高中英语句型总结 高中系列中精选出的300个重点句型.doc

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1、高中英语句型总结高中系列中精选出的300个重点句型.同时它们也都是高考常考和口语常用的经典句型。 1. According to依照/根据. According to the newspaper, its a great movie. 2. Am I allowed to我可以吗 Am I allowed to introduce our new manager Mr. Anderson to all of you 3. As matter of fact,实际上,. As matter of fact, I dont agree with you. 4.As far as Im concer

2、ned/就我而言,. As far as Im concerned, | think we should pay more attention to the safety of schoolchildren. 5.As far as I know,.据我所知,. As far as l know, he is not coming, but l may be wrong. 6.As I just mentioned.正如我刚才提到过的,. As I just mentioned, nobody should drop out of school unless they believe they

3、 face the opportunity of a lifetime. And even then they should reconsider. 7. As I see it,在我看来,. As I see it, he is not the right person for this position. 8. As is known to us all, . 众所周知, As is known to us all, Hong Kong is one of the financial centers of Asia. 9. As long as.只要. As long as we work

4、 together, we can make the impossible possible. 10.But for.若不是因为./如果没有. But for your generous help, we couldnt have finished the work so soon. 11.Can you believe (that). 你相信吗 Can you believe (that) this excellent song was composed by a high school student 12.Can you imagine. 你能想像吗 Can you imagine ho

5、w she lived through all these difficulties 13.Could you please explain. 你能解释一下吗 Could you please explain why you didnt come to the meeting yesterday 14.Cant we. 难道我们不能吗 Cant we just live in today, without the worries of tomorrow or the regrets of the past 15. Could you do me a favor and. 能否请你帮我一个忙 C

6、ould you do me a favor and give this present to Hilary for her birthday 16.Do you by any chance know. 你(碰巧)知道吗 Do you by any chance know what time the movie begins 17. Do you enjoy doing. 你喜欢做吗 Do you enjoy having a few friends around talking and laughing 18. Do you happen to know. 你(碰巧)知道吗 Do you h

7、appen to know how I can get to Times Square 19. Do you have any good ways to. 你有没有的好办法 Do you have any good ways to promote our new product 20. Did you know (that). 你知道吗 Did you know (that) Daniel has won the first prize of the writing contest 21. Do you know if /whether. 你知道是否 Do you know if there

8、are any apartments available in this area 22. Do/ Would you mind doing. 你介意做吗 Do you mind giving me a glass of water and some aspirin 23. Do/ Would you mind if. 如果你是否介意 Do you mind if I ask you a few questions 24. Do you realize (that). 你有没有意识到 Do you realize (that) your parents really care about yo

9、u 25. Do you think it is possible to. 你认为可能吗 Do you think it is possible to solve the problem overnight! 26. Do you think it necessary to. 你认为有必要吗 Do you think it necessary to ask for official permission for the event to take place 27. .doesnt make sense. 没有道理/没有意义/不清楚 What you say doesnt make sense

10、. I dont agree with you. 28. Dont be afraid of. 不要害怕. Dont be afraid of losing face. 29. Dont take it for granted that. 别认为理所当然. Dont take it for granted that your parents should support you all your life. 30. Dont waste time doing. 不要浪费时间做. Dont waste time learning a lot of useless words in isolati

11、on. 31. Dont you think that. 难道你不认为吗 Dont you think that the gap between rich and poor is getting wider 32. Excuse me for. 请原谅我. Excuse me for interrupting, but I have something urgent to say. 33. For one thing,. For another,. 一方面;另一方面. For one thing, these shoes dont suit you. For another, they are

12、 too expensive. 34. From my point of view,. 在我看来, From my point of view, Crazy English is the most effective way to learn English. 35. From where I stand,. 从我的立场来说,. From where I stand we should support him no matter what happens. 36. Generally speaking,. 总的来说,. Generally speaking, people like to he

13、ar compliments from others. 37. Hardly.when. 一就. 倒装句型 Hardly had she begun speaking when there was a knock on the door. 38. Have you considered doing. 你有没有考虑过做 Have you considered going abroad to study 39. Have you decided. 你决定好了吗 Have you decided where to spend your summer vacation 40. Have you eve

14、r been to. 你曾经去过吗 Have you ever been to Disneyland 41. Have you thought about/of . 你有没有想过 Have you thought about setting up your own business 42. Havent you heard of . 难道你没听说过吗 Havent you heard of Crazy English established by Li Yang 43. How are you getting on / along with. 进展如何/与相处如何 How are you ge

15、tting on / along with your English study 44. How are you going to. 你打算如何 How are you going to celebrate your graduation 45. How does.sound (听起来)怎么样 How does making our appointment at 8 sound. 46. How long will it take you to. 要用多长时间 How long will it take you to recite such a passage 47. How should I

