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1、高考英语考试说明高频单词拼写专练 A1.His parents are really _ about his returning home late.(焦虑)2.Living in the countryside has many _ over living in the city.(优势)3.As most of the population in China are farmers, _ plays an important part.(农业)4.There are many honored guests _ todays conference.(参加)5.There are 60 stu

2、dents in class 12 Senior III _.(总共)6.You are not _ to smoke here.(允许)7.If we do things _ nature, we will be punished by it.(违背)8.On _(平均), he has an income of 3,000 yuan per month.9.You should pay more _ to your pronunciation.(注意)10.Please write your telephone number and _ here.(地址)11.When I arrived

3、 at the _, the plane had taken off.(机场)12.They restarted the Long March, _ at experiencing the hardship that the Red Army had suffered.(主旨)13.He succeeded in reaching the summit at his first _.(尝试)14.There are four seasons in a year, namely, they are spring, summer, a and winter.15.He was so tired t

4、hat he fell a quickly.16._(无论如何) I must finish the work today.17._ to the agreement, Shylock can have a pound of flesh near the chest.(根据)18.Egypt is an _ country.(非洲)19.Only through hard work can we _ our goals.(实现)20.The teacher is very _ with Peter as he is always telling lies.(生气)高考英语考试说明高频单词拼写专

5、练B1. The whole city was _(美丽) lit up on the mid-autumn night.2. He is to b for he has done a great fault.3. The World Service _(播放) program in English and 35 other languages all over the world. 4. At a height of four miles the air becomes so thin that it almost impossible to _(呼吸). 5. China is a cou

6、ntry _ (属于)to a developing country. 6. _ (生物学) is the science of life and living things. 7. The knife is sharp, please put it b the childrens reach.8. The road was_ (堵住)by the big fallen tree,so all the cars had to take a round about route.9. The man_ (洗澡),dressed and went downstairs for supper.10.

7、George was born on June1, so Childrens Day is also his _ (生日)11. Eric came running into the room, out of _ (呼吸)12. We had great difficulty in _ (呼吸), for the air is thin.13. The car was a _ (廉价货) at that price.14. They traveled across the world in 80 days with a hot_(气球).15.At the sight of his forme

8、r girl friend, he felt his heart _(心跳fast.16.Most of the tourists are struck by the _(美丽) of the West Lake 17. KFC has many _(分店)in China.18. It being cold tonight, you might as well cover yourself with the _(毛毯).19. Dont disturb him, as he is _(埋葬) himself in study.20. Press this _(按纽), and the doo

9、r will open of itself.21.Please sign your name at the _(底部) of this article22.- Look, your milk is _ (沸腾)! - Sorry, I was just listening to what you said.23.He lost his sight gradually, and at length he became totally _(瞎的).24. He is a handsome man with wide eyes and _(宽的) shoulders25. Bread and _(奶

10、油) is his favorite food.26. Though this medicine is a little _(苦的), it does good to your health27. The patient is being operated on, and he is in great need of _(血).高考英语考试说明高频单词拼写专练C1. In face of danger, you should keep _. (冷静)2. You were so _ (粗心的)that you made so many mistakes in your homework.3.

11、David Beckham, _ (队长)of the UK football team, is playing football in Spain.4. Bring your umbrella in _ (万一) it rains.5. Nowadays, many teenagers waste time _ (聊天)on the Internet.6. It is said that Father Christmas climbs down the _(烟囱on Christmas Eve.7. There are many islands off the _ (海岸)of China.

12、8. Columbus was _ (认为) to have discovered America in 1492.9. The old tend to raise pets to keep their _.(陪伴)10. If the bad weather_,(继续) we will put off the conference.11. If it is _ (方便), please write back to me quickly.12. The MNET is around the _(即将到来),so you can never be too hard-working.13. The

13、 connection of telephones and _ (电脑)gave birth to the Internet.14. When in the foreign countries, you should follow the local _(风俗).15. The newly-married _ (夫妇)decided to adopt that orphan.16. My uncles son, my _(表弟),has won a scholarship to Cambridge University.17. It is their wisdom and _(勇气) that

14、 won over the hardship.18. As the play begins, the _(幕布) is drawn slowly.19. The famous singer announced that he would give two _ (音乐会)recently, one is in Beijing, the other in Hangzhou .20. Would you like to go to the _ (电影院)to see the film called Titanic tonight?21. As we all know, _ (牛) mainly fe

