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1、Unit 2 My favourite season B Read and write教学设计永和坪小学 王英一、教学目标:知识目标:能够在图片的帮助下理解描写四季的短文;能够按照正确的语音、语调、意群朗读短文,并运用句型I likebest because 书面表达自己最喜欢的季节及原因。 能力目标:读懂文章内容,在本单元已学知识基础上运用文章中的核心句型I like because 进行语篇输出,掌握基本的阅读方法。情感目标:通过本课学习,让学生明白四季不断变换,我们应该学会在不同的季节合理着装、开展活动并保持良好的心情。二、教学重点:运用句型I likebest because书面表达自

2、己最喜欢的季节及原因。三、教学难点:1、运用句型I likebest because 书面表达自己最喜欢的季节及原因。2、理解fall的两种意思。四、教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up1. Lets sing: 2. Greetings. (设计意图:通过问候,拉近师生距离;通过吟唱与本课相关的歌曲,既活跃了课堂气氛, 又让学生在歌曲中初步感知本节课的教学内容。)Step 2 Pre-reading1. Show some pictures,talk about the seasons.2.Pairwork:A: Which season do you like best?B:I like

3、 best.A:Why do you like spring/summer/fall/winter?B:Because(设计意图:通过问答复习本单元重点句型,为本课学习作铺垫。)Step 3 While-reading1. General reading(1)Students listen and answer: Which season does Robin like best?(2)Let the students read the passage quickly and tick. Which season does Robin like? Spring. Autumn. Summer.

4、 All the four seasons.(设计意图:让学生有针对性地听课文,初步感知文本,获取关键信息。)2. Detailed reading(1)Get the Ss to read text and tick or cross: 1). Robin likes spring because there are beautiful flowers everywhere. ( )2). Robin can swim. ( )3). In summer, the leaves fall and fall and fall. ( )4). Robin likes winter because

5、 he can play in the snow. ( )(2)Check the answers, get the Ss to read paragraph by paragraph and underline the key sentences.T: Why does Robin like spring? Ss Read Paragraph 1 and check No.1 T:Whats the weather like in summer?Ss read Paragraph 2 and check No.2 T: Does Robin like fall? How do you kno

6、w? Ss read Paragraph 3 and check No.3. 引导学生读出句子:What lovely colours! (出示词卡lovely)I love fall. 课件呈现动态落叶图,帮助学生理解句子:The leaves fall and fall and fall.T: Why does Robin like winter?Ss read Paragraph 4 and check No.4 (设计意图:学生通过自主阅读课文,根据关键词句判断句子对错,对文本信息进行筛选分析,充分了解文本细节,从而更清楚地掌握所学内容。)3Read fluently. Listen

7、and repeat.(设计意图:通过跟读模仿,培养学生的语感,形成正确的语音、语调。)Step 4 Post-reading1. Feedback: Retell the text.(1) The trees are_ and the flowers are _ in spring. (2) The weather is _ in summer. Robin likes summer but he _swim.(3) What _ colours! Robin wants to _.(4) Robin likes winter because he can_.(设计意图:通过填空练习检测学生

8、语篇掌握情况,引导学生走出文本,培养其语篇运用能力。)2Guessing game T : What season is it? Ss answer, then enter the picture and answer the question.(设计意图:通过猜季节游戏,巩固、扩大学生的词汇量及语言知识,拓展学生的思维,培养和提升学生的阅读技能。)3. Write down your favourite season.(1)教师示范 (2)学生仿写 (3)学生展示(设计意图:通过让学生仿写最喜欢的季节,提高学生的语言综合运用能力,达到学以致用的目的。)Step 5 Wrap-up1. Sum

9、mary:T: What colourful seasons! Lets enjoy every season. Happy every day!(适时进行小结,并进行德育渗透,使学生的情感得以升华。)2. Assessment. (总结小组评价活动得分情况)Step 6 Homework Listen and read P19. Talk about your favourite season with your friends or parents. Write a short passage about your favourite season.(分层布置作业,巩固所学知识。)Blackboard design:Unit 2 B Read and write小组评价统计图Which season do you like best?I like.Why?I like because .


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