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1、高二英语知识解读人教版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:高二英语知识解读亲爱的同学们,从今天开始,我们将一起学习从高二第七单元到高三第十六单元的英语知识。为了两年完成三年的课程,使我们一进入高三就进入一轮复习,我们在高一阶段已经提前学习了高二前六单元的知识,所以我们今年学习的内容除高二第七至第二十单元外,高三全册的知识也将列入我们的学习内容。我们全年的主要教学目的和任务:一)巩固扩大知识基础二)培养运用英语进行交际的能力 三)侧重培养阅读能力四)培养自学能力。针对这个目的和任务,在今后的教学中我们将重点进行以下学习:词汇、句型、阅读、语法。这些是每个立志要学好英语的人必须过的四关,这四者有联系但

2、不能相互代替。词汇学习主要是使学生掌握词义、词的搭配和用法。对于很多同学来说,记单词是最头痛的一件事。在学外语所花费的时间中,记单词占的比重最大。(一)关于记单词,我们应做到以下几点1. 1)下定决心如果你决定背单词,一定要坚持走到最后。背单词是一件很累的事。任何方法只能使单词记得更准,而不会让人不花力气就能记住。而许多人刚开始雄心勃勃地要背单词。到了中段,有很多人坚持不下去,纷纷放弃。最终记住的只有a篇的单词,而最熟的永远是:abandon(放弃)。这就会给你造成一种错觉,让你觉得自己很没有毅力,从而使你对背单词产生恐惧感。所以自己的心理状态要调整到最好。一旦开始,就别停,哪怕你昨天背的,今

3、天就忘了(实际上,很常见) 2)选书要有针对性,而且最好不要选按字母排列的词汇书,那比较难背,初次尝试背单词的同学不容易坚持下来。我推荐以词根词缀来编排的词汇书。但初学者不宜过分依赖对词根词缀的分析,只能当作辅助手段。当你的单词量达到一定程度以后,你自然会自如的运用词根词缀来扩大你的词汇量。就像学中文,你只有掌握了一定的中文字,才能去了解偏旁部首。还有一点,无论你选择哪一本词汇书,你都应该买磁带,它会让你在比较短的时间内复习单词,又可以让你熟悉发音,对参加听力考试有好处。 3)什么时间背睡觉之前和起来之后背,平时没事的时候也可以随便看看。前两个时间背的话,背的效率很高。但也不可以拘泥于此。如果

4、在这两个时间(特别是早上)让你很没有精神,不如换个时间。总之,适合你的才是最好的。 2. 背的原则 1)由少到多。最开始背单词的时候,由于还不太适应,可能快不起来,而且记不住。这个时候,可以少背一点,每天60个左右,甚至更少。不要学别人那样狂背,每天背200多个单词。如果你今天的目标是背500个单词,却只背下了50个,你的痛苦将大于你成功的喜悦。所以一开始可以少定一点,但背了一段时间,你背单词的速度必须加快。背单词,要一鼓作气,否则就会再而衰,三而竭了。 2)及时复习:背单词其实就是遗忘和抗遗忘的过程。及时的复习,可以最大程度的减少遗忘。根据专家的意见,一般是第1天背完,第2,4,8,15天就

5、要复习。 3)做题:在第一遍背完词汇之后,就应该一边复习一边做题4)阅读:这也是复习单词的好办法,也是我们巨大词汇量的用武之地。阅读的时候碰到的生词或者是背过却忘记的单词,不要马上去查字典或文曲星,放过去,除非它多次出现,很影响你阅读。生词,你完全可以凭借已经学过的单词,以掌握的词根去猜,也可以根据全文去大致地猜。如果你猜不出,just pass it。因为你读的是整篇文章,而不是一两个句子,你要从整体上把握文章的意思。很多学生阅读的时候,一个一个单词点着读,一个一个地翻译出来,才能读懂,这其实对阅读没帮助。3. 背单词的方法第一遍背的时候,首先听一遍磁带,跟着读,同时大致的看看单词的特征。跟


