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1、Grade 9 Unit 5 Topic 2 南关中学 程 婧Section B导学案学习目标:1了解掌握中国的历史人物郑和。2继续学习who, whom引导的定语从句。一. P11-12 单词学习创设语境, 呈现新单词,倒入新课.Name: Zheng He Birthplace: Yunnan ProvinceExperiences: From1405 to 1433, he led seven led seven ocean journeys for the Ming emperor.captain sail coast pride unfortunately die of/from c

2、ompass 二1a: (1) 听录音,完成1b.(2) 通过多媒体,呈现1c 的表格。并根据表格内容,每行说一个句子。(3) 根据下列内容,巩固1c. born in 1371a Ming Dynasty explorera captain and palace official more than half a century earlierdied of in 1433(4) 精课文读1a 完成下面的分析与练习。1. I am becoming more and more interested in Chinas history these days.2. Could you tell

3、me something about the person named Cheng He ? the person named Cheng He叫郑和的人,是 _ 做后置定语,它可以改为定语从句:_。3. He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom the Chinese people are proud of.这是一个由whom引导的定语从句;可以把它分成两句话:_。 定语从句的先行词_。关系代词是_. 它指_(人或物),在句中做介词of的_. 可用who代替,也可省略(只有做宾语时)。但是,当把介词提前时只能用whom而不能用who。所以这句话还可以改为:_4.

4、 Because, as a captain and palace official, he led seven ocean journeys from 1405to 1433.5. He really is the pride of china.的骄傲:_为自豪/骄傲:_ 或_自豪/骄傲(名词形式): _自豪/骄傲(形容词形式): _翻译句子:长城是中国人的骄傲。_。我为长城而自豪。_。6Unfortunately, he died of illness on his way home from Africa in 1433 .死于_。后接表示死因的结果名词、代词或短语。翻译: 他父亲死于癌

5、症。_。那个女孩死于汶川地震。_。7 Thank you for telling me so much. 为某件事表示感谢 _ 课堂练习一 把下列句子连成定语从句1. Yuan Longping is a great scientist. He has developed hybrid rice. 2. Zheng He was a great exporer. He led seven ocean journeys. 3. Yang Zhengning is a great scientist. He won the Nobel Prize for physics. 4. Zheng He

6、died of illness. He was a Ming Dynasty exporer. 5. Thomas Edison was a great scientist. He invented many useful things. 6. He was a Ming Dynasty exporer. The Chinese people are prode of him. 7. Zheng He led seven ocean journeys. He was a captain and palace official. 8. I have a friend. His name is J

7、ane. 课堂练习二1. We are going to have a class party tomorrow afternoon. _, Li Ming wont be able to take part in it, he is ill in hospital. A Fortunately B Luckily C Sorry D Unfortunately 2. -Do you know everybody _ came to the party? - Almost, but I dont know the one _ you talked with near the door. A w

8、ho; / B whose; that C that; which D /; whom3. Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng are the _ of our nation. A proud B pride C prize D price4. - Dou you know about Yuan Longping? -Only a little. But Chinese people are proud of the man _ hybrid rice is famous. A who B which C That D whose 5. The sailor is _ of his experiences, because he has been to about 30 countries. A the pride B afraid C proud D hear Homework: Write a passage about a famous person. Use as many attributive clauses as possible.


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