16、. 我该如何 How should I tell him the bad news. 48. I absolutely agree with. 我完全同意. Sure, I absolutely agree with your point. 49. Im grateful for. 我对特别感激. Im grateful for your timely help. timely adj.及时的 50. I am planning to. 我打算. I am planning to travel around China. 51. I am very pleased to have this o

17、pportunity to. 我很高兴有机会.I am very pleased to have this opportunity to stand here and give youa speech. 52. I apologize for. 我为道歉. I apologize for leaving you alone. 53. I believe (that). 我相信. I believe that we can conquer cancer totally some day. 54. I believe we should. 我认为我们应该. I believe we should

18、work together to protect our environment. 55. I cant imagine. 我无法想像. I cant imagine what my life would be like if I were disabled. 56. I cant stand it when. 我无法忍受. I cant stand it when people talk with their mouth full. 57.I didnt expect to.我没想到. I didnt expect to receive such a pretty card from him

19、. 58. I didnt mean to. 我不是有意. I didnt mean to offend you. offend n.冒犯;得罪 59. I didnt realize. 我不知道.俄没意识到. I didnt realize how much this meant to you. 60. I (dont) feel like. 我(不)想. 1) I feel like going rock climbing with you this weekend. 2) I really dont feel like going to the movies tonight. 61 .

20、I dont get very excited about. 我对不怎么感兴趣. I dont get very excited about going to the concert. 62. I dont know how to. 我不知道如何. I dont know how to answer the question. 63. I dont see (that). 我看不出.我认为不. I dont see (that) she really intends to help us out. 64. I dont think it is necessary to. 我认为没有必要. I

21、dont think it is necessary to leave so early. 65. I dont think its right to. 我认为是不对的. I dont think its right to bad mouth other people66. I doubt that /if /whether. 我怀疑哦不相信. I doubt if what he said is true. 67.I dream of. 我梦想. I dream of being a successful salesman. 68. Im dying to. 我渴望.俄盼望. Im dyin

22、g to leave for Beijing to meet my parents. 69. I feel very honored to. 我觉得很荣幸. I feel very honored to be a member of this team. 70. Im fed up with. 我厌倦了.我受够了. Im fed up with all these traffic jams. 71. Im sick and tired of. 我对感到厌烦. Im sick and tired of the same old routine every day.routine n.日常事物;常

23、规 72. I find it hard for me to. 我发现对我来说很难. I find it hard for me to make a speech in public. 73. I hate to disagree with you, but. 我不想跟你有不同意见,但是. I hate to disagree with you, but | think your view is impractical. impractical adj.不切实际的 74.I have confidence in. 我相信.俄对有信心. I have confidence in winning

24、the Crazy English speech contest. 75. I have nothing to do with. 我与无关. I have nothing to do with that man; Ive never seen him before. 76. I have no experience in. 我在方面没有经验. I have no experience in dealing with children. 77. I havent (done). for a long time. 我很久没有了. I havent played the piano for a lo

25、ng time. 78. I insist that. 我坚决要求. 宾语从句使用虚拟语气 I insist that you give me my money back. 79. I insist on (doing).我坚持. I insisted on making him our coach. 80. I intend to.我打算. I intend to give him a surprise. 81. I like nothing better than. 我喜欢胜过任何东西.俄最喜欢. I like nothing better than helping people. 82.

26、 I never dreamed of.我从未想过. I never dreamed of meeting you here. What a coincidence!coincidence n.巧合;凑巧 83. I prefer. to.我喜欢甚于. I prefer working as a manager in a small company to working as a clerk in a big one. 84. I prefer to. rather than.我宁愿.而不愿. I prefer to stay at home rather than go out. 85. I

27、 really want to know. 我真的很想知道. I really want to know how to improve my English pronunciation. 86. I set my mind to do sth. / on sth.我下定决心. I set my mind to believe, hope, and endure all things. 87. I sincerely hope that.我真诚地希望. I sincerely hope that our friendship will last forever. 88. I strongly a

28、dvise you to. 我强烈建议你. I strongly advise you to attend the Crazy English Summer Camp, and Im sure you will get more than you expected. 89. I suggest (that). 我建议. 宾语从句使用虚拟语气 I suggest (that) you go there by yourself. 90. I think this is a good chance for you to. 我认为这是你;的一个好机会. I think this is a good c

29、hance for you to test your English. 91. I think it is a good idea to. 我认为是个好主意. I think it is a good idea to do exercise every day. 92. I think it is a waste of money / time doing. 我觉得是浪费树时间. I think it is a waste of time sitting in front of the television all day. 93 .I think its wrong to.我认为是不对的.

