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1、传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!皇帝的新装课本剧剧本 人物: 皇帝 宫女 侍从 老大臣 官员 骗子甲 骗子乙 观众N 观众N 小孩 (台上布置:台右角放一报架作织机,台正中置一坐椅,台左角立一衣架,架上挂满各式衣服。立一镜子,皇帝正对镜试衣,镜边立一宫女。) 第一场 (老大臣上) waiter: The minister has arrived! 侍从:(立于椅旁)老大臣求见! Waitress: His majesty is in his dressing room!宫女:皇帝正在更衣呢! (老大臣立于台侧,官员上) waiter: Here comes the off

2、icial! 侍从:官员求见! Waitress: His majesty is in his dressing room! 宫女:皇帝正在更衣呢! (官员立于大臣旁,两骗子上) Waiter:Two weavers have come! 侍从:两裁缝求见! Emperor: Order them to come here at once! 皇帝:快快宣见!(离开更衣处,坐上椅子) Cheaters: Your majesty! 骗子甲乙:参见陛下!(行礼) emperor: What special skills do you have? 皇帝:你们有什么特殊的本事吗? Cheater a:

3、 We come to be at you service from the far east. 骗子甲:我们是从遥远的东方专程赶来为陛下效劳的。 Cheater b: We can weave the most beautiful cloth. 骗子乙:我们能够织出最美丽的布料来。 Cheater a: The colors and patters are very fine. 骗子甲:这布色彩和图案都分外地美丽. Cheater b: And people who are stupid can not see them. 骗子乙:任何愚蠢得不可救药的人,都看不见这衣服。 Emperor:

4、Hmm, those must be very good! Start your work at once. 皇帝:那可真是理想的衣服!马上开工! Cheaters: Yes, your majesty! 骗子:遵旨!(众人退场,皇帝回更衣室继续试衣) 第二场 (两骗子上场,来到织机前,做织布的动作。老大臣上场) Minister: Ahh? Nothing, I can see nothing! 大臣:啊?(吃惊地,用手扶眼镜)我怎么什么也没看见? Cheater a: Oh, its you, minister, and come in please! Come up closer, lo

5、ok at it carefully! 骗子甲:哎呀,老大臣来了!请进!请请请!请走近一点,仔细地看。 Cheater b: Is it beautiful ? 骗子乙:这(花纹/色彩)漂亮不漂亮? Minister: My god! Am I stupid? Am I unfit for my post? It mustnt be known by anyone! 大臣:我的老天爷!难道我愚蠢吗?难道我不称职吗?我可决不能让人知道这一点! Cheater a: Are you satisfied with it? 骗子甲:嗳!您还满意吗? Minister: Yes ,thats reall

6、y nice! I will tell the Emperor that I like that very much ! 大臣:满意满意,非常的满意! 我一定呈报皇上!我对这布料实在太满意了。(大臣下) cheaters: We are very happy! Take care please! 骗子甲乙:我们非常高兴!您老慢走!(官员上) Official: Hmm! I am not stupid! Maybe, I am unfit for my post, what a funny thing! It mustnt be known by anyone! 官员:咦?(吃惊,张嘴,揉眼)

7、我并不愚蠢呀,大概是我不配有现在的官职吧!这也真够滑稽的!我决不能让人看出这一点! Cheater a: Is it nice? 骗子甲:你看这布料美不美? Official: Nice ,nice , very nice! 官员:美!美!太美了! Cheater b: Are you satisfied with it ? 骗子乙:你还满意吗? Official: Yes, thats really nice!官员:满意!满意!太满意了!我一定如实向皇上呈报。 Cheaters: Thanks a lot! 骗子甲乙:多谢你啦!(官员下,两骗子继续作出织、剪、缝的动作) 第三场 waiter

8、: Here comes the minister and official! 侍从:老大臣、官员求见! Emperor: Let them in ! 皇帝:(从更衣室走出,回到椅上)宣! Minister and official: Your majesty! 大臣、官员:参见陛下! Emperor: How about those new clothes? 皇帝:新衣服做得怎么样啦? Minister: It will be finished soon! 大臣:很快就完工了! Official: Thats really nice! 官员:美丽得很,漂亮得很啦! Official: All

9、 the people will like it! 官员:天下的人都要赞不绝口啊! Emperor: Mm, great, thats great! 皇帝:嗯,好!太好了! Waiter: Here come the weavers! 侍从:裁缝求见! Emperor: let them in! 皇帝:宣!(两骗子作手托衣物状,上) Cheaters: Your majesty! Here are your clothes! 骗子甲乙:参见陛下!衣服做好了. Cheater a: These are the trousers. 骗子甲:这是裤子。 Cheater b: This is the

10、coat. 骗子乙:这是袍子。 Emperor: What? I see nothing at all! Am I not fit to be emperor? Oh my! 皇帝:怎么回事?我怎么什么也看不见?难道我愚蠢吗?我不够资格做一个皇帝吗?这可太骇人听闻了! Minister: Only see, your majesty, is it nice? 大臣:陛下您看,这布华丽不华丽? Officials: Wow, look, what a design! What colors! 官员:瞧瞧,多美的花纹!多美的色彩! Emperor: Really beautiful! 皇帝:太漂亮

11、了! Cheats: Thanks, your majesty 骗子甲乙:谢陛下。(退场) Minister: Hurry up, put on your new clothes, please ,your majesty! 大臣:皇上赶快更衣吧! Emperor: Ok, ok! 皇帝:好!好!(众人来到镜前为皇帝脱下外套,穿上“新衣”) Waiter: Time for the ceremonial procession! 侍从:游行大典现在开始! (官员持刀在前,大臣举华盖在后侧,侍从托“后裙”在后,绕场慢行) (观众甲、乙,小孩上场) audience a: Wow, how beau

12、tiful ! 观众甲:乖乖,皇上的新装真漂亮呀! Audience b: Look ,what a splendid coat ! 观众乙:看!他的外套多美丽呀! Child: But he has nothing on! 小孩:咦!他什么衣服也没有穿呀! Audience a: Oh, God ,listen !A child says he has nothing on! 观众甲:上帝哟!你听听这个天真的声音,有个小孩说他并没有穿什么衣服! Audience b: But he has nothing on! 观众乙:他确实是没有穿什么衣服呀! Emperor: Oh no! but the procession must go on! 皇帝:(惊恐,颤抖)我一定要把这游行大典举行完毕!(摆出更骄傲的神气,下场)


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