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1、传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除! 句子成分 8 句子由各个组成部分构成,这些组成部分叫做句子的成分。1. 主语(Subject) 主语是一个句子的主题,是一个句子所述说的主体,一般置于句首。 名词(短语)Teenagers love the Internet. 青少年热爱因特网。My brother is a sailor. 我的哥哥是一个海员。Tom and Jane are talking about the jobs. 汤姆和简正在谈论工作。 代词 I will teach you. 我来教你。They love surfing the Internet. 他们爱网

2、上冲浪。 数词Two million is a large number. 两百万是一个大数目。 动名词(短语) Studying abroad has become increasingly popular. 出国留学越来越流行。It is a waste of time playing cyber games. 玩电脑游戏是浪费时间。动词不定式 To see is to believe. 眼见为实。It is important for students to know how to surf on the Internet. 知道如何上网对学生来说很重要。 动名词、动词不定式作主语时通常

3、用it作形式主语It is no use/ good doing (doing 一般情况) It is adj. for sb. to do sth. (to do 目标,目的,将来要完成的动作) 名词化的形容词Worse was to come. 更糟糕的事要来了。American English has changed over the centuries. 几个世纪以来,美国英语发生了变化。 名词化的过去分词His beloved has gone. 他的挚爱走了。The disabled should be fairly treated. 必须公平对待残疾人。 介词To Melbour

4、ne is very far. 到墨尔本很远。 分句(主语从句) What I said is true. 我所说的是真的。How many different kinds of music are there in China? 中国有多少种音乐? 句子“How are you” is a greeting used every day. “How are you”是每天都会用的问候语。2. 谓语 (Predicate)一般置于主语之后。行为动词(表动作) 及物动词 vt.谓语必须是动词 不及物动词 vi.系动词(表状态)及物动词可接宾语,有被动形式。不及物动词不接宾语,但有副词或别的状语修

5、饰。系动词不能单独作谓语,必须跟表语。非谓语动词(动词不定式、动名词、现在分词、过去分词)不能作谓语。 及物动词 The Internet helps our study. 因特网有助于我们的学习。 不及物动词 Many students will go abroad this year. 今年许多学生将出国。 系动词 1) be动词 The Internet is a good tool. 因特网是个好工具2) 表感官的动词:look, smell, sound, taste, feelYou look good today. 你今天看起来很不错。This soup smells good.

6、 这个汤闻起来很香。 It sounds great! 听起来很棒!This pizza tastes delicious. 这个披萨尝起来很美味。I feel so bad today. 我今天感觉很不好。3) 表变化的动词:become, turn, get, go, grow, fallTravelling abroad becomes increasingly popular. 出国旅游变得越来越流行。It is getting warmer and warmer. 天变得越来越暖和。The leaves turn yellow in autumn. 叶子在秋天变黄。It is so

7、hot that the food goes bad. 天太热以至于食物变质了。He fell ill yesterday. 他昨天生病了。4)表示状态:seem, appear, keep, remainThe district remained unchanged. 这个地区一直没变。He seems (to be) a clever boy. 他似乎是个聪明的男孩。谓语可以分为简单动词(包括短语动词)和动词短语(动词短语即复合谓语=助动词/情态动词+v.)。一个句子中还可以有几个谓语,即并列谓语。 简单动词I see there is a sign there. (简单动词) 我看见那里

8、有个招牌。The plan took off at eight. (短语动词) 飞机8点起飞。 动词短语I am talking. 我在说话If you want further details, you may ask our people for additional information. 如果想了解更多详情,可以向我们的工作人员询问更多信息。 并列谓语A student chooses a topic and starts to talk about it. 一个学生挑了一个话题然后开始谈论。3. 表语 (Predictive) 系表结构=系动词+表语:说明主语的身份、特征、状态等。

9、 名词(短语) The Internet is an invention. 因特网是一项发明。The Internet is a convenient source of information. 因特网是方便的信息来源。 代词 What I know is this. 我知道的就这点。Its me. 是我。 数词 She is 20. 她20岁。 形容词 The door is open. 门是开着的。This is safe. 这是安全的。 副词He doesnt know where the famous museum is. 他不知道那个有名的博物馆在哪。(where在从句中作表语)

10、介词(短语)Is Mr Black in? 布莱克先生在家吗?It appears of no value. 这似乎没有价值。 动名词 His favourite sport is surfing. 他最喜欢的运动是冲浪。Complimenting is lying. 恭维即撒谎。 动词不定式 His dream is to travel abroad. 他的梦想是出国旅行。This camera doesnt seem to work any more. 这个照相机好像坏了。 分词 The dog is frightening. 这只狗让人害怕。The dog is frightened.

