Unit 2 Is this your pencil课堂达标题.doc

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1、七年级英语(上)第二单元达标题A 卷Unit 2 Section A 1a-1c1 我的铅笔 2 你的双肩背包 3一把尺子 4她的橡皮 5一个红色的铅笔合 6 那本词典1 his is book this _.2 that ruler your is _?答案 一 1 my pencil 2 your backpack 3 a ruler 4 her eraser 5 a red pencil 6 that dictionary 二 1 This is his book . 2 Is that your ruler?初一英语(上)达标题B卷Unit 2 Section A 1a-1c一 选择适

2、当的词填空1 Is this_eraser? (he his )2 Is _Mrs Li ? (she her)3 That is _pencil .(my I )4Is that _dictionary ? (you your ) No,_isnt. ( it its)5 Can_ spell _ name? (your you ) Yes, _ can. (I my ) 二 句型转换 1 、This is his pencil .(变一般疑问句) _ _his pencil ? 2 、 That is her ruler . ( 变否定句)_ _ her ruler.答案 一 1 his

3、2 she 3 my 4 your it 5 you your I 二 1 Is this 2 That isnt初一英语(上)达标题C卷Unit 2 Section A 1a-1c完成对话,一空一词 A:_1_,Tony. 2_ 3 your pencil sharpener? B: yes, 4_ 5 _6_ that 7 -my pen.A :_8_ _9_ your pencil , Jane?C: _10_, it _11_.Its my pencil .A: _12_ _13_ _14_.C: Thank you .答案 1 Hi 2 Is 3 this 4 it 5 is 6 B

4、ut 7 isnt 8 Is 9 this 10 Yes 11 is 12 Here 13 you 14 are 英语学科七年级上册第二单元达标试题Unit 2 Section A 2a2cAEx.1选用括号中适当的代词填空。1.Is this_eraser? (he, his)2.Is_(she, her) Mrs Li ? Yes.3.Thats_(my, I) pencil.4.Is that _(you,your) dictionary? No,_(it, its) isnt.5.Can _spell_name? (you, your) Yes,_(I, my) am.Ex.2.单项选

5、择1.( )Is this a pencil ? -_.A. Yes, this is. B.Yes, thiss. C.Yes, it is.2.( )_. Are you Mr Green? A. Thank you. B.Excuse me. C Goodbye. 3.( ) -Is this_ruler? -Yes,_is_ruler. A, his, it, me B. your, this, his C. your, it, my B Ex.1.用正确的物主代词填空。1.I am in Class 2. This is _class.2.Wang Hong, is this_bag

6、?3.The boy is my friend._name is Tom.4.This is a bird._name is Polly.5.The girl is Lucy._bag is yellowEx.2单项选择。1.-Is this your pencil? -Yes,_. A. its B. it is C. its D. is it2. Is that_ pencil case? A. he B . him C. his D. hes3. Is this_? A. gold your ring B. your gold ring C. your ring gold D. you

7、gold ring Ex.3 连词成句1. his, is ,book, this _2. is, my, it, sharpener _ CEx.1按要求变换下列句型。1. This is a pencil case. (变一般疑问句)_2. Is that her key? (做否定回答)_3. not, is, my, this, book (连词成句)_Ex.2 补全对话,一空一词。A: 1 2 , Tony, 3 4 your pencil ?B: Yes, 5 you. And that _6_ my pen.A: 7_ 8_ your ruler, Jane ?C: 9_,it

8、10_. Its my ruler. Thank you.参考答案:A Ex.1 1.his 2.she 3.my 4.your , it 5.you, your, I Ex.2 1.C 2.B 3. C BEx.1 . 1.my 2.your 3.His 4.Its 5.HerEx.2. 1. B 2.C 3.BEx.3. 1. This is his book. 2. It is my sharpener. CEx.1 .1. Is this a pencil case? 2. No, it isnt. 3. This is not my book.Ex.2. 1.Excuse 2. me

9、 3.Is 4.this 5. thank 6. is 7.Is 8.this 9.Yes 10. is英语学科七年级上册达标试题Unit 2 Section A 34bAEx.1用所给单词的正确形式填空。1._family name is Bush.(she)2.Jim_(be) a good boy. 3.Thats_ID Card. ( I ) 4.How do _spell_name? (you )5.Is that _eraser? ( he )Ex.2.单项选择1.( )Whats this_ English? _Its a dictionary.A. on B. in C. at

10、 2.( )-How do you spell case?-_. A . Its a case. B. No, its not a case. C. C-A-S-E. C Goodbye. 3.( ) -Whats that in English? -_ A. Its a book. B.Its pen. C. Its a pencil. B 按要求完成下列各题:1. Its an English book. (就划线部分提问)_2. C-A-S-E , case. (写出问句)_3. This is a pen in English. (就划线部分提问)_4. 那是她的卷笔刀吗? (翻译成英

11、语) _ _ _ pencil _?5. -这是你的双肩背包吗?-是的。(翻译成英语)_ CEx.1 补全对话,一空一词。A: Hi ! My name is Jiang Shan. _1_ your name?B: Julia. Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you, _2_. Whats this in English?B: _3_ a book.A: _4_ do you _5_ it?B: B-O-O-K, book.A: _6_ that a book, too?B: _7_ , it _8_. Its a picture.A: Is this a

