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1、每日清晨英文诗歌朗读【篇一】每日清晨英文诗歌朗读What Kind of ManIm a good man ,A man who tries to embody old-fashion valuesLike respect, honesty and trustI am to many a role modelSomeone to admireI often fight with my demonsI usally win with thoughtful acts of kindnssI am a husbandI am a fatherI am a friendI have no compla

2、intsI am accomplished and fulfilledAnd yet there are days whe I am tornTroubled by the very options that I fought so hard forAm I a good man ,if I am drawn to the warmth of another?Do I reflect respect ,honesty ,and trust ?Where is my devotion ?To whom am I loyal?Whom do I embrace?Am I capable?Am I

3、worthy?Am I truly fulfilled?What will I feel when I touch you ?What will I feel when I see you ?How will I feel when I call your name?Will I ever be proud again?Will I ever be able to fend off my demons and feel loved?【篇二】每日清晨英文诗歌朗读When I am dead, my dearestWhen I am dead, my dearestWhen I am dead,

4、my dearest,Sing no sad songs for me;Plant thou no roses at my head,Nor shady cypress tree:Be the green grass above meWith showers and dewdrops wet;And if thou wilt, remember,And if thou wilt, forget.I shall not see the shadows,I shall not feel the rain;I shall not hear the nightingaleSing on, as if

5、in pain:And dreaming through the twilightThat doth not rise nor set,Haply I may remember,And haply may forget.等我死了,最亲爱的等我死了,最亲爱的等我死了,最亲爱的,别为我唱哀歌,别在我头上种玫瑰,也不要松柏婆娑。作我坟上的绿草,任凭露滴雨浇。如果你愿意,就记住如果你愿意,就忘掉。我将看不见树荫,我将感不到雨滴,我将听不见夜莺仿佛在痛苦中哀啼。在冥冥中长梦不醒,再没有晨来昏往,或许我还记得你,或许我早已遗忘。【篇三】每日清晨英文诗歌朗读Precious Memories 珍贵的回忆Pr

6、ecious memories, unseen angelsSent from somewhere to my soulHow they linger, ever near meAnd the sacred scenes unfold.珍贵的回忆,在我心深处,来自看不见的天使,它们流连在我身边,如此贴近,徐徐展开那飘逝的过去。Precious memories, how they lingerHow they ever flood my soulIn the stillness of the midnightPrecious, sacred scenes unfold.珍贵的回忆,如此流连难舍

7、,好像洪水,在我灵魂深处泛溢。已往的景象,珍贵而神圣,打开在这寂静的深夜里。Precious father, loving motherFly across the lonely yearsAnd old home scenes of my childhoodIn fond memory appear.亲爱的父亲,慈祥的母亲,越过孤独的岁月飞翔而来。童年时老家的景色在亲切的回想中重现。In the stillness of the midnightEchoes from the past I hearOld-time singing, gladness bringingFrom that lo

8、vely land somewhere.夜半的宁寂里,我听见往事的回音,旧时的歌曲从那可爱的地方送来温馨。I remember mother prayingFather, too, on bended kneeSun is sinking, shadows fallingBut their prayers still follow me.我记得跪着的母亲在祈祷,父亲也是这样,太阳渐沉,黑暗降落,但他们的祈祷却一直跟随我。As I travel on lifes pathwayKnow not what the years may holdAs I ponder, hope grows fonderPrecious memories flood my soul.当我在人生之途上跋涉,不知未来的岁月将带给我什么;当我深深沉思,懂得了珍惜,珍贵的回忆便犹如洪水在我灵魂深处泛溢。


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