11、这只狗感到害怕。现在分词说明主语的特征,过去分词说明主语的状态。 分句(表语从句) That is why you go away. 那就是你离开的原因。This is where I first met my boyfriend. 这就是我第一次见到我的男朋友的地方。4. 宾语 (Object) 动作的承受者,常置于及物动词之后。可分为直接宾语和间接宾语。直接宾语(Direct Object),即动作的承受者。间接宾语(Indirect Object),动作所指向的人或物(通常指人),置于直接宾语前面。 名词(短语) I love the Internet. 我爱因特网I play the

12、piano, guitar and violin. 我会弹钢琴、吉他和小提琴。It costs us 100 dollars. 它花了我100美元。 数词Subtract 2 from 10 and you have 8. 十减二等于八。 代词 Do you have anything to declare? 你有什么要宣布的吗? 名词化的形容词I shall do my possible. 我会尽力而为。 副词He doesnt know where the famous museum is. 他不知道那个有名的博物馆在哪。(where在主句中作宾语) 介词短语Come out from u

13、nder the table. 从桌子下面出来。He walked out from among the crowd. 他从人群中走出来。 动名词(短语) I love surfing the Internet. 我爱上网。Many of us have stopped smoking now. 我们中的许多人现在已经不吸烟了。 动词不定式 What would you like to do today? 你今天想做些什么?Dont forget to give me a ring. 别忘了给我来个电话。 分句(宾语从句) I think (that) the Internet is an e

14、fficient means of communication. 我认为因特网是一个高效的交流方式。 句子He said, “You are quite right”. 他说:“你非常正确。”有时及物动词与宾语的关系并不是动作与承受者的关系,而是其他关系:I must have my hair cut soon. 我必须理发。(宾语是使役的对象)He invented television. 他发明了电视。(宾语是动作的结果)They kissed goodbye. 他们吻别了。(宾语是动作的目的)She swam the river. 她游过了河。(宾语是动作的地点)Some slept t

15、he night in the office. 有些人晚上睡在办公室。(宾语是动作的时间)She lived a happy life. 她过着幸福的生活。(宾语是动词的同源词)5. 补语 (Complement)补语是一种补足主语和宾语意义的句子成分,分为主语补语和宾语补语。主语补语(Subject Complement):补充说明主语,通常置于主语之前或谓语之后。宾语补语(Object Complement):补充说明宾语,通常置于宾语之后,与宾语存在逻辑上的主谓关系或动宾关系。 名词(短语) call, name, make, choose + sb. + sth. I was call

16、ed Monica. 我名叫莫妮卡。(主语补语)He called it Mickey Mouse. 他把它叫做米老鼠。(宾语补语)Lincoln was born a poor farmers boy and died President of the U.S. 林肯出生时是一个贫苦农民的孩子,去世时则是美国的总统。(主语补语)I dont want to make it a school for rich children only. 我不想把它办成一所仅供富于儿童上学的学校。(宾语补语) 形容词(短语) keep, find, think, make, consider + sth. +

17、 adj. We must keep our classroom clean. 我们必须保持教室清洁。(宾语补语) He came home sick. 他带病回家来。(主语补语)Tired and sleepy, I went to bed. 我又累又困,就去睡了。(主语补语)He is driving me crazy. 他在把我逼疯。(宾语补语) 介词短语I found everything in good condition. 我发现一切良好。(宾语补语)I regard this as of great importance. 我认为这个很重要。(宾语补语)Farms are fou

18、nd on the more hilly South Island. 农场都在丘陵较多的南岛。(主语宾语) 分词(短语) 逻辑关系:现在分词表主谓关系,过去分词表动宾关系。I can hear someone coming. 我能听到有人来了。(现在分词做宾语补语)You have just seen them learning how to do first aid. 你刚才看到了他们在学如何进行急救。(现在分词短语做宾语补语)They are having the path repaired. 他们正在修路。(过去分词做宾语补语)I found all the windows broken

