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《Unit 4(2)(1).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4(2)(1).doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 Unit 4 Things I like doingLesson typeNewTeaching aims1、巩固单词skate, hop,并能在语境中熟练地使用句型Do you like(doing)?Yes.No. I like (doing)?2、初步理解句型Do you like(doing)? Yes. No. I like (doing)?3.初步使用动词时态。key points1、巩固所学词汇及句型Do you like(doing)? Yes. No. I like (doing)?并适当整合所学过的动词;2、能在特定情境中使用句型Do you like(doing)? Y

2、es. No. I like (doing)?实行简单交流。Difficult points1、能在特定情境中综合使用所学句型Do you like(doing)? Yes. No. I like (doing)?2、动词时态的使用。Teaching methodCommunicative language method. TPRTeaching aidsPPT/CD-ROM/FlashcardsPeriod 2Teaching processDesign IntentStep I Warming up1.Lets sing.2.Free talk an review the main wor

3、ds and phrases learned from the previous class. 复习动词skate/hop/sing/dance/run/ write/skip/swim.Step II Presentation1.Show the photos of students. Have the students make sentences using Im like(doing)(talk about activities what students like.)2.Have the students work in groups and talk about what they

4、 like doing in activity.e.g. T: I like hopping. Do you like hopping? S1: Yes, I like hopping. Do you like hopping? S2: No. I like running. Do you like running? S3: No. I like skating. Do you like skating? S4:Yes, I like skating 再构文本,以“”大课间活动为主线,展开操练,整合所学动词,结合时态,使用句型Do you like(doing)? Yes. No. I lik

5、e (doing)?来提升学生的口语表达能力Step III Practice1. Have the students read rhyme on page19 of the student book. 2.Ask students to make a short dialogue in pairs. e.g. T:Hello! Im Miss lin. I like skipping. Ss: Hi! Im XX.I like (doing)3. Have the students look at “Do a survey” on PPT .Have them work in small groups. They can go to other groups to ask questions and come back to their own group to report.首先利用chant 重聚学生的专注力,引导学生学会表达自己所喜爱的活动。再整合所学的词句用小组形式提高学生的口语交际Step IV Sum-upStep V Homework教学后记板书设计


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