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1、PEP五年级英语上册第一单元测试题一、 默写26个字母(10分)二、 选出划线部分读应不同的一项。(10分)( )1. A. funny B. sorry C. sky D. happy( )2. A. shy B. why C. sky D. baby( )3. A. yes B. yellow C.young D. happy( )4. A. party B. candy C. shy D. happy( )5. A. many B. windy C. sunny D. why三、 根据单词写汉语意思,或根据汉语意思写单词。(10分)1、young_ 2、慈祥的_3、clever_ 4、h

2、ardworking_5、滑稽的_ 6、polite_7、helpful_ 8、羞怯的_9、老的_ 10、strict_四、找出不同类单词。(5分)( )1. A. he B. her C. we( )2. A. short B. tall C. kind( )3. A. cool B. student C. teacher( )4. A. clever B. strict C. have( )5. A. friend B. young C. old五、写出下列短语的完整形式或缩略形式。(5分)1he is 2. shes 3. isnt 4. I am5. Whos 六、单项选择。(10分)

3、( )1. _ your maths teacher? Mr Li.AWhats B. Whos C. Wheres( )2._ he like? Hes short and thin. AWhats B. Hows C. Whos( )3._very kind? No, she isnt. A. Is Mr Young B. Is Miss Li C. Whos( )4.They _ hard-working. A. are B. am C. is( )5. He is _ maths teacher and she is _ art teacher. A. a, a B. a, an C.

4、 an, a( )6. Do you know_? A. she B. her C. he( )7.Do you know Mr Young? Yes,_. A. I do B. I does C. I am( )8._ your father like? _kind. A. Whats, Hes B. Whats, Shes C. Whos, Hes( )9._you have a new Chinese teacher? Yes, we_. A. Do, do B. Does, does C. Are, are( )10. Is Amy a funny student? _. A. Yes

5、, he is. B. Yes, she is. C. Yes, she isnt.七、根据问句选择答句。(10分)( )1. Is your brother young? A. Yes, he is.( )2. Whats your PE teacher like? B. Hes our new teacher.( )3.Do you know Ms Wang? C. Hes young and strong.( )4. Whos he? D. Shes kind.( )5. Whats your mother like? E. No, I dont.八、按要求完成以下题目。(10分)1.

6、your, Whats, English teacher, like(?)(连词成句)_2. Do you know her?(否定回答)_3. Is she hard-working? (肯定回答)_4. Whats your PE teacher like? (用young,回答) _5Chinese teacher, is, your, Who(?)(连词成句)_九、阅读理解(20分)(一)阅读下列对话,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。Amy: I have a new art teacher. Her class is much fun(有趣的).Mike: Really? Whats

7、she like?Amy: Shes tall and pretty. Shes from Canada.Mike: Is she funny?Amy: Yes, she is. But shes very strict.Mike: Whos she?Amy: Miss Black.Mike: Oh, I know her. Shes my mother.( )1. Miss Black is Amys art teacher.( )2. Miss Black is from Chinese.( )3. Miss Black is strict.( )4.Mike is Miss Blacks

8、 student.( )5. Miss Black is tall and pretty.(二)阅读短文,选择最佳答案。Amy has a robot. Her name is Lisa. Her brother made her. Lisa is tall and thin. She is really clever. She can speak Chinese and English. She is helpful at home. She can cook dinner and clean the room. She is hard-working. She always studies

9、 hard at school.( ) 1.Whats Amy s robots name?A. Amy B. Lisa( ) 2.Lisa is _ and _.A. short; thin B. tall and thin( ) 3.She is _ at home.A. helpful B. kind( ) 4. What can she speak?A. She can speak Chinese.B. She can speak Chinese and English.( ) 5. What can she do?A. She can wash the clothes.B. She can cook dinner and clean the room.十、用不少于五句话介绍你最喜欢的一位老师。(姓名、年龄、所带科目、外貌特征、性格特征。)_第1页(共2页)


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