19、. 我发现所有的窗户都破了。(过去分词做宾语补语) 动词不定式(短语) Im waiting for you to give me the answer. 我在等你给我答案。(宾语补语)Lets listen to Max talk about her experience. 让我们听马科斯谈谈她的经历。(宾语补语)This book was considered to be an important summary of the knowledge of grammar. 这本书被认为是语法知识的重要总结。(主语补语)有些动词要求不带to的不定式短语做宾语补语:省略to 感官动词:feel,

20、 see, hear, notice, watch, observe, listen to, look at +sb. + do 使役动词:let, have, make + sb. + do “使、令、让、帮、叫”6.定语 修饰限制名词或代词,即修饰中心词。通常单个词置于所修饰的词(即中心词)的前面,即前置定语;一组词置于所修饰的词(即中心词)的后面,即后置定语。前置定语有两种,一种是起限定作用的限定词,如冠词、代词和数词,一种是其修饰作用的形容词。可以做前置定语的词类有名词、代词、数词、形容词等。 名词Its a pity you missed the sports meeting las

21、t week. 可惜你错过了上周的运动会。(前置定语)He has finished repair work. 他已经完成了整修工作。(前置定语)“a + 单位词 + of”结构也可以做定语:A group of people are coming down the street. 一群人从街上走啦。(前置定语)He wears a pair of glasses. 他戴着一副眼镜。(前置定语) 代词 His father is an inventor. 他的父亲是位发明家。(物主代词做前置定语)Im waiting for my change. 我在等着给我找钱。(物主代词做前置定语)Per

22、haps Ill go to that office. 也许我会去办公室。(指示代词做前置定语)He just received this letter from a friend. 他刚收到这封朋友的信。(指示代词做前置定语)Whose book is this? 这是谁的书?(疑问代词做前置定语)Which newspapers do you read? 你读什么报纸?(疑问代词做前置定语)Did you have any change done to your farm? 你的农场遭到什么破坏了吗?(不定代词做前置定语)He was sure about the grammar and

23、some of the idioms. 他对语法和某些习惯用语没有把握。(“不定代词+of结构”做前置定语) 数词 The invention has three advantages. 这项发明有三个优点。(基数词前置定语)The first question has been answered. 第一个问题已经回答了。(序数词做前置定语)Canada has one third of the worlds supply of fresh water. 加拿大拥有世界淡水总量的1/3. (分数做前置定语) 形容词 形容词做定语通常前置,但有些词,如不定代词something, anythin

24、g等做中心词时,形容词后置做定语。The primary reason is freedom. 主要原因是自由。(前置定语)She wears a purple blouse and a black shirt. 她穿着一件紫色的短衫和一条黑色的裙子。(前置定语)Theres something wrong with my laptop. 我的笔记本电脑有问题。(后置定语) 副词 Ill buy some meat on my way home. 我要在回家的路上买些肉。(后置定语) Everyone here has read this book. 这儿的每一个人都读过这本书。(后置定语)

25、介词短语 The man under great pressure is our manager. 压力很大的那个人是我们经理。(后置定语)They took some pictures of a handsome actor, and the advertisements appeared on large boards by the side of the road. 他们给一个相貌英俊的演员拍了几张照片,于是照片广告就出现在路旁的大广告牌上。(后置定语) 动名词She is leaving the swimming pool. 她要离开游泳池。(前置定语)Could you give m

26、e a piece of writing paper? 请给我一张信纸好吗?(前置定语) 动词不定式短语 Would you like something to eat? 你想要些吃的东西吗?(后置定语)He found the way to solve this difficulty question. 他找到了解决这个难题的办法。(后置定语) 分词(短语) The sleeping boy is Tim. 睡觉的男孩是提姆。(现在分词做前置定语)The boys playing football on the ground are my friends. 在操场上踢足球的男生是我的朋友。(

