5、and teach :Whats this? 2) Practice:Whats this? Its a .(bag, book, pen.)2. Learn the new word: cat(CAI show s: cats crying) 1)T:Listen! Who is coming? It likes fish, it can catch the rat. 2)Ss try to read these words of “at” family:hat, bat, , fat. 3) Clap hands and say: Look at the cat. It is fat.3.

6、 Teach others new words in the same way. 1) pig.(CAI shows: pigs crying) T: Guess, whats this? It likes sleeping and eating very much, it has big body. Look, whats this? (CAI shows: pig. Pen leg )The students try to read words:dig,big.T: Look at the pig. What does it look like? Oh, its big. 2)dog. (

7、CAI shows: bones) T: Its our good friend. Bones are their favourite .Guess, whats this? Try to read these words: fog ,log.(Show picture of log )T: Look, this is a log. Whats this? Its a dog. Where is the dog? Its on the log. 3) duck. (riddle)T: Another friend is coming .Who is it? Its yellow. When i

8、t is a baby, it has a big mouth. It sings “quack, quack.Try to read these words: luck, truck. Look, where is the duck? Is it on the truck? No, its in the truck.4) bear (CAI shows a footprint of bear).T:Look!Who is coming? Yes, Its Zoom. Zoom is a bear. Its big and fat. CAI shows words bag, book. Stu

9、dents try to read and find b, b, /b/,/b/. and try to read word “bear”. Try to read : pear, wear Look at the bear. Where is it? Oh, its on the pear.Let me tryEngagementIndividual work1. Listen and read the words together.2. T says, Ss act. 3. Play a game: Whats missing Its a4. Lets chant:look at the

10、cat.Pair workET: There are many animals in the zoo. I am so happy. pair work: Act and sayS1 acts and ask: Whats this? S2: Its a . Whats this?S1: Its a.Group work1. T puts on the headdress of ET: Im sooooo happy. Because I makes a lot of friends. Some new friends are coming . Ss try to read. Pen-hen,

11、 how-cow, cat-rat , dog-frog.2. Talk about the animals in groups. (Ss use the picture )Let me doSummaryTask fulfillment1. Show time.2. Sing a song ”Whats this?”SummaryT: How many new friends we meet today?.1) Say the names of the animals.2) Talk about the animals: whats this ? Its a (say and point)T: The animals are so lovely. They are our friends, we should love them and protect them.After-school activities1. Collect some names of animals you like.2. Design a zoo. Draw some animals and talk to your friends.


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