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1、Unit 1 Period 1 (1-6选择talk,tell,speak,say 填空)1. Can you _ Chinese ? 2. Lets _ to Mr. Green about it .3. They _ China is great . 4. Dont _ in class !5. Can you _ it in English ? 6. Please _ us the good news (消息) .(7-10题用play或play the 填空)7. Jenny can _volleyball, and she can _ violin .8. Tim can _ pia

2、no, and he can _ basketball.9. Mary can _ drums, but she cant _guitar .10. Bob can _ping-pong , but he cant _ chess . (11-15题用can , cant ,do , dont, does, doesnt填空)11. -_ he play soccer ? - Yes , he can .12. I _ play the guitar, but I cant play it well .13. -_ your mother want to join the basketball

3、 club ? -No , she doesnt .14. The girl _ like chess, but she likes volleyball.15. -_they have tennis balls ? No, they don t .Unit 1 Period 21. -Can you _(dance ) ? Yes , I can .2. Do you want _(swim ) ? I think you can join the _(swim ) club .3. Sally speaks English very _(好) .4. My sister likes _(w

4、rite ) stories . 5. Bill cant sing _(和) dance .6. Well play basketball after school . Can you play basketball ? Come and _us .7. Tina can speak English , but she _ speak Chinese .8. Can you _ kung fu ? Come and _ us .9. My friend Bob likes to play _ basketball before _ dinner .A. the, the B. /, the

5、C. the, / D. / , / 10. -What can you do , Lin Tao ? -_. A. I like sports . B. I want to join the music club . C. I am well . D. I can draw .学校的各个特长俱乐部要招生。今天,有两个好朋友Mario和Lisa一起去参加面试,请完成下面主考老师与他们之间的对话。Teacher : 11_Mario and Lisa : We want to join the music club .Teacher: 12_ Mario: I can sing .Teacher

6、 : 13_Lisa: Yes . I can also play the piano , but I cant play it very well .Teacher: 14_, Mario ? Mario: Yes, I can also play the guitar .Teacher: 15 _ Mario : Sorry, I cant play it very well .Unit 1 Period 31. Tom wants_ to you . Are you free ? A to tell B tells C. to talk D. talks2. Can you help m

7、e _my English ? A with B. of C learning D. About3. Bob can play _tennis but he cant play _ violin . A the , the B / , / C the , / D / , the 4. Please call me _8989766 .5. Miss Read likes music and she is good _ it . She is good _students in the music club .6. Mary can speak English .(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

8、 _7. My father can play the guitar very well .(改为否定句) _8. 我能帮孩子们游泳. I can _ kids _ swimming .9. Kate is very _ at school and has no tome to play .10. Mario likes _(play) chess . Its very i_and fun .11. Peter likes children (孩子) and is very good _them .12. I need you _(help) me _ my English .13. I ca

9、n play ping-pong , too . (改为同义句) I _ _ play ping-pong .14. Miss Qin is a teacher . She _English .15. John wants _(join) the music club .Unit 1 period 41. Jack can play the piano , but he cant play it _(好) .2. Mr Wang teaches _(they )math .3. They need help at the old _(people ) home .4. We need two

10、students _(clean ) the classroom .5. Sam wants to play the guitar _(周末 ) .6. 莉莉善于与老人相处. Lily _old people .7. There are five _(piano) in the room .8. He can speak English . (对画线部分提问) _ _ he _?9. I like to play basketball and _(也会讲英语) .10. Ma Huan likes to talk and _(与人们做游戏) .11. You can tell them stories and _(和他们交朋友) .12. If you need help , Please _(拨打0717-34598) .13. The students can play basketball after class .(改为一般疑问句) . _ the students _ basketball after class ?14. Bill likes sports and he wants to join the _(swim ) club .15. She likes music . She wants _(be ) a _(music) .


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