30、I think its wrong to impose your thoughts on others. impose v. 强加;利用 94. I think that it is impossible to. 我觉得是不可能的. I think that it is impossible to be there before eight. 95. I think you might like to.我想你可能会喜,灯想. I think you might like to know something about the new album. 96. I think youd better

31、. 我觉得你最好. I think youd better hurry up, or you will be late. 97. I want to express my gratitude to. 我要感谢. I want to express my gratitude to my family for their support. 98. I was impressed by. 我被打动了./给我留下深刻印象. I was impressed by his inspiring words, and I decided to cooperate with him. 99. 1 wonder

32、/ was wondering if. 我想知道.我在想是否. 1) I wonder if I could take this dictionary home. 2) I was wondering if youd like to go to a concert tomorrow night. 100. I demanded (that).我要求. 宾语从句虚拟语气 I demanded (that) I see the principal right away. 101. I wont.unless. 除非否则我不会. I wont write to him unless he write

33、s to me first. 102. I used to. 我过去常常. I used to go play basketball with some of my friends every Saturday afternoon.103. I would advise you to. 我会建议你. I would advise you to get up earlier on Mondays, because theres always a traffic jam. 104. I would appreciate it if. 如果,我会非常感激. I would appreciate it

34、 if you call me back this evening. 105. I would like to recommend. 我想推荐. I would like to recommend the Vietnamese cuisine in that restaurant. 106. I would like to. rather than. 我宁愿也不. I would like to take a walk rather than watch TV this weekend. 107. I would rather.than. 我宁愿,而不愿. I would rather sta

35、y at home than go shopping on such humid day. 108. I wouldnt feel happy if. 如果我会不高兴的. I wouldnt feel happy if you didnt come to my birthday party. 109. Id be happy to., if youd like. 如果你愿意,我很高兴. Id be happy to show you around, if youd like. 110. Id like to know more about. 我想了解更多关于. Id like to know

36、more about the project you are carrying out. 111. Id like to suggest you do. 我想建议你. Id like to suggest you take the test when you are still in school. 112. Id like /love to, but. 我很想,但. Id love to, but Im afraid Im otherwise engaged. 拒绝别人邀请的经典句型. 113. Im (not) certain. 我(不)确定. Im certain that you wi

37、ll get over your laziness. 没有什么是不能克服的,只要有决心 114. Im afraid I wont be able to. 恐怕我不能. Im afraid I wont be able to finish the task before Friday. 115. Im busy with (doing). 我正忙于. Dont bother me Im busy with (doing) my project right now. 116. Im considering (doing). 我正考虑. Im considering buying a second

38、-hand computer for Im short of money now. 117. Im convinced that. 我确信. Im convinced that what you said is quite right. 118. Im curious to (do)/about. 我对(做)很好奇. Im curious to know what was happening outside. 119. Im determined to.我决定. Im determined to read 10 books this month. 120. Im getting a littl

39、e concerned about. 我对有点担忧. Im getting a little concerned about the results of my TOEFL test. TOEFL = Test of English as a Foreign Language121. Im interested in.我对感兴趣. Im interested in joining the English corner. 122. Im (just) calling to. 我打电话来是要. I am (just) calling to confirm my flight number. 123

40、. Im (not) sure. 我(不是)很确定. Im not sure if I should accept that job offer in Hong Kong. 124. Im not very interested in. 我对不是很感兴趣. Im not very interested in listening to classical music. 125. Im occupied (with). 我忙于. Im occupied with preparing for the final exams; dont bother me! 126. Im really fond o

41、f. 我的确喜欢. Im really fond of surfing the Internet; it is pretty convenient. 127. Im really / terribly / extremely sorry for. 我对感到非常抱歉. Im really sorry for the delay of the report. I28. Ive been thinking about. 我一直想. Ive been thinking about going to France to study art. 129. I have a desire to. 我非常渴望.

42、 I have a strong desire to speak good English. 130. Ive decided to. 我已经决定. Ive decided to run for the monitor of our class. run for:竞选 接下来的四个句型都是虚拟语气句型. 131. If I did., I would. 如果我,我会. If I knew his number, I would phone him. 132. If I had done., I would have done. 如果我,我就会. If I had known that you

43、were coming, I would have met you at the airport. 133. If I were you. I would. 如果我是你,我就会. If I were you, I would get rid of this bad habit. 134. If only.! 真希望!若是那该多好啊! If only she would accept my invitation! 135. If it is possible, . 可能的话. 1) If it is possible, Id like to see you tomorrow. 2) If it

44、is possible, lend me your car tonight. 136. If you ask me, I think. 如果你问我,我认为. If you ask me, I think you should practice more. 137. If you want to., youll have to. 如果你想,你将不得不. If you want to remember more words, youll have to read a lot in English. 138. In a word. 总之, In a word, money is something but not everything. 139. In brief/short, .,简言之,. 1) In brief, we cannot please everyone all the time. 2) In short, science frees us from the bondage of nature. It has made our lives easier and more comfortable. bondage


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