We have a big family dinner教学设计.doc

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1、Module 7 FestivalsUnit 1 We have a big family dinner. 教学设计 一、教材分析本课选自新标准英语(三年级起点)第二册第7模块第一单元第一课时。课文主要是对春节的相关词句实行学习,在课文中Sam和Amy并不了解中国的春节,而Daming则做了一些介绍,重点要求学生掌握for, about,Spring Festival, Chinese,New Year和对中国新年风俗习惯实行描述的句型:Its Chinese New Year. At Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner. We have

2、peanuts and sweets. We say Happy New Year!在学生学习课文的同时,应让其了解过春节的重要性和风俗习惯,让学生更热爱自己的祖国。二、学生情况分析四年级绝大部分学生对英语比较感兴趣,有一定的模仿水平;但他们的注意力时间不长,对一些游戏、直观图片等形式比较感兴趣。为使将来能更顺利的实行英语语言学习,教师应在激发他们兴趣的同时,进一步培养他们良好的学习习惯。三、教学目标(一)知识目标1、能听说读认单词:for, about,sweets, peanuts, Spring Festival, Chinese New Year;2、能听懂并会说句子:At Sprin

3、g Festival, we have(有) a big family dinner. At Spring Festival, we have(吃) peanuts and sweets. At Spring Festival, we say “Happy New Year”!(二)水平目标使学生能够学会表达新年问候及描述过春节时的风俗习惯。(三)情感目标1、培养学生对生活的热爱,了解中国传统文化,宏扬民族精神,提升对祖国的热爱;2、激发学生的英语学习兴趣,提升实际生活与语言应用相结合的水平;3、培养学生听、说、读的水平以及交际水平。四、教学重点和难点(一)教学重点:1、词汇:for, abo

4、ut,Spring Festival, Chinese New Year的学习;2、会用At Spring Festival, we _.这个句型说一说春节里我们吃些什么,做些什么。At Spring Festival: (1)we have a big family dinner. (2)we have peanuts and sweets. (3)we say Happy New Year.(二)教学难点:1、掌握好Spring Festival的发音;2、学生能使用At Spring Festival, we _.这个句型围绕春节的话题实行谈论。五、主要学习方法及教学策略分析(一)主要学

5、习方法:本课使用了TPR、情景法、交际法、任务型教学法、游戏等教学方法,都是学生喜欢的教学形式,符合了小学儿童的心理特点。(二)教学策略:本课先通过歌谣和问答形式复习已学过的食物单词;再通过游戏、歌谣等活动方式巩固所学新知识。(三)教具、学具准备:教科书、配套课文录音磁带、对联、食物图卡、单词卡片、花生、糖果、六、教学过程Step1.Greetings. (Greet all the students and ask some questions.) Q1: What day is it today? Q2: Whats the date today? (板书日期,为后面课文中Oh, no.

6、Its not Spring Festival now.做铺垫) Q3: What do you like for dinner? Q4: Do you like rice?Step2.Warming upSay a chant: noodles and rice, are very very nice.In this way to warm up the whole class and let them know we are talking about food in this class.Step3.lead-in.From saying the chant about food, th

7、e teacher leads the students to review some other food. (Show food cards to review all the food theyve learned.)T: Do you like rice? Lets read these cards. Rice rice, I like rice.Step4. New wordspresentations.A guessing game: Guess whats in my hand? (In this way to teach the new words one by one.)T:

8、Sweets,sweets, I like sweets. Sweets, sweets, who likes sweets?Ss: Sweets, sweets, I like sweets.T: Sweets for you. (for表情夸张、强调) Here you are.Ss: Thank you.T: You are welcome.In the same way to teach the new word “peanuts” (利用花生糖果实物教读单词sweets and peanuts.奖励给说得好的同学,并运用课文句子I like sweets. I like peanut

9、s. Here you are.等。)At last, a chant for conclusion. Sweets and peanuts, are very very nice. Mmm, mmm, very very nice.(教师出示sweets and peanuts 结合noodles and rice chant节奏帮助学生自己编织chant,以此来总结新学单词的教学。)Step5. Presentations for Spring Festival 1、创设情境,呈现课题Module 7 Festivals与全体生交流:T: I like sweets and peanuts

10、,too. And we have sweets and peanuts at festivals. (出示festival卡片,教师用英文复述节日名称,并教授festival,带领学生发好festival中v字母的发音,提示学生咬下嘴唇发音) T:festival节日 ,for example, Qingming Festival清明节,Spring Festival春季。 T:Do you like festivals?T: Today, we will talk about festivals.(指明所学课题Module 7 Festivals教读)设计意图:引发学生思考,使学生能尽快进

11、入学习状态,同时揭示本课主题。2、教授Spring festival T:Now look, I have a book. Its about Spring Festival. (感知about关于意思) (出示一本关于春节的书,教授Spring Festival)Practice in different ways:(提示学生spring中p的发音为/b/,同时整体认读ring的发音,使其尽快掌握正确读音)全班读,点名读,小组读玩游戏操练3、教授句子:At Spring Festival, we have_.T: At Spring Festival, we have sweets. At

