Unit4 reading and writing教学设计.doc

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《Unit4 reading and writing教学设计.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit4 reading and writing教学设计.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Reading and Writing 教学计划【Teaching Contents 】: 广东版开心学英语五年级下册教材【Teaching Points】: 1. The dialogue 2. The bus manner 3. The reading skills 4. The civilization tips with those four words ( always, usually, never, sometimes).【Teaching Difficulties 】: 1. The understanding of the bus manner. 2. The

2、grasp of the reading skills 3. The use of four words in writing the civilization tips.【Teaching Targets 】: 1. The students can grasp the bus manner. 2. The students can understand the dialogue and givethe right answers of the exercises. 3. The students can get these reading skills by this lesson. 4.

3、 The students can write some civilization tips with four frequent adverbs, according to the daily civilization. 5. The students can cultivate the awareness of the bus manner, and learn to broadcast it.【Teaching Strategies 】: 1. Using the micro-video to explain the bus manner. 2. Using the reading sk

4、ills and the relative explanations for making the reading to become easier. 3. Designing some tasks for the mastery of the four frequent adverbs.【Teaching Steps】 Step 1: Lead-inWatch a micro-video made by the students.( 设计意图:视频具有直观性与趣味性。微视频能直接快速导入坐车礼仪,同时默默地移植了坐车礼仪的概念进入学生的头脑中。)Step 2: Presentation1.

5、Strengthen the bus mannerAfter watching the micro- video, the students do some judgments about the right bus manner and the wrong bus manner.(设计意图:书本的P51第三题。判断行为的对错能快速检测学生是否能掌握视频的内容。而且,答案的出现能强化学生了解正确的坐车礼仪。)2. Reading the dialogue in P50For answering this question, the students need to listen and rea

6、d the dialogue.The question: Whether do Xiaoqiang and his mother know the bus manner? (设计意图:让学生带着问题去阅读能让学生从材料中获取信息,更能让学生有目的性地去阅读材料。而且,边听边阅读能在一定程度上降低阅读的难度,也增强了学生的英语输入。)3. Understanding the dialogue.After reading the dialogue, the students do some exercises.(设计意图:书本P51的三道题能检测学生是否能理解对话。)4. Learning the

7、 reading skills.The students learn the reading skills by analyzing the dialogue and the exercises.The reading skills: 1. 看图猜主题 2. 按词填空 3. 小细节很重要,回头检查很需要(设计意图:针对学情设计了三个阅读技巧,并把他们设计得朗朗上口。朗朗上口的阅读口诀会促进学生对这三个技巧的记忆。并且,利用刚学的对话内容和练习内容来讲解更能有助学生理解这三个技巧。)5. Concluding and reviewing four words.The students revie

8、w two frequent adverbs( always, sometimes) in the dialogue, and they review more frequent adverbs ( usually, never).(设计意图:借用对话复习四个频率副词。学生可以从中更好地了解频率副词的用法。)6. Consolidation According to the bus manner, the students write some civilization tips with four frequent adverbs.(设计意图:利用四个频率副词,写几个针对坐车礼仪的文明小提示

9、。这不仅可以训练了学生的写作能力,同时也是一种途径让学生宣扬坐车礼仪。)7. Extensional homeworkThe students are asked to write some civilization tips with four frequent adverbs, in accordance of the daily manner. (设计意图:写其他相关的文明小提示有助于学生观察日常的文明行为,更多地培养他们文明生活的意识。结合四个频率副词强化学生对这个四个词汇的使用。)检测练习:1. 书本P51 第三题2. 书本P50 第二题3. Rush to get a seat, jump and push, dont wait in line, Wait in line, say “Excuse me”, give the seat to elderly people or children We always _.We never _.We sometimes _.


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