15、ed on grass.22. Id like to have an appointment with whoever is in _(负责)of your company.23. After years hard work, he is a _ (首要的)leader now.24. We have no _ (选择) but to wait. He _(选择) teacher as his job when he was young.25. Can you fetch me a box of _ (粉笔)?26. Dont you think it is a good _ (机会) to

16、learn English?高考英语考试说明高频单词拼写专练D1._ is the twelfth month in a year.(十二月)2.To _ our country is the duty of each citizen.(保卫)3.This food tastes _, so would you like to have a try?(美味的)4.The patient lost a lot of blood, so now he is in _.(危险)5.Having failed in the English exam many times, he made a_(决定)

17、to study hard.6.He has developed a good habit of keeping a _(日记) every day from his childhood.7.The postmans job is to have the letters _.(递送)8.To learn English well, you should have a _.(词典)9.Do you know the _ between AE and BE?(差别,不同)10.I have _(困难) in working out this problem. - Can you help me o

18、ut ?11.Radium was _(发现) by Madam Curie.12.Yesterday we had a heated _(讨论) about the mobile phone at campus.13.The _(疾病) spread quickly and many people died of it.14.There is no _(疑问) that he will be selected chairman of our Party.16.As their living habitats were _,(毁坏) many animals died out.17.I was

19、 _(沮丧) to hear that the majority were against my plan.18.Having left that village, they drove in the _(方向) of London.19.With the MNET_(临近)near, we students are burdened with so much homework.20.The UK can be _(分成) into four parts.21.According to her _(描述),the police caught the robber at last.22.He l

20、eft home without a word,_(决心)never to return from then on.23.The sports meeting was_(延迟)because of the bad weather. 24.Can you go _(楼下)to get me a cup of tea?25.Tom is believed to have stolen the _(钻石) ring.26.In our English class, we often have a _(听写)27.We should _ (培养) the habit of reading aloud.

21、28.To her _(愉快), she has made great progress in her spelling.29.Walking in the _(无人的,荒芜的) street, she feels frightened.30.We are moved by the _ (真诚) of his love.高考英语考试说明高频单词拼写专练E1.Smoking has a bad _(影响)on your health, so you might as well get rid of it.2.The doctor did everything they could to save

22、 the patient, but their _(努力) were in vain.3.Can you tell me the _(精确的) time by your watch?4.He is employed as an _(工程师) in the company.5.Dont forget to stick the stamp at the top of the _(信封).6.These buildings are pulled down after having stood _ (空)without use for many years.7.It rains a lot in th

23、e coastal area, _(尤其) in summer.8.The bird _(逃脱) being killed and flew away.9.We need _(能量) to live, so every day we should take in plenty of food.10.They purchased a lot of electrical _(设备) to decorate their Multi-function hall.11.For the sake of the future generation, we should attach importance t

24、o the development of _(教育).12.This flat is too _(贵的) for me, because it is beyond my purchasing power.13.There _(存在) the generation gap between our parents and us today.14.This is an _(极其地) tough task, but I think you can fulfill it.15.On Grannys _(八十) birthday, we held a party to celebrate it.16.Ch

25、ina is an _(东方) country.17.Greatly _(鼓励) by the teachers words, we students put our hearts into study.18. You should have your blood _(检查) tomorrow.19. Tom, a hard-working student , has set you a good _(榜样).20. We all went there, _(除了) Tom ,because he caught a bad cold.21.There will be an _(展览) in t

26、he museum.22.The students are going to carry out _(实验) in chemistry.23. The students are busy preparing for the entrance _(考试).24. A successful man often has many _(敌人).25._(电) ,water and gas were cut off due to the heavy storm.高考英语考试说明高频单词拼写专练F1. _(面对) with difficulty, he never loses heart.2. Many

27、chemical _(工厂) are the main causes of pollution.3. _(失败) is the mother of success.4. _(熟悉) with you ,I can tell your shortcomings right away.5. The question needs _(进一步) discussion.6. Though _(捆) to a big tree, the horse was able to escape at last.7.Will you do me a _(帮忙)- turn down the radio a bit

28、while I am on the phone?8._(二月) follows January.9.Cattle are a kind of animal _(以为主食) chiefly on grass.10.These _ (小伙子) are not handsome but pleasant-looking.11.Tom, please _(去取) some chalk for me.12.Look out! The dog looks _(凶猛).13.The workers have _(抗争) for better working conditions.14.These burne