12、Spring Festival, we have peanuts.板书句子:At Spring Festival, we have_. T:What else do we have at Spring Festival? (教师出示刚才开课时复习了的实物卡片,引导学生造句)T:At Spring Festival, we have_.(出示刚才开课时复习了的实物卡片练习造句)4、小组讨论,板书构成,课题展示At Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner.小组讨论操练句型:T:Now, lets discuss in groups. What do

13、 you have at Spring Festival?(现在我们小组讨论下,在春节我们吃什么?) 引导学生运用句型At Spring Festival, we have_.回答,学生回答了什么食物,老师就将该食物的图片贴在黑板上,并且带领学生用猜食物的形式运用更多的图片造句,然后都将那些食物图片贴到黑板上,构成板书。T:T: At Spring Festival, we have.And at Spring Festival, our father, mother, grandpa, grandma, sister and brother, we are sitting together.

14、 So we have a big family dinner. Today we will learn Unit1.We have a big family dinner.(过春节时,我们家里所以的人都在一起吃团圆饭family dinner.)5、游戏巩固,听音乐,传红包(类似于击鼓传花游戏,以此游戏巩固练习At Spring Festival, we have_.这一句型。)T:At Spring Festival, we also have red bags. (展示红包) In the red bag, we have lucky money压岁钱.(打开红包,展示压岁钱)Lucky

15、 money 是长辈给小孩子的压岁钱,它寄托着长辈对小朋友的祝愿,祝福小朋友们在新的一年里幸福好运。Now I put all the red bags in the box. (出示一个盒子) Lets play a game. Listen to the music and pass the box. Lets see who is lucky. Ok?6、教授Happy New Year. Spring Festival is Chinese New Year.T: Boys and girls, do you like Spring Festival? ( 提问个别生,引导学生按先规范

16、回答Yes./No.)T: What is Spring Festival? Amy and Sam, do they have Spring Festival?T: No, Spring Festival is Chinese New Year. (出示卡片Chinese New Year并教读)Happy New Year, boys and girls. Happy New Year, Tom.(出示卡片 happy new year)T: So at Spring Festival, we say “Happy New Year!”(板书这句话)Spring Festival is C

17、hinese New Year.”说得好的学生给予奖励。T: Youre so good. Sweets for you.(for表情夸张、强调)(奖励学生真糖果)T: At Spring Festival we also sing songs. Lets sing a song about Spring Festival. Ok? Sing a song: Happy New Year.(播放歌曲) 设计意图:用唱歌的方式激发学生兴趣,以鞠躬作揖的方式让学生学说:新年快乐。Step6. Text-learning课文学习 First, listen to the tape. And answ

18、er a question: Whats the book about?T: Are you happy now, boys and girls? Sam is happy, too. Because hes got a book from Daming. Now lets listen to the tape and find “whats the book about?”T: Look, like my book, its about Spring Festival.(强调学习about,并举例练习:This book is about English.)For the second li

19、stening, read the text and answer four questions.Q1: What is Spring Festival?Q2: What do we have at Spring Festival?Q3: What do we say at Spring Festival?Q4: Is it Spring Festival now?Step7 Expansions for Spring Festival.春节知识拓展,并能向外国朋友介绍春节。1、T:What else do we do at Spring Festival? 你还知道其他有关春节的习俗吗?At

20、 Spring Festival, we have chicken.(鸡肉,吉祥如意)At Spring Festival, we have toufu. (豆腐,到福,福到了)At Spring Festival, we have dumplings. (饺子形状像old moneny元宝,吃很多饺子,就意味着拥有了很多钱财)At Spring Festival, we have a big cleaning.(大扫除,除尘布新)At Spring Festival, we have spring couplets and firecrakers or fireworks.(传说“年”是种怪

21、兽monster,没到一年结束时都会出来害人,但是它害怕red, loud noise and fire.)教师提示学生用:At Spring Festival, we have_. At Spring Festival, we do _. At Spring Festival, we say _.2、向外国朋友介绍春节(视时间而定,时间不够的情况下,只进行拓展1,拓展2房子第二课时进行。)邀请一名学生戴上假发扮演外国人,并与同学打招呼。教师讲解任务并与“外国小朋友”对话示范介绍:Hello, Im XX. At Spring Festival, we_. 设计意图:设计向外国朋友介绍中国春节

22、的环节,给学生提供一个较为真实的场景,让知识在运用中得到实践检验。使学生知道学有所用。Step8 Homework.1、We have Spring Festival in China.What do Amy and Sam have in England?Look for something about Christmas.2、收集有关其他节日的图画或照片,了解风俗习惯,介绍给同学听。For example,e如:Mid-Autumn Festival合家团圆, Dragon Boat Festival祈福平安,Qing Ming Festival祭拜先祖等节日设计意图:让学生对节日的相关了解得到一定拓展,开阔知识面。 七、板书设计Module7 FestivalsUnit1 We have a big family dinner. we have( 吃).At Spring Festival, we have( 有). we say “Happy New Year!”八、教学反思


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