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1、营改增政策对服务业创新的作用分析摘 要2012年开始我国GDP增速放缓标志着经济发展进入新常态,增值税取代营业税(简称营改增;)是新常态下深化财政、税收体制改革的重要举措。营改增;虽然旨在通过结构性减税降低全行业企业的税收负担,但是由于交通运输服务业、电信业和金融业等一类行业因为业务复杂,经营前期投入大,增值税进项发票取得难等问题导致税负不降反增。另一方面营改增;在完善供给侧改革,促进产业升级中发挥了积极的政策效应,营改增;突破了二、三产业间的抵扣壁垒,消除重复征税,理论上贯彻了货物劳务税的税收中性原则。原适用增值税企业在营改增;后外购各类技术服务形成增值税可抵扣进项税额,降低企业采购成本,提

2、升外购服务的意愿;原适用营业税企业在营改增;后购进物资、设备和无形资产可抵扣应纳增值税,服务业企业采购成本下降。创新驱动是经济稳定健康发展中必不可少的关键要素,是现代经济体系建设的战略支持。创新活动的正外部性导致研发投资的整体需求大于总供给,此时需要调整税收政策,引导资源流向高新技术企业,提高创新的供给量。结构性减税有效缓解企业财务压力,打通产业间抵扣链条实现固定资产抵扣和营业成本抵扣,政策利好下服务业快速发展,外包服务企业数量与合同金额快速增长,服务业市场竞争压力上升。根据Arrow和Aghion et al等有关竞争与创新关系的研究结论,上升的竞争压力会促进企业增加研发创新。当前我国服务业




6、策帮助重点行业或重点企业发展,同时注意政策力度,把握好增值税税收中性的特征,减少税收扭曲,营造一个充满竞争活力的市场。企业应当提高治理能力,优化资金运转,积极了解并掌握税收新政。关键词:营改增;;服务业;创新;DID;PSM-DID。AbstractSince 2012, the slowdown of GDP growth in China marks that economic development has entered a new normal. Value added tax replaces business tax (hereinafter referred to as rep

7、lacing business tax with VAT) is an important step to complete the reform of financial and tax system under the new status. Although the purpose of replacing business tax with value-added tax is to reduce the tax burden of enterprises in the whole industry through structural tax reduction, due to th

8、e complex business, large investment in the early stage of operation, difficult to obtain VAT input invoice and other problems in the transportation service industry,construction industry, financial industry and telecommunications industry, the tax burden will not be reduced but increased instead. B

9、usiness tax to VAT will help to break through the deduction chain between the two or three industries, and eliminates the distortion of double taxation to the business operation. Theoretically, the tax neutrality principle of turnover tax has been realized. The original applicable value-added tax en

10、terprises purchased various technical services after replacing business tax with value-added tax to form the input tax deductible for value-added tax, reducethe purchase cost of enterprises, and enhance the willingness of outsourcing services;the original applicable business tax enterprises purchase

11、d materials, equipment and intangible assets after replacing business tax with value-added tax to deduct the payable value-added tax, and the purchase cost of service enterprises decreased.Innovation driven is an essential key element in the stable and healthy development of the economy. The positiv

12、e externality of innovation results in the marginal income of R&D investment less than the marginal cost, and the total demand of new technology greater than the total supply. At this time, we need to adjust the tax policy, guide the flow of resources to high-tech enterprises, and improve the su

13、pply ofinnovation. The structural tax reduction of replacing business tax with value-added tax reduces the tax burden, alleviates the capital pressure of enterprises, opens the inter industry deduction chain to realize the deduction of fixed assets and operating costs, promotes the rapid development

14、 of service industry under the favorable policies, increases the number of outsourcing service enterprises and the contract amount rapidly, and increases the market competition pressure of service industry.According to the research conclusions of arrow and Aghion et al on the relationship between co

15、mpetition and innovation, rising competition pressure will promote enterprises to increase R&D innovation. It is possible for enterprises to increase their R&D expenditure when they are rich in funds and strengthen their core competitiveness through innovation so as to seek long-term sustain

