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1、丽水市高中英语教研员工作室研修班学员作业姓名 曾伟琴 单位 青田中学 布置作业时间:2012年3月29日上交作业时间:2012年4月16日作业内容:教学设计Teaching Design for “Choose to live without limits ”Teaching aims: 1. The students will be able to learn the following words and phrases: miracle , normal, live life to the fullest ; address(v); part ; resurrect; motivate;

2、 fulfill; despite 2. The students will further develop the ability of guessing the meaning of new words according to the context. 3. The students will further develop the ability of getting information and dealing with information( to analyze the main idea and the authors life).4. The students will

3、be able to write a letter to inspire others who lose heart in life( using some useful expressions in the story).Important & Difficult points 1. To guess the meaning of the words 2. To write a letter to inspire others who lose heart in lifeTeaching Aids: Computer ; students worksheetTeaching procedur

4、esStep1 Pre-reading 1. Students listen to the music : Whitney Houston “When You Believe”and try to complete the lines “ There can be _(miracles), when you believe. Though hope is frail , its hard to kill.”2. Ask the students if they believe miracles exist in the world. “Here is a person who is tryin

5、g his best to create a miracle. But I think in fact he has made it. He said “ If I do not get a miracle, I can still be a miracle for someone else.” Step 2 While-reading 过渡语:Do you want to know who he is? What miracle does he want to get? What miracle has he created for others? The person is named “

6、Nick Vujicic” .( Show them the picture of Nick Vujicic )We can see he was a man with no arms and legs. He wants to be normal as others.1. Scanning Read the text quickly and try to get the main idea of the story.The author tells us that though he was born _ he makes every effort to _ all the difficul

7、ties to live _.( without limbs; get over/ get through /overcome ;a life of fulfillment / life to the fullest/life without limits)2. Detailed reading Do you think he is really a miracle for others ? Read and find out what he has done .Though he was born without limbs, _.1) complete a double degree in

8、 Accounting and Financial Planning 2) type 43 words a minute 3) be a world- traveler , meet Presidents and speak to crowds 4) found two organizations ,give to the needy and address four internationally-based congress( address: the following sentences which has the same meaning as that above)3. Furth

9、er reading 1) Through what he has done, he makes people believe there can be miracles when they _.(answers: set goals and do their best; never give up; dream big and believe in their potential(潜力); stick around in life)2) He helps people to _ strength in their individuals , inspire them to _ their p

10、otential and _them to live life without limits. ( resurrect ; fulfill; motivate)match the word with its definition: resurrect to bring back into use sth, such as a belief, practice, etc, that had disappeared fulfill to do or achieve what was hoped for or expected motivate to make sb want to do sth,

11、especially sth about hard work and effort 3) Read and find out some sentences that struck / inspire you most or some sentences that puzzled you. (beyond my circumstances; despite ; part ) 5) Try to fill in the blanks with the words below ( on the slide)resurrect despite motivate miracle burden part

12、fulfillStep 3Post-reading: What can we learn from the author? Step 4. Homework : Dan,16years old , survived a car accident but he went blind. He wants to kill himself. You are his best friend. Now you are writing a letter to him.Dear Dan, I am really sorry for what you have suffered. Yours sincerely

13、, Frank 材料改编 :Choose to Live Without Limits Many people look at me and simply see a man with no arms and legs. They pity me, failing to see my happiness beyond my circumstances-failing to see that I live a zealous life, which is not affected by my circumstances( situations). Although I appear incomp

14、lete on the outside, I am whole on the inside. Sadly, there are so many people with arms and legs who are whole on the outside but are broken on the inside. Their lives are characterized by unhappiness, dissatisfaction and un-fulfillment. My mission in life is to resurrect strength in these individu

15、als, inspire them to fulfill their potential and motivate them to live life without limits! Having been born without limbs (and with no medical explanation), I traveled a long road of unanswered questions. I traveled this road for so long that I eventually fell into a deep depression, telling myself

16、 that I could only survive as a burden to those around me. At age eight, my desperation lead me to tell my mom that I wanted to kill myself. At age 10, I tried. Finally having had enough of life, I went to the bathtub and rolled over. Once . twice . three times. The third time, I could not do it. I

17、could not stomach the visual of my parents and siblings crying at my grave, asking why? and blaming themselves. Can you imagine if I didnt stick around in this life? I had no idea that I would complete a double degree in Accounting and Financial Planning, or that I could type 43 words a minute, or b

18、y age 27 Id be a world-traveler, meeting Presidents and speaking to crowds as large as 110,000 people. I had no idea that I would found two organizations, give to the needy and address four internationally-based congresses. Who could have imagined that a man without arms or legs would be the hands a

19、nd feet of love, hugging teenagers around the world, telling them that they are loved, making them believe that there is hope and a future for their lives? I love helping people see that their value is not determined by their religion, looks, wealth or job. I love helping them embrace a genuine sati

20、sfaction in living, a peace in belonging, and an inspiration to believe that a rich man can be poor, and a poor man can be rich. Each of us can live a life of fulfillment despite our circumstances. We have a daily choice: we can choose to be angry about what we do not have, or we can choose to be th

21、ankful for what we do have. Being angry is counterproductive and fear and pain can be destructive. I believe it is far worse to be in a broken home than to have no limbs. I never try to pretend that I understand your pain, but I am here to tell you that there is hope, whether you see it or not. Just

22、 because you cannot see purpose in your life does not mean there is none. You are here for a reason. Find it. Seek it. Live it. If my lifes journey can inspire you to live life to the fullest, never give up, dream big and believe in your potential, I am fulfilled. Why? Because I have come to underst

23、and that even when the clouds in my personal storm do not part, I can still carry someone else through their storm. If I do not get a miracle, I can still be a miracle for someone else. Today, I challenge you. If this was your last day to live, who would you call? Who would you thank? What would you say you have taken for granted? Do your best. Set goals. That is success. What can you do today to be a better person? To be the kind of person you want to become? To be all that you can be? 9


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