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1、生活常用情景英语口语对话阅读【篇一】生活常用情景英语口语对话阅读Bob: Heres the New Year!祝贺新年!Tom: Yes, but today is 30.是啊,但是今天三十号了。Bob: I know, but I havent met you this year.我知道,但是我今年都没碰到你啊。Tom: Where have you been? I have found you many times.你去哪里了?我找了你很多次啊。Bob: Oh, I have been to vacation.哦,我去度假了。Tom: Where have you been?你去了哪里?

2、Bob: Hawaii.夏威夷。Tom: Wow, you were very happy.哇,你很开心嘛。Bob: Yes, I think so.是啊,我也这样认为。Tom: So, you need to do this work by yourself, and this time I am going to vacation.那么,你必须自己完成这个工作,现在我要去度假了。【篇二】生活常用情景英语口语对话阅读服务员: Can I take you order?我能为你点餐吗?安: Yes, could you introduce your famous dishes and toda

3、ys special?好的,能为我介绍一下你们的招牌菜和今日特色菜吗?服务员: Yes, our famous dish is the Pasta and todays special is dessert. There are some new salad arrived.好的,我们的招牌菜是意面,而今日特色菜是饭后甜点,刚刚到了很多新的萨拉。安: Ok, I want a dish of Pasta.好的,我要一盘意面。服务员: Would like something to drink?要点喝的吗?安: What would you have?你们有什么?服务员: Beer, coffe

4、e, wine and some fruit juice.啤酒,咖啡,酒和一些果汁。安: I dont know what to drink. How sleepy!我不知道喝什么呢。好困啊。服务员: I think you can order a cup of coffee.我想你能够点一杯咖啡。安: Ok, please bring me a pot of coffee.好的,请送一壶咖啡吧。【篇三】生活常用情景英语口语对话阅读儿子: Mum, I am back.妈妈,我回来了。妈妈: Oh, dinner?恩,吃饭了吗?儿子: Yes, its very later now, you

5、need go to bed.吃了,很晚了,你得睡觉了。妈妈: I know. But I cant sleep.我知道,但是我睡不着。儿子: Why?为什么?妈妈: The room next door is noisy.隔壁太吵了。儿子: Oh, yeah, there are many young people in that room. They are having a party.哦,是的,有很多年轻人在那里,他们在开派对呢。妈妈: Yes, you are young, too. Do you like to join them?是,你也是年轻人啊,你喜欢加入他们吗?儿子: No, I prefer stay at home and read the book.不,我宁愿呆在家里看书。妈妈: You are not a 25-year-old man.你真不像个25岁的人。


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