Origin of the names of the days.doc

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1、Origin of the names of the daysThe names of the days are in some cases derived from Teutonic deities or, such as in Romance languages, from Roman deities. The early Romans, around the first century, used Saturday as the first day of the week. As the worshipping of the Sun increased, the Suns day (Su

2、nday) advanced from position of the second day to the first day of the week (and saturday became the seventh day). SundayThe name comes from the Latin dies solis, meaning suns day: the name of a pagan Roman holiday. It is also called Dominica (Latin), the Day of God. The Romance languages, languages

3、 derived from the ancient Latin language (such as French, Spanish, and Italian), retain the root. French: dimanche; Italian: domenica; Spanish: domingoGerman: Sonntag; Dutch: zondag. both: sun-day MondayThe name comes from the Anglo-Saxon monandaeg, the moons day. This second day was sacred to the g

4、oddess of the moon. French: lundi; Italian: lunedi. Spanish: lunes. from Luna, MoonGerman: Montag; Dutch: maandag. both: moon-day TuesdayThis day was named after the Norse god Tyr. The Romans named this day after their war-god Mars: dies Martis. French: mardi; Italian: martedi; Spanish: martes.The G

5、ermans call Dienstag (meaning Assembly Day), in The Netherlands it is known as dinsdag, in Danmark as tirsdag and in Sweden tisdag. WednesdayThe day named to honor Wodan (Odin).The Romans called it dies Mercurii, after their god Mercury. French: mercredi; Italian: mercoledi; Spanish: mircoles.German

6、: Mittwoch; Dutch: woensdag. ThursdayThe day named after the Norse god Thor. In the Norse languages this day is called Torsdag.The Romans named this day dies Jovis (Joves Day), after Jove or Jupiter, their most important god. French: jeudi; Italian: giovedi; Spanish: jueves.German: Donnerstag; Dutch

7、: donderdag. FridayThe day in honor of the Norse goddess Frigg. In Old High German this day was called frigedag. To the Romans this day was sacred to the goddess Venus, and was known as dies veneris. French: vendredi; Italian: venerdi; Spanish: viernes.German: Freitag ; Dutch: vrijdag. SaturdayThis day was called dies Saturni, Saturns Day, by the ancient Romans in honor of Saturn. In Anglo-Saxon: sater daeg. French: samedi; Italian: sabato; Spanish: sbdo.German: Samstag; Dutch: zaterdag.Swedish: Lrdag; and in Danish and Norse: Lrdag (washing day).


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