27、现在分词短语做后置定语)Tom was a well-known detective. 汤姆是位著名的侦探。(过去分词做前置定语)The letter sent to me was replied. 寄给我的那封信被回复了。(过去分词短语做后置定语) 分句(即定语从句) The invention which brings about convenience and simplicity is the Internet. 带来方便和便捷的那项发明是因特网。(后置定语)Australia is the only country which covers an entire continent i

28、n the world. 澳大利亚是世界上唯一一个领土覆盖整个大陆的国家。(后置定语)7.状语 (Adverbial)修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子,表示时间、地点、程度、目的、方式、比较、让步、条件、原因、结果、伴随。位置十分灵活。 名词(短语)Wait a moment. 等一下。(修饰动词)Take this medicine three times a day. 这药一天服三次。(修饰动词) 代词I cant speak that much. 我说不了那么多。(修饰动词) 副词 Luckily, he got a new car. 很幸运,他得到了一辆新车。(修饰整个句子)He sp

29、eaks French badly. 他法语讲得不好。(修饰动词) 介词短语 In all his life, he worked hard to make money. 在他的一生中,他努力工作赚钱。I have been feeling slightly ill for a week. 我一个星期一直感觉不好。 动词不定式 They came to practice their oral English. 他们来练习口语。(修饰动词) 分词(短语) 逻辑关系Taking his coat, he left the room. 拿着外套,他离开房间。Inspired by him, more

30、 people devote to voluntary work. 受到他的鼓舞,更多的人投身到志愿工作中。 分句(状语从句) I visited a lot of countries when I was young. 在我年轻的时候,我去过许多国家。8.同位语 当两个指同一事物的句子成分放在同等位置,一个用来说明或解释另一个时,前者叫做后者的同位语。一般置于其所说明的名词(即中心词)之后,有时二者也可以被其他词隔开;也可置于其所说明的名词之前。同位语和中心词的关系与定语和中心词的关系不同。定语和中心词是修饰关系,而同位语和中心词是等同关系。因此可以做同位语的词类和做中心词的词类基本相同。

31、名词(短语)We Chinese are brave and hardworking. 我们中国人勇敢努力。We young people are confident and energetic. 我们年轻人自信有活力。There are two official languages, French and English. 这里有两种官方语言,法语和英语。The singer, Adele, won a lot of awards. 歌手阿黛尔获得很多奖项。 The River Nile carried the water into southern Egypt. 尼罗河把这些雨水带进埃及南

32、部。Professor Brown is my tutor. 布朗教授是我的导师。同位语与主语补语区别:同位语强调等同,意在说明或解释,起补充说明的作用;主语补语则表述主语的性质。My friend Tom is a basketball player. 我的朋友汤姆是名篮球运动员。(my friend=Tom,同位语)A mere child, he had to go abroad to study. 他还只是个孩子就到国外读书了。(a mere child 用以表述主语he,主语补语。) 代词We all stood still and shook with fear. 我们都站着不动,

33、吓得发抖。They both visited Scotland. 他们两个都去苏格兰参观。 数词You two seem to know each other. 你们两个人好像互相认识。 动词不定式He gave the order to start the attack. 他发出了开始进攻的命令。Their proposal, to increase education investment, has been adopted. 他们的建议即提高教育投资被采纳了。 动名词Her first plan, going abroad, did not come true. 她第一个计划出国没有实现

34、。 介词短语I love the city of Liverpool. 我爱利物浦这座城市。分句(同位语从句) 抽象名词:idea, fact, news, hope, belief, thought, doubt, promise, truth, agreement, decisionThe news that 2 Chinese have been killed is true. 两名中国人被杀的消息是真的。同位语从句与定语从句区别:The news that he told me yesterday is not true. 昨天他告诉我的消息不是真的。有些词语表示同位关系,常用的有:n

35、amely(即), that is(亦即), that is to say(也就是说), in other words(换言之), or(或), or rather(更正确地说), for example/ instance(例如), including(包括), say(比如,假定说), such as(例如), especially(尤其是), particularly(特别地), mainly(基本上), mostly(多半)等。This is welcomed by all the non-smokers, especially women and children. 这受到所有非吸烟