29、d _(手指) hurt her from time to time.15. I regret to tell you that your _(航班) is delayed because of bad weather.16.Did you notice something _(漂) on the river.17.I regretted not having _(采纳) your advice. Look! What bad conditions I am in.18.You are _(禁止) to take photos. 19._(法国) is famous for its grape

30、 wine.20._(法语) is the most beautiful language in the world.21.The _(法国人) are people with good manners.22.The workers went on strike for _(自由).23. A good many _(外国) guests are attracted by the scenery.24. _(幸运), he picked up a wallet containing 1000 Yuan.25._(建立) in 1921, our great party has become m

31、ature.26.Its _(冰) cold today. Put on more clothes.27.Children should go home _(经常) to see if everything goes well.28.Put the meat in the fridge to keep _(鲜). 29._(星期五) is the sixth day of the week.30.Seeing a snake, she let out a _(吓人) cry.31.To get enough vitamin, you should eat various _(蔬菜).32.Co

32、al used to be the only _(燃料). 高考英语考试说明高频单词拼写专练G1.There exists a g_ gap between our parents and us.2.Ladies and _,(先生)I have an announcement to make.3.Please read the text quickly and get the g_ (全面的,大体的)idea of each paragraph.4.With trees cut down, grassland turned into desert _ (渐渐地).5.He g_ from a

33、 key university, but he is still unemployed up to now.6._(集合) at the school gate at 8 am. Tomorrow.7.Our _(地理)teacher is strict with us and in our study.8.Is_(德语)the most beautiful language in the world?9.He has no_(天赋)for music, Let him learn something that interests him!10._(给)more time, we can fi

34、nish it much better.11.He_(瞥)at his watch and went out hurriedly.12.The twin dogs are quite different in character .One is _(温柔),while the other is fierce.13.Mum bought a_(金) necklace and some_(金)fish the other day.14.The_(货物)were delivered immediately.15.The local_(政府)is trying its best to protect

35、the environment.16.I find_(语法)much more difficult for me to learn than listening.17.Sheep mainly feed on_(草).18.To our_(很)surprise, such a little boy can speak five different languages.19._(希腊)is an ancient country with a long history.20.You_(眼镜)need mending21.Look out! _(杯子)made of_(玻璃)are easy to

36、break.22.Put on your_(手套),or youll get burnt.23.The pupils offered _(问候) to the guests. 24.He entered the hall, _(组) of students following him. 25.On climbing up to the hill, he found wild flowers_(长)here and there.26.Since we are _(成年人),we must do whatever we can to help our parents.27.The _(警卫) in

37、 our school are very strict. 28.With the experienced_(向导)leading us, we had a good time.29.My aunt used to keep _(鹅)in the county.30.He came back after work, parking his car in the _(车库). 高考英语考试说明高频单词拼写专练H1. Once you get into the_(习惯)of smoking, youll find it hard to give it up.2. Please clean your

38、dirty hands with this _(手帕).3. I feel it an _ (荣幸)to be invited to his party.4. I suggested the patient should be taken to the _ (医院)immediately.5.As all the three-star _(旅馆)in Hangzhou have been booked, I dont know where to live in.6.He felt so _(饿) that he swallowed the food without chewing it.7.

39、I had a _(假日), so can I ask for a days leave, sir?8. The _(校长)gave us an inspiring speech.9. A person in _(健康)is happier than one in wealth.10.Eat more fruits and vegetables to keep _(健康).11.Speak loudly to make yourself _(听见).12.On _(听见)the exciting news, we jumped about.13.We should put our_(心)int

40、o what we should do.14.If _(加热), water can be turned into steam.15.The mother told her little son that his grandfather was in_(天堂)16.The case is _(重)for me to carry. Can you lend me a hand?17.The building is twice the_(高)of that one.18.The _(历史) teacher is a girl who is very beautiful.19.To be _(诚实)

41、 ,I dont like him at all.20.She rushed out in a _(匆忙)what happened to her?21._ (丈夫) and wives should have heart-to -heart talks frequently.22.Five_(百) soldiers and _ (百) of nurses were sent there.23. What_(发生)to him yesterday?24.He was _(绞死)in 1945.25.What a _(潇洒)boy!26.Look! How_(高兴)they are talkin

42、g!27._(刚)had we got home when it began to rain.28.A heavy snow promises a good _(丰收).29.He didnt attend school because of a bad_(头痛).30. _(藏) himself behind the door, he waited the man to come. 高考英语考试说明高频单词拼写专练I1. Realizing his English is so poor, he decided to _ (提高)it.2. A friend in need is a friend _(确实).3. He has an _


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