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1、PEP五年级英语下册Unit2 My Favourite SeasonALets learn说课稿学生情况分析五年级的学生已经有了基本英语基础,已具有日常生活的口语交际的水平和语言组织水平。本节课的任务就是让学生把自己平时观察到的景象,使用已知的语言知识如何在语言环境中使用。教材及学情分析 本课是小学英语PEP第五册第二单元A部分第一课时:Let Learn 、Lets find out .本单元在内容上与四年级下册第四单元有相同之处,描述天气情况的形容词如cool, cold ,raniy ,windy snowy, sunny等单词,在以旧引新时,以不同形式学习season ,spring

2、 ,summer ,fall. Winter等单词。重点学习使用句型:Which season do you like best? 提问,并能够根据实际情况回答。教学设想 本课设计的初衷是课堂一开始就使用多媒体播放相关四季的美丽的景物,把孩子们带进多姿多彩的美丽自然世界。多用活动操练句型和单词,让学生自己描述四季,并给四季赋予自己喜欢的颜色,有利于学生对学习的课文产生兴趣,能发挥自己的想象力。只要精心设计一些学生感兴趣的活动融入教学中,只有对学生的表现实行即时的,恰到好处的评价,学生就能在学习的过程中体现到快乐,由被动学习变为主动学习,真正的做到在快乐中乐于学习英语。教学过程一、教学目标: 1

3、.认知目标:能听、说、读、写单词:spring, summer, fall, winter,season.掌握日常交际用语: Which season do you like best? Summer/.I can Whats the weather like in spring/summer/fall/winter? Its2.水平目标:能询问各季节的天气并作回答。能使用句型Which season do you like best?提问 ,并能根据实际情况回答。 3.情感目标: 通过学习四季,教育学生保护地球,珍惜生活,才能享受美丽的季节,享受真正的幸福!培养学生热爱生活的情感态度。二、教

4、学重点: 1.四会单词spring,summer,fall,winter,season的掌握。 2.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语: Which season do you like best?Whats the weather like in?三、教学难点: 能掌握四个表示季节的单词,能准确表达季节。四、教学准备: PPT课件, 教师的单词卡片五、教学过程:Step1: Warming up/revision1.Enjoy a songWhats your favourite season?.2.Review the words of weather. *warm *hot *cool *c

5、old *sunny *cloudy *windy *snowy3.Free talkT:Whats the weather like today?Ss:Its。T:Whats your favourite food/colour?Ss:My favourite foodcolour is(设计意图:歌曲热身,活跃课堂气氛,促动师生间情感的交流,复习与本课相关的词汇与句型,为本课学习打下基础。)4.lead in T:Today well learn Unit 2 My Favourite Season. Step 2 :Presentation1. T:Teach“season” Do yo

6、u know “season”?Ss:季节。(学生从课前的歌曲和图片中已知道要学季节。)T:Yes, There are four seasons in a year. Teach “season”, “seasons”. (Read in pairs. Write with fingers in the air.)2.Teach “spring”.T: Its warm and windy. The grass is green, the flowers are red. What season is it?Ss:春天。T: Yes. Its spring.Teach “spring”.(R

7、ead the word individualy. T check the pronunciation.)3.Teach “summer”.T: It is hot and sunny, the days are long.We can swim and eat ice-cream.What season is it?Ss:夏天。T:Yes, its “summer”.Teach “summer”.(Read in high and low voice.)4.Teach “fall”.T: Its cool and windy. Farmers are busy, and we can eat

8、 many fruits in this season. What season is it?Ss:秋天。5.Teach “winter”.Its cold and windy. We wear sweater(毛衣) and coat(外套), we can play with snow in the north(北方).What season is it?(设计意图:单词的教学是最枯燥的,用各季节最具代表性的事物引出单词,调动学生的积极性,让学生喜欢学、想学。)Step 3 :watch flash(听读正音)播放Lets learn,学生分角色跟读对话。Review the five w

9、ords.Teach the dialogue (板书句子) “Which season do you like best? Summer/.I can (Talk in pairs)(设计意图:单词教学要做到词不离句,通过师生、生生之间的互动来巩固句型,为学生营造一个真实的语言环境,让学生在玩中更快更好地理解并运用句型。)Step 4 :ExtensionTalk about the colours of the seasons.T: OK. We have learned the four seasons. Now lets talk about the seasons。In your e

10、yes, what colour are they? What colour is spring/summer/fall/winter?Ss: ItsStep 5: Practise(分组比赛) DHYPERLINK app:ds:divide%20intoivide into two groups ,grils group and boys groupAnswer my questions get flowers let me see which group will win ?1.Whats missing?2.Lets guess a.闻声猜季节 b.读诗猜季节(评价)Whos the

11、winner?(设计意图:通过游戏竞赛的方式,充分集中学生的注意力,训练学生用英语思维的能力及反应的灵敏性,并在游戏的竞赛与挑战中进一步巩固所学的单词.)Step 6:Consolidation1.Group work:Get in groups of four, talk about your favourite season, and make a report.分成四组谈论你们最喜欢的季节,组长调查后向全班汇报。Question: Which season do you like best? Why? Whats the weather like in?2. make reports.S

12、tep 7:SummaryWhat did you get in this class?Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢的季节是哪一个?Whats the weather like in?在(季节)天气怎样?Step 8:lets share Protect our earth!Value our life!Enjoy seasons!Enjoy happiness!保护地球,珍惜生活,才能享受美丽的季节,享受真正的幸福!Step 9 :Homework.1. Draw a tree and talk about the seasons(P16).2. Read the five new words and copy the words on your exercise book, each two lines.


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