7、不熟的单词建立起你自己的词汇书,直到这本词汇书上一个单词也没有。另外,并不是每个单词都要花相同的力气。常用常考的记牢就行了。我们特别要注意的是动词,因为一个句子中的动词读不懂,你肯定就读不懂了。最后,谨记的一点就是:be confident and be yourself。始终相信,你是最好的,你一定可以做到。词汇的学习与短语的学习是分不开的。我们在授课中学习单词的同时,与之相关的短语也会一并展示给同学们。然后通过句型进一步加深对于单词和短语的掌握。词汇之外,在每一单元的学习过程中我们还会对重点句型进行归纳整理。词汇、短语以及句型掌握的好坏对我们的交际能力将产生直接影响。对句型的掌握和理解还将

8、直接影响我们对语篇的理解。这就涉及到了阅读。(二)关于阅读的技巧阅读理解其实主要考的是“阅读”之后的“理解”,所以,看得懂是第一项技巧。要能看懂任何一篇文章,至少需要两个条件:认识单词和看明白句子。高考词汇大约为30004000个,这不是一个小数字,也不是三两天时间可以记住的,所以,学生需要长期的学习和记忆词汇。记忆词汇我们刚刚已经谈了,至于看明白句子,对长句充分理解,语法的学习就显得很重要了。例如:This trend began during the Second World War, when several governments came to the conclusion that

9、 the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail. 句子主干This trend began during, when, that语法难点1)这个句子的主语实际上是This trend began.其余的成分都是在起修饰和限定作用。在分析长难句时一定要注意找出句子的主干,关键是确定句子的主语和谓语,只有这样才不会被众多的修饰成分所迷惑。2)when引导的是一个时间状语从句,第一个that引导的是c

10、onclusion的定语从句,第二个that引导的是demands的定语从句。句子翻译这种趋势始于第二次世界大战期间,当时一些国家的政府下了结论,认为:政府向科研机构提出的具体要求通常是无法详尽预见的。技巧二:选题看懂文章之后,还有一个如何选题的问题,所以第二项技巧是选题问题。读完文章之后就要对文后的问题从A、B、C、D四项中作出选择。许多学生说,文章有时看懂了,题就是选不对。其实选题也是大有技巧的。阅读的问题基本分为五大类:1. 主旨题(又称中心思想题):这类题基本上是问main idea,或best title是什么;也可以问作者写此文章的purpose何在;或问此文的conclusion

11、可总结为什么。碰到这类题最简单的方法是把文中每段的首句串起来考虑。若是仅问其中某一段的中心思想为何,则可将该段的首、尾句加起来考虑。2. 词汇题(又称词语释义题):这类题常问考生一些不认识、从未见过的生词或词组的意思是什么。解题技巧为参考上、下文,尤其是下文。因为下文常常是对该词的解释、说明、举例等等。3. 作者态度题:常问作者对某事是什么态度:主观(subjective)还是客观(objective);肯定(positive)还是否定(negative);赞成(approval)还是反对(opposition)等等。解题的关键是要看作者在文中用了什么样的口气。若用褒义词,显然是赞成。若用贬义

12、词,显然是反对。若客观陈述,则是中性的立场,不偏不倚。注意:作者态度常常在转折词后表明出来。所以,but一词至关重要(还有类似的yet,however,although,nevertheless等)。4. 推理性问题:其典型词有两个:infer和imply。如:What can you infer from the story? 或What is the implied meaning of this sentence?切记,推理性问题原文中没有现成的答案。答案是你自己推想出来的,但不能凭空瞎想,必须以原文中某句话或某个词语为依据去合理推测才能找到合适的答案。5. 细节性问题:这类问题与推理性




16、有的朋友刨根问底的去探究,其实大可不必,你只要知道用动词的ing形式就可以了。2) 结合考点,注重基本语法基本的知识往往被认为是最简单的,但是基本的却决定了将来的更高进步。比如,教学中反复强调的一般现在表将来及深层的应用:在条件和时间状语从句中的应用。但考试时,还是有人会弄错。在条件和时间从句中一般现在时代替将来时的应用是英语的常规。如:When you see her , please tell her I will come back soon.(对)When you will see her , please tell her I will come back soon. (错)3) 注

17、重日常积累,切忌死记硬背 曾有朋友说,自己对于介词始终不是很清楚,让他感到非常痛苦,这本无可厚非。但是如就此不放,甚至于为此专程购买介词方面的书籍,就过分了。关键在于弄懂教材上所举出的常见介词及其本意和在词组搭配中的运用就可以了。以动词“see”为例,和常见的介词可以搭配,构成不同的含义。如:see sb. off (此处off本意有“离开”的含义,那么看某人离开,不就是送行嘛)还有see through (through 是穿过,通过的意思,能看得由表及里,就是表示看穿或识破了)总之,我个人认为,在未来漫长的学习生涯之中,还是从使用的角度来学更能让我们的外语提高,持续性也对学习有潜在的帮助,

