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1、简单英文小诗阅读三篇【篇一】简单英文小诗阅读我为少男少女们歌唱何其芳I sing for teenagersTr. William Wang我为少男少女们歌唱。我歌唱早晨,我歌唱希望,我歌唱那些属于未来的事物我歌唱正在生长的力量。I sing for teenagersI sing for morning;I sing for hope;I sing for those future things;I sing for the growing strength.我的歌呵,你飞吧,飞到年轻人的心中去找你停留的地方。Ah, my sonYou do fly Fly into youths hear

2、tTo find your place to stay.所有使我像草一样颤抖过的快乐或者好的思想,都变成声音飞到四方八面去吧,不管它像一阵微风或者一片阳光。轻轻地从我琴弦上失掉了成年的忧伤,我重新变得年轻了,我的血流得很快,对于生活我又充满了梦想,充满了渴望。All enjoyment or good thinkingThat make me shake like grass,All become sound to fly in all directions.No matter it is like a blast of breezeOr a ray of sunlight.Gently, o

3、n my string,Losing grief of manhood.I start to be young again.My blood flows fast.In life, I am full of hope and yearning again.【篇二】简单英文小诗阅读Today I Went Downby Breyten Breytenbachtoday I went down on your bodywhile windows were thick white eyesand hearkened the clogged cavitiesin the small darkroom

4、of your chest,hedging an eternity over the aching voicefrom your gorgeous throat,agony and exaltation flow in one divideif I may make so bold,your thighs are a loveword your hairnights glittering lining of secret disport:I aimed for the innermost moonand rent, moved by the syntax and the slowof sadn

5、ess and of joy, soI love you, love you sowhen the blinding comes,the discomposure of silence,it must be high up the hillswhere hundreds of poorstamp their feet in the dust, and drumsand woman voices like this ululating skylinegag the final ecstasy【篇三】简单英文小诗阅读To the Virgins, to Make Much of Timeby Ro

6、bert HerrickGather ye rosebuds while ye may,Old Time is still a-flying;And this same flower that smiles todayTomorrow will be dying.The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,The higher hes a-getting,The sooner will his race be run,And nearer hes to setting.That age is best which is the first,When youth and blood are warmer;But being spent, the worse, and worstTimes still succeed the former.Then be not coy, but use your time,And while ye may, go marry;For having lost but once your prime,You may forever tarry.


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