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《my animal sign(1).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《my animal sign(1).doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Fun with English Book 8 Unit3 My animal signFu Xiaoli YuYing Primary SchoolThe teaching goal:1、Can listen read and write the words: were , was, be born, mouse, dragon, snake.2、Master the sentence:When were you born? I was born in . My animal sign is 3. Performing proficiently Learn to say part of th

2、e content and can be adapted small dialogue, can introduce your familys menbers animal sign to others. Teaching important points Spelling, writing also skilled the words, to master this lesson dialogue and basic sentence patterns. Teaching difficult points Understand the text and can introduce famil

3、ys memberss animal sign.Teaching AIDS: 1, pictures of animal sign.2, CARDS, word CARDS 3, tape recorders, tapes Teaching steps:Stage 1Pre-reading1、Sing a song: Follow me.Leading ina.T: Do you want to know me? Show PPT of My information. My name is Candy. Im thirty-five. My animal sign is monkey. The

4、 monkey means smart and clever. Introduce animal signs and write down the title on the blackboard.(设计说明阅读短文前先通过Greeting和教师的自我介绍教学新单词,并引出课题animal signs为接下来的短文阅读做好铺垫。)b. Let the students find out the hidden words in their draws in order to read the words on the blackboard. (设计说明增加课堂的趣味性激发学生学习的兴趣让学生了解十

5、二生肖有哪些动物组成以及它们的排列顺序。) c. Show a ChantRabbit,sheep,lovely and meek Dragon,snake,long and magical Ox , horse, strong and tall Mouse,chicken,like eating rice Tiger,dog,pig and monkey Theyre very pretty! (设计说明一首节奏明快的生肖儿歌在吸引了学生注意力的同时既巩固了新知降低了文本阅读的难度)Stage II: While-reading 1.Listen and circle the answers

6、: What are they talk about? (设计说明通过问题引导学生进入第一次阅读对课文进行初步了解。) 2Read silently and underline: What is the mans animal sign? (设计说明学生进入第二次阅读提升问题难度)3.Read and fill in the blanks. T: Read and fill in the blanks. And write down your answer on your paper.(三朗读:填空的方式作为支架。这些问题可以使学生再一次巩固现在进行时。对课文的关键词句达到了提炼. )(一听音

7、二默读三朗读这三个环节每个环节都一个教学任务,三个问题由浅入深,让学生对课文中的重难点得以掌握.)4. Listen and imitate.(听音跟读作为支架。刚刚朗读时学生会发现不会读的词或拿不准的词,在这一部分,学生可以纠正他们的发音掌握地道的语音语调。)5. Read the text in roles.1) Read the text with the computer.2) Read the text in groups.(分角色朗读作为支架,人机对读这种有趣的阅读方式可以很容易地调动学生的积极性;小组内分角色读,更能高质地读出课文。)6. Can you read the tex

8、t ? -hiding game(遮挡补白练习)(留白读。两次留白遮盖部分由易变难,并且每个遮盖的部分都是课文的重点知识点。两次留白一对比,加大难度巩固现在进行时,使学生对课文重点内容达到完全掌握。)(过六种读的方式让学生自然的了解了课文内容.真正做到了以学定教.)Stage III: Post-reading 1. Listen and guess: What are their animal signs? 2.请学生与同学谈论家人或朋友的生肖并试着写下来。 3. Ask some students to read the passage设计说明培养学生的写话能力。学生模仿语篇写作巩固了课上所学知识的同时也将这一活动作为课本知识与生活实际相联结的桥梁。 Stage V: Homework: 1. Read the text three times. 2.Interview someone about their animal signsand try to write a short record. (设计说明作业设计符合小学英语教学所倡导的“听说领先读写跟上”的原则。而不同层次的学生自由选择第二项作业为自己要完成的项目让其都有表现自己的机会每人都有获得成功的喜悦。)


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