16、able development.The research topic of this paper is the impact of replacing business tax with value-added tax on service industry innovation. Foreign literature has combed the relationship between tax system and economic growth, as well as the impact of value-added tax on economy. Most of the domes

17、tic literature is to explore the economic effect of value-added tax through the study of replacing business tax with value-added tax. This paper collates the relevant domestic literature of replacing business tax with value-added tax from three aspects:tax reduction effect, industrial upgrading effe

18、ct and innovation effect. In the theoretical analysis, from the four changes of structural tax reduction, fixed assets deduction, business cost deduction and service outsourcing brought about by replacing business tax with value-added tax, it is clarified that replacing business tax with value-added

19、 tax can promote the increase of R&D investment of enterprises through three aspects:saving enterprise funds, encouraging equipment innovation and optimizing market environment.The empirical research data comes from various enterprise information provided by wind database and guotai an database,

20、 excluding the enterprises with abnormal operation and missing data in most years, and finally selecting 200 A-share listed service companies as samples, and selecting some core financial indicators of enterprises in 2008-2018 to build panel data. The empirical test is divided into twoparts. The fir

21、st part uses the double difference method and the double difference tendency score matching method to study the innovation impact of replacing business tax with value-added tax on the first batch of pilot industries. The enterprises in the experimental group come from some modern service industries

22、affected by the replacing business tax with value-added tax policy. The enterprises in the control group are selected from the four industries finally included in the replacing business tax with value-added tax. The empirical results show that the policy of exchanging value-added tax for business ta

23、x will promote some modern service enterprises and increase their R & D innovation investment. The total assets scale, capital expenditure ratio, net interest rate and turnover rate of total assets are positively related to innovation investment. The growth rate of total assets and debt to asset

24、s ratio of enterprises are negatively related to innovation investment. After the state-owned enterprises and municipal enterprises are excluded from the robustness test The empirical results are still significant, replacing business tax with value-added tax can promote the R&D investment of ord

25、inary private enterprises. Thesecond part of empirical analysis further verifies the construction industry, real estate industry, financial industry and life service industry which are finally incorporated into the business to value-added, and clarifies the mechanism of business to value-added for s

26、ervice enterprise innovation. In the further empirical study of four industries, the enterprises in the municipality directly under the central government are taken as the experimental group, and the enterprises in other provinces and cities are taken as the control group. The double difference empi

27、rical results show that although the significance of the innovation effect of replacing business tax with value-added tax policy is weakened, it is still effective. In the mechanism analysis,herfindahl index is selected as the intermediary variable to measure the market competition degree of the ind

28、ustry where the enterprise is located. The test results of the intermediary effect show that replacing business tax with value-added taximproves the competition level of various industries in the service industry, and the stronger competition pressure urges the enterprise to increase the R&D inv

29、estment.The market competition pressure, as part of the intermediary effect, transmits the innovation effect of replacing business tax with value-added tax policy on the service industry Should.Based on the research conclusion, this paper suggests that the government can use the preferential tax pol

30、icies of immediate collection, immediate refund and input tax plus deduction to help the development of key industries or enterprises, pay attention to the policy strength, grasp the neutral characteristics of value-added tax,reduce tax distortion, and create a dynamic market competition environment

31、Enterprises should improve their ability of governance, optimize the operation of funds, and actively understand and master the new tax policy.Key words:Business Tax replaced with VAT; Service Industry; Innovation; DID;PSM-DID。1、 绪论。1.1、 研究背景。从1994年实现分税制改革到2016年全面实现营业税改征增值税(以下简称营改增;),营业税与增值税是我国货物劳务税




35、进服务业企业研发创新,助力于完成专业分工,产业结构升级,实现服务业可持续发展。1.2 、研究目的及意义。1.2.1、 研究目的。营改增;是实现供给侧改革和财税改革进一步深化的关键节点,是细化专业分工,升级产业结构中必需完成的制度改革。从宏观上看,20122018年营改增;政策已实现结构性减税累计2万亿元,降低企业税收负担,提升企业投资发展的积极性。更重要的是营改增;政策通过贯通全行业间的抵扣链条消除了营业税的经济扭曲,给服务公司创造了新的市场机会。服务业快速发展,各服务业企业是否在发展中既兼顾了短期利益也考虑了长期发展?是否增加了研发创新?营改增;政策对企业的研发创新投入又有什么影响?如果营改

