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1、精彩的英文诗歌朗诵大全【篇一】精彩的英文诗歌朗诵As Imperceptibly as Grief Emily Dickinson夏之逃逸艾米莉狄金森The summer lapsed away 不知不觉地,有如忧伤,夏日竟然就逝了,Too imperceptible at last如此地难以觉察,简直To seem like Perfidy A quietness distilled不像是有意潜逃As Twilight long begun,向晚的微光很早就开始Or Nature spending with herself沉淀出一片寂静,不然便是消瘦的四野,Sequestered After

2、noon 将下午深深幽禁。The Dusk drew earlier in 黄昏比往日来得更早,The Morning foreign shone 清晨的光采已陌生A courteous, yet harrowing Grace,一种拘礼而恼人的风度As Guest, that would be gone 象即欲离去的客人。And thus, without a Wing就象如此,也不用翅膀,Or service of a Keel也不劳小舟相送。Our Summer made her light escape我们的夏日轻逸地逃去,Into the Beautiful.没入了美的境中。【篇二】

3、精彩的英文诗歌朗诵ope Emily Bronte希望艾米莉勃朗特Hope was but a timid friend;希望仅仅个羞怯的友伴,She sat without the grated den,她坐在我的囚牢之外,Watching how my fate would tend,以自私者的冷眼旁观Even as selfish-hearted men.观察我的命运的好歹。She was cruel in her fear;她因胆怯而如此冷酷。Through the bars one weary day,郁闷的一天,我透过铁栏,I looked out to see her there

4、,想看到我的希望的面目,And she turned her face away!却见她立即背转了脸!Like a false guard, false watch keeping,像一个假看守在假意监视,Still in strife, she whispered peace;一面敌对一面又暗示和平;She would sing while I was weeping,当我哀泣时她吟唱歌词,If I listened, she would cease.当我静听她却噤口无声。False she was, and unrelenting;她心如铁石而且虚假。When my last joys s

5、trewed the ground,当我最后的欢乐落英遍地,Even Sorrow saw, repenting,见此悲惨的遗物四处抛撒Those sad relics scattered round;就连“哀愁”也遗憾不已;Hope, whose whisper would have given而希望,她本来能悄悄耳语Balm to all my frenzied pain,为痛苦欲狂者搽膏止痛,Stretched her wings, and soared to heaven,却伸展双翼向天堂飞去,Went, and neer returned again!一去不回,从此不见影踪。【篇三】

6、精彩的英文诗歌朗诵wenty-Four YearsDylan Thomas二十四年狄兰托马斯Twenty-four years remind the tears of my eyes.回顾二十四年的岁月,我的眼里充满泪水。Bury the dead for fear that they walk to the grave in labour.埋葬死者以免他们在阵痛中步向坟地。In the groin of the natural doorway I crouched like a tailor我曾蹲在天然门廊的腹沟里,Sewing a shroud for a journey像个裁缝,By the light of the meat-eating sun.借用吞食一切的阳光,Dressed to die, the sensual strut begun,盛装就死,肉欲之徜徉已开始With my red veins full of money,我的红色血管里满是金钱,In the final direction of the elementary town朝着小市镇最后的方向I advance as long as forever is.我永久地前行。


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