18、语法也会始终伴随我们的左右。好,同学们,上面我们谈了全年的学习内容,并与大家探讨了我个人对单词记忆、阅读的技巧及语法学习的看法,希望本课能使同学们对我们今年的学习有个大致了解,并对同学们的学习有点帮助,愿大家能通过学习取得理想的成绩。Unit 7预习导学(一)词汇扫描 根据句意及各题括号中所给的汉语意思,从下面选择合适的单词, 用其适当形式填空。available discourage cheer lack invisible treatment proper fierce specialist unprotected1. Learners can feel very _(灰心的)if the

19、 exam is too difficult.2. Lots of software packages are _(可利用的)for schools.3. After the accident, he had _(治疗)in hospital。4. Here was some _(激烈的)fightings.5. My doctor couldnt help me, so he sent me to an eye _(专家).6. There crowd _(欢呼)as the old man ran to the end of the race.7. Germs are _(看不见的)to

20、the naked eyes.8. Her only problem is _(缺乏)in confidence.9. You need some _(适当的)rest before we talk any further.10. _(无防护的)machinery can be dangerous. (二)句型聚焦观察下面句子, 试着归纳所包含的句型结构。1. Xiao Huas mother did not know that she had AIDS until Xiao Hua was born. 2. theres no reason why it cant be beautiful.

21、 (三)语法平台观察下面句子中的划线部分,指出其语法功能。1. I wish I could remember more about my mum._2. I wish people would find out the facts and not act as if I were a bad or dangerous person._3. If I were you, I would give an AIDS patients a hug._4. If I had HIV, I would known because I would feel sick._.【模拟试题】(答题时间:40分钟)

22、一、完形填空*阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Every time I passed boys who were playing basketball, I stopped to watch them silently. I really envied them. But as a girl, I once thought that I could_1_ play basketball.I like playing basketball though Im not good at it. Ive had a basketball 2 I

23、was a child. At first, I could play freely because no one _3_when I was just a kid, but as I grew up it seemed harder and harder for me to enjoy basketball.At school, it was always the boys who played the basketball during PE class. The girls were _4_allowed to play volleyball or badminton.My parent

24、s didnt _5_me to play basketball at home. “Basketball is not fit for girls.” they said._6_when I went to play basketball with my friends, boys _7_at me on the court as if I were an alien.I was feeling _8_and had lost the hope of playing basketball. _9_, something changed on the first day of my high

25、school. I made some friends who also enjoyed playing basketball. They_10_me to get back on the court.One of them told me with a smile, “Go your own_11_; let others talk.” This girl would always play basketball with me. Even the boy who sat next to me in class talked about _12_ with me almost every d

26、ay.I was inspired by them. Confidence and passion_13_to my heart. Im ready to stand up and play. I will play as well as I can._14_for me, even the sky is boundless(无垠的).Basketball has become an important part of my _15_. Im interested in it. I watched matches and playing basketball almost every day.

27、 Through basketball, not only do I feel happy and confident, but also_16_a lot.Ive heard the NBA star Tracy McGrady say, “Nothing is important.” It is from an advertisement on TV, I have_17_to realize that life is just like playing basketball. You should have an_18_. After that, just be confident an

28、d_19_going.Never give up and you will make it sooner or later.I love the motto of NBA. It can_20_my strong feelings for basketball: “I love this game.”1. A. ever B. often C. never D. always2. A. when B. before C. after D. since3. A. struggled B. minded C. enjoyed D. joined4. A. only B. almost C. har

29、dly D. not5. A. encourage B. agree C. let D. permit6. A. Still B. Yet C. Just D. Even7. A. looked B. glared C. glanced D. stared8. A. up B. down C. excited D. satisfied9. A. Unluckily B. Naturally C. Unexpectedly D. Clearly10. A. encouraged B. forbade C. ensured D. explored11. A. effort B. way C. bu

30、siness D. direction12. A. basketball B. sports C. interests D. dreams13. A. stuck B. referred C. turned D. returned14. A. But B. Though C. And D. However15. A. wish B. life C. work D. study16. A. experience B. grow C. learn D. play17. A. come B. turned C. refused D. happened18. A. idea B. aim C. opi