36、增;政策促进了企业增加研发支出,那么又是通过怎样的作用机制?本文目的在于分析营改增;政策是否具有创新效应,如果创新效应存在,进一步解析该效应的作用机制,为我国增值税及相关财税政策下一步改革提供建议,针对企业在营改增;后如何发展提供思路。1.2.2、 研究意义。、 理论意义。有关营改增;的文献目前大多集中于营改增;两大政策目标效果的研究,分别是营改增;是否达到对不同行业税收负担只减不增的政策目标,和营改增;是否有效的促进了产业升级。本文更深一步的剖析营改增;政策对企业的创新效应,研究营改增;对企业研发支出的影响,为理清营改增;政策与创新驱动两者间的关系补充经验证据。目前文献的研究思

37、路大多是从税收负担的角度研究营改增;政策带来的一系列影响,然而营改增;后企业税负并没有按照预期只减不增,有不少行业受行业特征影响,在过渡期后税负仍然很难下降,在这样的背景下仅从减税的角度分析营改增;对企业创新的影响不妥。由此本文选取市场竞争为切入视角,分析营改增;政策对服务业企业研发创新的影响,丰富了营改增;的作用机制研究。 、实践意义。营改增;政策标志着营业税退出的同时,也意味着增值税将作为我国货物劳务税的第一大税种,增值税政策在2016年全面营改增;后至今一直处于反复调整中,现今的增值税存在较多的税收优惠、各种类别的纳税人、四档不同的税率和两种征收率,这使得增值税十分复杂,增

38、加了企业悉知政策的成本。如今增值税的设计是否符合增值税作为货物劳务税应当保持税收中性的特征?本选题研究营改增;政策是否具有创新效应,以及该创新效应的作用机制,为进一步完善增值税税制提供依据。1.3、文献综述1.3.1、 税收制度对经济增长的影响1.3.2、营改增; 对企业发展的影响1.3.3、对现有研究成果的简要评述1.4、研究思路、框架和方法1.4.1、 研究思路1.4.2、研究框架1.4.3、研究方法1.5、创新与不足1.5.1、创新之处1.5.2、不足之处2、营改增;影响服务业创新的理论分析2.1、营改增;的演进和发展2.2、营改增;促进企业创新的理论依据.2.2.1、技术创新理论2.2

39、.2、税收制度优化理论2.2.3、核心竞争力理论2.3、营改增;对企业创新的作用机理分析2.3.1、营改增;后结构性减税降负2.3.2 、营改增;打通全行业抵扣链条3、营改增对服务业创新影响的研究设计3.1、研究假设3.2、数据处理和变量设计.3.2.1、数据来源和数据处3.2.2、变量选取.3.3、模型构建3.3.1、双重差分模型(DD)的基本原理3.3.2、模型设计4、营改增对服务业创新影响的实证结果分析4.1、双重差分实证结果及分析4.1.1、描述性统计4.1.2、DID结果及分析4.2、PSM-DID结果及分析4.3、稳健性检验.4.3.1、剔除国有企业4.3.2、剔除各直辖市4.3.

40、3、安慰剂检验4.4、进一步检验.4.4.1、营改增;对最后四个行业创新投入的影响4.4.2、营改增; 作用于创新的机制分析5 结论营改增;政策的目的在于深化财税体系改革,通过贯通全行业间扣链条实现结构性降低企业税负,另一方面鼓励企业间细化分工协作,促进产业升级,完成供给侧改革。自2012年营改增;政策在各行业试行以来,其减税效果各行业评价不一,如建筑业和金融业等,营改增;试行后税负不降反升。但营改增;政策试行期间我国服务业产值对GDP的占比从2012年的45%增长至2015年的55.9%,全面营改增;后增长至2019年的59.4%,服务业的快速发展趋势与营改增;政策对服务业的各项利好相吻合。



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