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1、学校教师时间2016.3授课内容PEP6 Unit 2 Read and write教学目标知识与水平目标:1.学生能够理解并会朗读Read and write 部分的文本;2.学生能够使用核心句型I like because .完成读写练习,并在情境中完成个性化书写。情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标:1. 学生能够提升合作意识和实行自主探究、归纳的水平;2. 学生能够进一步提升从阅读中提取信息的水平和按意群阅读的水平。教学重难点重点:学生能够理解、朗读文本,完成读后练习,并在情境中完成个性化书写。难点:学生能够按意群阅读,能够理解fall在具体语境中的意思。教学环节教学过程Step1: Pr

2、e-reading1. Pre-class Sing a song “Whats your favourite season?”2. Free talk Do you like the music? What is it? How many seasons in a year? What are they? 通过一首与课时主题相关的歌曲,协助学生尽快进入英语学习的状态。通过师生对话滚动旧知,并表现主线:最喜爱的季节。Step2: While-reading 1. 独白处理 (1)Look and say 春 夏 秋 冬 (打乱顺序的图片)a. I have 4 pictures. Look a

3、t the 1st picture. Which season is it?And the 2rd picture is about .b. 放大2rd picture (教师示范)Whats autumn like?It is. There are . I can .c. Pair work Say in pairs (反馈) (2)Read and choose a. Tip: read and underline (教师示范划关键句)b. 学生做c. 核对 (处理fall 完成P19的选择) 2. 文本处理(1)Listen and answer.Which season does Ro

4、bin like?(2) Read and judge. 3.listen and repeat ( Whole test)(1) listen and repeat one by pne(2)Role play (独白+Robin)通过看图说图,一方面区分了不同季节的特点,另一方面也滚动了旧知。初读文本,获取基本信息,体会四季之美进一步深入文本,通过听和细度,学生明白文本内容的同时也体会按意群阅读通过听、朗读、模仿,熟读文本。Step3: Post-reading1. Enjoy, say and write.(1) Pictures of the season of Hangzhou.(2) Say: Which season do you like best? Why?I like_ best because_.(3) Write down.2. Homework(1)Share the work with your friends or parents.(2)Listen and imitate. (19)通过欣赏激发学生的表达兴趣,先说说自己最喜欢的季节和喜欢的原因,再鼓励学生进行个性化书写。


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