31、nion D. effort19. A. insist B. remain C. keep D. last20. A. inform B. express C. ignore D. connect二、阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AIn some countries in which there is very little rain at any time, the farmers have to irrigate their fields. Irrigation is easy enough if there is a great river

32、 near the crops, and if there is plenty of water in it. Canal carries the river water to the fields when necessary. In some seasons there may be too much water in the river, and the water may flood all the land near it. At other times the river water may not be enough for all the farmers. And then i

33、t will be difficult to irrigate the fields.To prevent these difficulties, a dam may be built across the river. This will store water for dry seasons, and in wet seasons it will prevent the flooding of the land. A great lake will ,no doubt, be formed behind the dam, and this may mean that houses and

34、fields will be covered with water. Most people will accept that and will be ready to move to other places. Then the country can have the right amount of water at all times; more crops will be grown. There will be more food for everyone, and there will be no more floods.We cant use sea water for irri

35、gation; the salt will not allow the crops to grow. Fresh water is always needed, and it is very difficult and costly to make fresh water from sea water. This is done in a few countries, but the fresh water is for drinking. There is not enough at present for irrigation. Perhaps a scientist will one d

36、ay invent a cheaper way of producing fresh water from the sea. If fresh water could be made cheaply, we could grow more food.1. It is easy for farmers to irrigate their fields when_.a. there is a great river near the crops.b. there is a lot of water in the riverc. there are many canals in the fields

37、d. there is plenty of sea water in the countryA. ab B. abc C. bcd D. abcd2. In order to keep the country having the right amount of water at all times, _should be built.A. canals B. dams C. factories D. plants3. The main ideas of the passage is that_.A. irrigation is the best way to produce more foo

38、d for humansB. many ways have been tried to save the waterC. irrigation is necessary for farmers to have a good harvestD. scientist should try their best to make sea water fresh to meet the needs of humans.4. Which of the following is NOT wrong?A. Sea water can be used to irrigate the fields.B. scie

39、ntist have found ways to take fresh water out of sea water.C. It seems that water plays little role in producing crops.D. Farmers use canals to irrigate their crops.*BThe man of many secretsHarry Houdiniwas one of the greatest American entertainers in the theater this century. He was a man famous fo

40、r his escapes from prison cells,from wooden boxes floating in the rivers, from locked tanks full of water. He appeared in theatres all over Europe and America. Crowd came to see the great Houdini and his “magic” tricks.Of course, his secret was not magic, or supernatural powers. It was simply streng

41、th. He had ability to move his toes as well as he moved his fingers. He could move his body into almost any position he wanted.Houdini started working in the entertainment world when he was 17, in 1891.He and his brother Theo performed card tricks in club in New York. They called themselves the Houd

42、ini brothers. When Harry married in 1894, he and his wife Bess worked together as magician and assistant. But for a long time they were not successful. Then Harry performed his first prison escape, in Chicago in 1898.Harry persuaded a detective to let him try to escape from the prison, and he invite

43、d the local newspapermen to watch.It was the publicity that came from this that started Harry Houdinis success.Harry had fingers trained to escape from handcuffs and toes trained to escape from ankle chains. But his biggest secret was how he unlocked the prison doors. Every time he went into the pri

44、son cell, Bess gave him a kiss for good luckand a small skeleton key, which is a key that fits many locks, passed quickly from her mouth to his.Harry used these prison escapes to build his fame. He arranged to escape from the local jail of every town he visited. In the afternoon, the people of the t

45、own would read about it in their local newspapers, and in the evening every seat in the local theater would be full. What was the result? World-wide fame, and a name remembered today.5. According to the passage, Houdinis success in prison escape depends on_.A. his magic tricks and inhuman powersB. h

46、is special tricks and a skeleton keyC. his unusual ability and a skeleton key D. his inhuman talents and magic tricks6. In the fourth paragraph, the word “this” refers to _.A. the previous sentenceB. the publicityC. the place, ChicagoD. the time 18987. According to the passage, how did Houdini get the key which helped him unlocked prison door?A. He kept the key in his mouthB. His wife passed it to his hand while kissing himC. His wife gave it to him by a magic trickD. He got it in his mouth through a kiss from his wife.8. It can be inferred from the


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