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1、歌颂母亲的英语诗歌三篇【篇一】歌颂母亲的英语诗歌MOTHER“M” is for the million things she gave me,“O” means only that she is growing old,“T” is for the tears she shed to save me,“H” is for her heart of purest gold,“E” is for her eyes,with love-light shining,“R” means right,and right she will always be.Put them all together,t

2、hey spell “MOTHER”,A word that means the world to me.-Howard Johnson(c.1915)译文:M代表着母亲给予了我们一切,O意味着与此同时她正在衰老,T象征着她为了拯救我们流的泪,H表明了她最无私最伟大的心灵,E是她充满着爱万分温柔的眼神,R说明着准确,并且代表着她永恒的真理。把他们和在一起, 便是母亲,一个代表着最无私最伟大的给予了我所有全部的词。【篇二】歌颂母亲的英语诗歌什么支配着世界?What rules the World?-by William Ross Wallace.They say that man is migh

3、ty,He governs land and sea;He wields a mighty scepterOer lesser powers that be;But a mightier power and stronger,Man from his throne has hurled,And the hand that rocks the cradleIs the hand that rules the world.都说人力无穷支配着陆地与大海行使着至高无上的王权统治着弱小的生灵不过还有更强大的力量将人从宝座上掀起是那双轻推着摇篮的手主宰着整个世界【篇三】歌颂母亲的英语诗歌When the

4、sun put into a piece of golden wheat at BrushMotherYour birthday party will be at harvest in the ConcertoScheduleThis loess is Gods special cake for youWill be with you everywhere candlelight sickleFolded, cut downI told you at the candlelight fall behindVery satisfied with your smileThis is the onl

5、y permit you to my birthday the way youIn fact, what I would like to sayOr even a wordA word orSuch as bending your bow still big grain of sweatSuch as the ejection of blood into the setting sun behindFinally can be put in the breakdown of any high-soundingSickle announced breakI want to finally hav

6、e the opportunity to speak out for your phrase has long been suppressed, then theFirst you have to sweatAsleep当太阳把麦穗刷成一片金黄时母亲您的生日宴会 又将在收割的协奏曲中如期实行这片黄土是上苍为您特制的蛋糕你用镰刀 将遍地的烛光割倒 叠起我跟在您的身后 拾捡遗落的烛光您很满意的笑这是您允许我为您祝寿的方式其实我很想说些什么哪怕 一句话也好一个字 也好您依旧弯腰如弓 大粒的汗珠弹射成身后 夕阳如血终于 在那把能够击穿任何冠冕堂皇的镰刀 宣布休息时我想终于有机会为您讲出 那句压抑已久的话了而您 却枕着一地汗珠睡着了


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