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1、Unit 4课时练习Section A (1a2d). 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语填空。allow, too many, wrong, guess, work out1. I think the answer to the question is _. 2. Teachers dont _ us to wear our own clothes at school.3. Can you _ the meaning of the word?4. Everyone hopes everything can _.5. There are _ people on the bus. It is

2、 very crowded. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I dont want (stay) at home alone.2. Why dont you (write) a letter to your cousin?3. You could (give) this book to Mike.4. When I got home, I found my mother (cook) in the kitchen.5. We all hope to have more free time (relax). 根据句意及所给汉语提示,用恰当的短语填空。1. Last night

3、my father drank _ _(太多).2. She _(浏览) her notes before the exam.3. If you go home late, you should _(给打电话) yourparents.4. Millie gave up the competition _(以便) she could prepare for the test.5. My father said my mother _(生的气) me. . 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话。A: Hey, Yang Mei. You look unhappy. (1)_B: Just

4、 now I had a big fight with Helen. Although she was not right, it wasnt a big deal. (2)_ What should I do?A: Why dont you talk about it with her on the phone?B: (3)_ Please give me another piece of advice.A: Oh, you could write to her.B: (4)_A: What about sending a message to her?B: (5)_ Thank you v

5、ery much. A: Youre welcome.A. I hate to do like that.B. So now I feel sorry for this.C. But I dont like writing letters.D. Its a good idea.E. Whats wrong?Section A 3aGrammar Focus. 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1. She borrowed my book but didnt r it to me.2. Can you e why you arrived late for school this mo

6、rning?3. Dont be n . Your daughter will be back soon.4. Which is your e brother and which is your younger brother?5. Dale, dont c others homework. Its not good. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1. My sisters (主动提出) to help to do the housework last weekend.2. As students, we should often (交流) with our teachers.3

7、. Listen! Jill is (争吵) with her cousin now.4. (其次), why dont you tell your parents about your ideas?5. We should improve (关系) between our two countries. 根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的词语填空,每个限用一次。although, could, so that, until, should1. I got up early this morning _ I could catch the early bus.2. _ I had a fight wi

8、th my friend, we are still good friends.3. This history museum is open _ 5:00 p.m. 4. If you arrive late for class, you _ say sorry to your teacher.5. Oh, my God! I left my pen at home. What should I do?It doesnt matter. You _ use mine. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。1. 我和我的同学相处得很好。I _ _ _ my classmates.2. 她拒绝和我

9、一起参观博物馆。She refused _ _ the museum with me.3. 你应该向你的朋友解释那件事。You should _ the matter _ your friend.4. 请不要为你的考试担忧。 Dont _ _ _ your exam, please.5. 你介意我用电脑吗?Do you _ _ _ the computer?Section B (1a2b). 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1. I dont like dogs because they may c a lot of trouble.2. Jill likes sports and

10、 she often plays f with me on weekends. 3. Although he was ill, he still c working.4. Mary joined our music club last month. Now she is one of the m of the club.5. Dont c yourself with others. You should just be yourself. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。typical, skill, crazy, development, push1. Writing

11、 _ are important for us to have.2. Play volleyball in such hot weather? You are really _.3. Zhang Lans family is a _ Chinese family.4. Mom, dont _ me so hard. I cant stand it.5. More exercise is good for your bodys _. . 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。secondly, relax, make, angry, good, pressureDear M

12、om,Today I have something to tell you. First, you know my sister is (1)_ at schoolwork than me. But youre always comparing her with me. That (2)_ me unhappy. (3)_, you know Im not interested in after-school classes but you always take me to some. Im (4)_ about it. I dont want to compete with others.

13、 I cant stand too much (5)_. I want to be a successful child and I also want to be a happy child. Please give me some time (6)_ and think for myself. Many thanks.Yours,JillSection B 2cSelf Check. 根据语境,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Why did your father _(agree) to take you to the cinema?Because I didnt finish my

14、 homework.2. Mom _(usual) goes shopping once a week.3. Look at the two pictures and find _(similar) between them.4. Ill keep on _(practice) playing the piano.5. What should we do _(help) the disabled man, Ms Lin?. 根据横线后的标点提示,将下列单词连成完整、正确的句子。1. dont, you, why, for, wait, few, a, days_?2. help, could,

15、 do, chores, your, mother, you _.3. think, of, what, do, they, classes, after-school _?4. are, much, important, more, than, exams, the, party, the_.5. keep, should, talking, to, you, him, talks, to, he, you, until_. 根据汉语意思及括号内所给提示,翻译下列句子。1. 我不得不删除了那个故事。 (cut out)_2. 依她看,数学不重要。 (in ones opinion)_3. 我

16、借给她一些钱以便她可以度假。 (so that)_4. 她昨晚直到十点才回家。 (not . until)_5. 他打算把他儿子送到一所好的学校。 (send . to)_答案Section A (1a2d). 1. wrong 2. allow 3. guess 4. work out 5. too many. 1. to stay 2. write 3. give 4. cooking 5. to relax. 1. too much 2. looked through 3. call up 4. so that 5. was angry with. 1-5 EBACDSection A3

17、aGrammar Focus. 1. return 2. explain 3. nervous 4. elder 5. copy. 1. offered 2. communicate 3. arguing 4. Secondly 5. relations. 1. so that 2. Although 3. until 4. should 5. could. 1. get on with 2. to visit 3. explain; to 4. be worried about 5. mind me usingSection B (1a2b). 1. cause 2. football 3.

18、 continued 4. members 5. compare. 1. skills 2. crazy 3. typical 4. push 5. development. 1. better 2. makes 3. Secondly 4. angry 5. pressure 6. to relaxSection B2cSelf Check. 1. disagree 2. usually 3. similarities 4. practicing 5. to help. 1. Why dont you wait for a few days2. You could help your mot

19、her do chores3. What do they think of after-school classes4. The exams are much more important than the party5. You should keep talking to him until he talks to you. 1. I had to cut out the story.2. In her opinion, math is not important.3. I lent her some money so that she could have a holiday.4. She didnt go home until ten oclock last night.5. He plans to send his son to a good school.


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