12、 pen?B: _9_ , _10_ is.A: Your English is very good.B: Thank you.参考答案:A Ex.1 1.her 2.is 3.my 4.you, your 5.his Ex.2 1.B 2.C 3.C B1. Whats it? 2. How do you spell case?3. Whats this in Englisn?4. Is that her, sharpener5. Is that your backpack? Yes, it is. C1. Whats 2. too 3.Its 4. How 5.spell 6.Is 7.N

13、o 8.isnt 9.Yes 10.it 初中英语七年级上册堂清题 Unit 2 Is this your pencil? 第四课时 Section B 1a-2c A卷 一.根据句子意思和首字母填空。 1.Whats this in E_? 2.How do you s_ pen? 3.Is that her e_? 4.This is his w_. 5.What is your l_ name?二.单项选择。 ( )1.-Is that your book? -_, it is. A.Yes B. No C. Oh ( )2.How do you _ it? A.say B.spell

14、C. listen ( )3.-Is this her watch? -_. A. No,it is. B, Yes,its. C. Yes,it is. ( )4.-_ is this in English? -Its an eraser. A. How B. Who C. What ( )5.-Is that a car? -Yes,_. A. that is B. is it C. it is Keys:一:1.English 2.spell 3.eraser 4.watch 5.last 二:1A 2B 3C 4C 5C B卷一.按要求写出下列单词。 1.笔记本_ 2.钥匙_ 3.电脑

15、_ 棒球_ 5.戒指_二.句型转换。(每空一词)1.Its an English map.(变一般疑问句) _ _ an English map?2.Is that her computer?(作否定回答) _, it _.3.Its a pen.(对画线部分提问) _ _ it?4.C-A-S-E,case.(对画线部分提问) _ _ you spell case? 5.My name is John.(该为同义句) _ _ John.Keys: 一 1. notebook 2.key puter 4.baseball 5.ring 二 1.Is it 2.No isnt 3.What is

16、 4.How do 5.I am C卷一根据首字母或汉语补全单词。 1. Do you play _(棒球)?2. That is my w_.3.Is this y_ pencil case?4.He likes _ _.二选择填空。 1. -Whats that? -_ is a pencil case.A. That B. It C. it D. This 2. -Is this your chair? -_.Yes, its B. Yes, its not C. No, it is D. Yes , it is 3. This is _ eraser, and that is _ ru

17、ler.A. a; an B. an; a C. a; the D. a; a 4. - Is that your pencil? - _. That is her pencil. A. Yes, it is B. No, it is C. No, it isnt D. Yes, it isnt 5. - How do you spell key? -_. A. Its a key B. K-E-Y C. A key D. Its a K-E-YKeys: 一 1.baseball 2. watch 3. your 4. computer game(s) 二 1. B 2.D 3.B 4.C

18、5.B 第五课时 Section B 3a-Selfcheck A卷一.翻译词组。 1.一串钥匙 _ 2.身份证_ 3.谢谢你 _ 4.电子游戏_ 5.在失物招领箱里_二.单项选择。 1.Whats this _? A. in english B. In English C. in an English D. in English 2.Is that _ pencil case? A.he B.him C.his D.hes 3.Her watch _ in her backpack. A.am B. is C.are D.be 4. Please call Jenny _ 536-4428.

19、 A.in B. to C. on D. at 5.How do you spell _ baseball? A, the B. a C. this D. /Keys: 一. 1. a set of keys 2. ID card 3. thank you 4. computer game 5. in the lost and found case 二. 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.D B卷一.单项选择。 ( )1.-How do you _ the word? -M-A-P. A. name B. spell C. white D. read ( )2. -Are you Lucy

20、King? -No,_. A. Im B. I am C. Im not D. I isnt ( )3.早晨在校园内遇见英语老师,你应对她说: A. Good morning , Miss Gao. B. Whats your name? C. How do you do? D. What are you? ( )4.She is a student and _ name is Kate. A. she B. her C. hers D. his ( )5. -Is this her watch? - _. A. No, it is B. Yes, it isnt C. No,it isnt

21、D. No, it not二.用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. _ family name is Bush. (she) 2. Colin _ (be) a good boy. 3. That is _ ID card.(I) 4. How do _ spell _ name? (you)Keys: 一. 1.B 2.C 3. A 4. B 5.C 二. 1.Her 2. is 3. my 4. you ; your C 卷一.找出每组单词中的另类单词。 ( ) 1. A. pen B. pencil C. eraser D.watch ( ) 2. A. five B. four C.nic

22、e D.six二.单项选择。 ( )1. Please call Mary _ 7685528. A. is B. at C. in ( )2.Found: a set of _. A. key B. keys C. keies ( )3. - Is this your ring? -Yes,_. A.it is B. Its C. it isnt三.写一篇招领启事。提示:John捡到了一块手表。他的电话号码是368-1598。Keys: 一 1.D 2.C 二 1.B 2. B 3.A 三 Found: a watch. Is this your watch? Please call John at 368-1598.


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