36、者,特别是妇女和儿童的欢迎。He learn English all day, that is to say, from 6 to 23. 他一整天都学英语了,也就是说,从早六点到晚上十一点。基本句型 5 1. 主语(Subject) + 谓语(vi.)这种句型中的动词大多是不及物动词,常用的动词:arrive, come, cry, die, disappear, fish, happen, jump, sing, swim, work I will arrive at Jinan tomorrow. 我明天到济南。He works hard. 他努力工作2. 主语(Subject) + 系

37、动词(Link. V) + 表语(Predicate)这种句型主要用来表示主语的特点、身份等。系动词一般分为: be动词 单三&过去式 The sky is blue. 天是蓝的。 表感官的系动词:look, smell, sound, taste, feelHe looked worried. 他看起来很担心。 表变化的系动词:become, turn, get, go, grow, fall, come, run go + mad/ hungry/ bad/ wrong/ blind/ brown fall + asleep/ flat/ short/ ill/ sick/ silentc

38、ome + easy/ loose/ natural/ true run + short/ loose/ wild/ cold It is getting warmer and warmer. 天变得越来越暖和。 表示状态的系动词:seem, appear, keep, remainkeep + quiet/ calm/ cool/ well/ warm/ silent/ clean/ dry Please keep the room tidy. 请保持室内整洁3. 主语(Subject) + 谓语(vt.) + 宾语(Object)这种句型中的动词一般是及物动词。He borrowed a

39、book secretly. 他悄悄借了本书。He secretly borrowed a book on English yesterday. 他昨天悄悄借了一本关于英语的书。Yesterday, he secretly borrowed an English book which was written by Austin. 昨天,他悄悄借了本奥斯丁写的英语书。Yesterday, he secretly borrowed an English novel written by Austin, which truly confused us. 昨天,他悄悄借了本奥斯丁写的英语小说,这真的让

40、我们很困惑。 英语中许多动词既是及物动词,又是不及物动词。4. 主语(Subject) + 谓语(Verb) + 间接宾语(Indirect Object) + 直接宾语(Direct Object)间接宾语去掉之后,对整个句子影响不大,多由指“人”的名词或代词充当。常用接双宾的动词及用法:buy: buy sb. sth. &buy sth. for sb. He bought me a new car. & He bought a new car for me. 他给我买了辆新车。pass: pass sb. sth. & pass sth. to sb. Please pass me s

41、ome salt. & Please pass some salt to me. 请递给我盐。lend: lend sb. sth. & lend sth. to sb. Ill lend you $100, but I cannot lend money to all my friends. 我会借给你100美元,但是我不能借钱给我所有朋友。give: give sb. sth. & give sth. to sb. He gave me a hug. & He gave a hug to me. 他给我一个拥抱。tell: tell sb. sth. & tell sth. to sb.

42、She told me the fact. & She told the fact to me. 她告诉我事实。 teach: teach sb. sth. & teach sth. to sb. I teach you grammar. & I teach grammar to you. 我教你语法。show: show sb. sth. & show sth. to sb. You should show me your talent. & You should show your talent to me.你必须向我展示你的天资。bring: bring sb. sth. & bring

43、 sth. for sb.He brought me an apple. & He brought an apple for me. 他给我带了一个苹果。send: send sb. sth. & send sth. to sb. I sent her a letter. & I sent a letter to her. 我寄了一封信给她。5. 主语(Subject) + 谓语(Verb) + 宾语(Object) + 补语(Complement)这种句型中,宾语 + 补语 = 复合宾语。宾语补足语的主要作用是补充说明宾语的特点、身份等,或者表示让宾语去完成的动作等。常见谓语动词:tell,

44、 ask, advise, help, want, would like, order, force, allow have, make, let, see, hear, notice, feel, watch等后面所接的动词不定式作宾语补足语时不带to.He found his work rather boring. 他发现他的工作相当乏味。They called their daughter Mary. 他们给女儿取名叫玛丽。He put his books in order. 他把他的书整理好了。Dont leave me behind. 别把我留下。What do you advise me to do? 你建议我怎么做?Dont allow yourself to indulging in false hopes. 别让自己沉迷于幻想。He called on Jack to answer the difficult question. 他叫杰克回答这个难题。We cant let this go on. 我们不能让这件事继续下去。I saw Nancy chatting with her. 我看见南希在和她聊天。


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