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1、小学英语(广州版)五年级第五册Module 5 Unit 14 Work with Language 杨屋一小 黄燕冰一、教学内容分析本模块的话题是Zoo Animals(动物园的动物),在Book 2的Module 2里学生已接触过Animals的话题,教师要充分利用知识的前后联系,巩固旧知识,引出新知识。而且学生对这类话题都比较感兴趣,教师可以根据这一特点有针对性地进行教学。本模块要求学生理解掌握的单词主要有:动物类单词、地球上各洲名称单词及部分国家单词,句型主要有:Do you like ? My favourite animal is 以及Dont 。动物园是学生熟悉的地方,因此本模块

2、的两篇对话对学生来说应该是比较容易理解并掌握的。Unit 13是关于Xiaoling和Janet准备前往动物园的对话;Unit 14是她们在动物园所见所闻的对话,两篇对话内容都比较短,而且贴近学生生活,容易表演上口。二、教学目标(一)语言知识目标1. 词汇:“三会”:Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Arctic, Antarctic, India.2句型Dont Where is the from? Its from What does a look like? It looks like a It is (二)语言技能目标1能认读并巩固

3、单词:Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Arctic, Antarctic, India,并能说出它们在地图上各自的位置。2能灵活运用句型:Dont go to go to .Where is the from? Its from What does a look like? It looks like a It is (四)学习策略目标: 利用地图学习。(三)情感态度目标:培养学生热爱大自然,热爱和保护动物的意识。(五)文化意识目标: 懂得各大洲的名称和它们地图上的大概位置。三、教学重、难点表示各洲的单词及Dont 和What does

4、a look like? It looks like a 句式的熟练运用。 四、教学策略运用小组合作的方式让学生更好地记住各洲单词及各自的地理位置;五、教学过程(一)Warming-up1.Devid the group森林里传出了一个好消息,老虎决定让出他的王位,So,Today,all the animals getother and had a match,and then Ill devide you into four groups,youre pandas,youre monkeys,youre elephants,and youre kangaroos.Do you want t

5、o be the king?Good,if you did a good job,you can be the king step by step.Are you ready?OK now,lets sing a song。让我们用歌声请出今天到场为到场的所有animals.2.Sing the song :自编歌曲:elephant polarbear,复习已学的12个动物的单词。elephant, polarbear.elephant, polarbear. elephant, polarbear.elephant, polarbear.monkey, seal , panda, tige

6、r , lion ,snake , monkey, seal , panda, tiger , lion ,snake ,monkey, seal , panda, tiger , lion ,snake , giraffe and kangaroo, bear and deer.elephant, polar bear.elephant, polarbear. elephant, polar bear.elephant, polarbear. Hey!elephant, polar bear.elephant, polarbear. elephant, polar bear.elephant

7、, polarbear.(二)Presetation&practise(贴图片)They are pandas elephant,polarbeartheyre from.课件呈现一幅地图。归类各洲的动物。Asiapanda,elephant,monkey. Australiakangroo,deer,Europedeer Africatiger,lion ,giraffe North Americaeagle The Arcticpolar bear The Antarctic-penguin老虎为来参选的动物们设了四关。第一关:知己知彼 给5分钟时间速记。T: Where is the p

8、anda from? S: It is from Asia.T: Where is the polar bear from? S: It is from the Arctic.小组问答:Where is the from?It is from 第二关:扰乱视线-找出路A: I want to see a in Asia.B: Dont go to Asia . Go to Africa.第三关:物有相似 -总不同A: What does a polar bear look like?B:It looks like a bear. Its white.(三)Consolidation&Pract

9、ise三、根据动物特点连线。Snakes lovelyBears cuteElephants funnyRabbits strongPandas dangerousLions longMonkeys heavy第四关:擦亮眼睛-难不倒一、判断题,对的打,错的打。 1.You can see many monkeys in Africa.( )2.There are many deers in Europe. ( )3.Pandas live in Australia. ( )4.Polar bear can live in the Antarctic. ( )5.Japan is in Asi

10、a. ( )6.The USA is in South America. ( )二、把相对应的动物与国名或州名相连线the USA the ArcticAfricaChinaIndiathe AntarcticAustraliaEurope(四)Development1,编对话Make a dialogue例: A: Whats your favourite animal? B: My favourite animal is panda. A: Where is the panda from? B: Its from China,Asia. A: What does the panda look like? B: It looks like a cat,its very cute.2.Talk about the animals:电脑呈现一些动物的画面,拓展延伸,教育来自与动物交朋友,保护动物。(五)Sum-up句型:Dont Where is the from? Its from What does a look like? It looks like a It is (六)Homework1【单词本】将学过的家养动物类和野生动物类一个抄一行。2为你的学校设计一些行为准则英语告示牌。


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