化学必修二平衡膳食文字资料(Chemistry required two balanced diet text data).doc

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1、化学必修二平衡膳食文字资料(Chemistry required two balanced diet text data)The main nutrition 1, Bohai unique yellow croaker, perch, flounder can bring people in (B)A, vitamin B, protein C, starch D, glucose2. The balance of nutrients in balanced diet includes (D)The balance of protein, oil and sugarBalance of es

2、sential amino acids and non essential amino acidsThe balance between unsaturated higher fatty acids and saturated higher fatty acidsThe balance between inorganic salt elementsThe balance between vitamins and other nutrientsA is only B and C, D.3. cucumber is rich in vitamin C and vitamin B, known vi

3、tamin C in acidic environment is relatively stable, while high temperature, vitamin will be destroyed, so you think how to reasonably eat cucumber (A)A, B, C and vinegar soup, stir D, fumigationFirst, explore the diet structure(pagoda pictures)Pagoda analysis: relevance knowledge reviewOil: mainly r

4、efers to animal and vegetable oils. (chemical formula) 1, heat supply and reserve heat energy 2, constitute cell 3, regulate physiological function (protect organs, keep warm, cold proof, promote absorption, etc.)Milk, beans, fish, shrimp, eggs and so on: provide protein. (chemical formula) the basi

5、c substance that constitutes the human bodyFruits and vegetables provide vitamins and cellulose. (chemical formula) has an important relationship with human health (cellulose does not digest)Cereal: supplying starch (chemical formula), starch hydrolysis to glucose, absorbed by human body. 1g glucose

6、 produces about 16.7KJ of heat in the body. Generally speaking, 60% to 70% of the heat required by the body comes from the oxidation of glucose.Two. Understanding the balanced diet pagoda1, food varieties should be diversifiedReason: different kinds of food provide different nutrients.Each nutrient

7、is also different in different foods.Without any kind of food can meet the needs of the human body for various nutrients, a certain kind of food can not completely replace another kind of food.Scientific basis: science confirms that people need to eat at least 20 kinds of food a day to meet the basi

8、c nutritional needs.Generally speaking, red, green, yellow deep vegetables and deep yellow fruits contain rich nutrients, so more dark vegetables and fruits should be used.Textbook experiment analysis:principles of experimentIn this experiment, the reduction of vitamin C was used to make it react wi

9、th oxidizing I2:The starch solution turns blue when it meets iodine, which is the property of starch. Vitamin C can react with iodine in the blue violet solution to make the solution colorless. By this principle, it can be used to test vitamin C in some vegetables. The amount of vitamin C can be cal

10、culated by consuming the amount of I2.Medicine instrument acid burette, conical flask, mortar, water iodine, starch solution2. Keep the balance of nutrientsBasic knowledge:Nutrient (nutrient) refers to the chemical components that can provide energy, body composition, tissue repair and physiological

11、 regulation function in food. Nutrients that can sustain human health and provide growth, development, and labor are called nutrients. Nutrition necessary for the human body is known as protein, fat, sugar, minerals, vitamins, water and other six categories.The supply and consumption of human nutrie

12、nts are in a state of dynamic equilibrium, so the amount of nutrients needed by the human body every day is relatively stable.Textbook supplement:Foods containing more carbohydratesCereals: rice, flour, corn; starch: sweet potato, sweet potato, potato, taro, mung bean, pea; sugar: glucose, fructose,

13、 sucrose, maltose; and fruits, vegetables.The protein content of animal foods are high, generally around 20%, the plant food, to the highest number of soybean protein content, hectogram containing 36 grams. The highest fat content of animal food is pork, containing about 60%, plant food is a variety

14、 of oil crops, and sesame oil is the most, up to 61%. The carbohydrate content was highest in all kinds of grains, in which rice was the highest, reached 77%, animal foods containing carbohydrates were highest in liver,Up to 4%.The highest content of vitamin B1 food is peanuts and peas, hectogram co

15、ntaining 1.07 mg and 1.02 mg respectively. Vitamin B2 content was highest in liver and gallbladder, seaweed, hectogram respectively containing 3.57 mg, 2.11 mg and 2.07 mg. Food niacin content was highest in liver and bovine liver, hectogram containing 18.9 mg and 16.2 mg respectively. The highest c

16、ontent of vitamin C food is fresh and hot pepper, hectogram containing 540 mg and 185 mg respectively. The highest content of vitamin A food is a variety of animal liver and egg yolk, such as chicken liver hectogram containing 50900 international units, including 29900 international units of liver,

17、egg yolk 3500 international units. The highest content of vitamin D food is Cod Liver Oil, hectogram containing 8500 international units. Vitamin E content was highest in wheat germ oil, hectogram up to 149 mg. Food is the most calcium hectogram containing 991 mg of shrimp. Food containing phosphoru

18、s is the largest shrimp and whole milk powder, hectogram containing 1805 mg and 883 mg respectively. Food containing iron is the largest black fungus and kelp, hectogram containing 185 mg and 150 mg respectively. In addition, liver, kidney and kidney in bovine iron content is very high. Most iodine

19、food is kelp, hectogram containing 2400 mg. Zinc most food is oysters and oyster, hectogram content reached 71 mg and 47 mg.Three. Prepare recipesTeaching material supplement: setting the next step, the results have been obtained, breakfast nutrients needed to eatBreakfast: protein = 30g; fat = 23gC

20、arbohydrate = 122gDetermination of the quantity and variety of non-staple foodDetermine the number of varieties of staple food, according to food composition table, we can determine the variety and quantity of the main non-staple food.Through the food composition table, when we make recipes, we can

21、convert the demand of nutrients to the needs of food, so as to determine the variety and quantity of food.Case 1: because cereals are the main source of carbohydrates, carbohydrates are about 75g per 100g cereal.Take breakfast as an example:According to the previous calculation, breakfast should con

22、tain carbohydrates 122g, the staple food weight is: 122g / 75% = 162gThe variety of staple food is mainly determined by the dietary habits of the diners. The northern custom is mainly pasta, while the south is mostly rice. According to the calculation step, such as small and Steamed Buns rice as the

23、 staple food, can arrange millet (millet 50g) Steamed Buns (100g flour)Sure, the number of varieties of non-staple foodAfter determining the variety and quantity of staple food, then the food source of protein should be considered. Proteins are widely distributed in animal and plant foods. Apart fro

24、m providing protein, Cereals, animal foods and soy products are the main sources of high quality proteins.Therefore, to determine the number of non-staple food varieties, should have been determined based on the amount of staple food, non-staple food should provide the basis to determine the quality

25、 of protein. The calculation steps are as follows (breakfast is still an example)1) calculate the weight of protein in staple foodMillet 50gx9%+ flour 100gx10.3%=15g2) to protein protein intake minus staple food quality, which should provide quality protein for non-staple food3015 = 15g3) arrange 1

26、eggs (60g), others are supplied by bean productsTable calculation of egg protein content and soybean product requirementEgg protein content: 60g x 87%x 12.7% = 7gProtein quality of soybean products: 15g - 7g = 8gIf you choose tofu, you need: 8 / 16.2%=49.4g4) select the variety and quantity of veget

27、ables, according to the market supply in different seasons, and consider the needs of animal food and bean products side dishes.For example, the breakfast can choose celery or leek 100g fried tofu dry5) determine the amount of pure heat energy food.The intake of oil should be mainly vegetable oil, a

28、nd there is a certain amount of animal fat intake. Therefore, vegetable oil is the source of pure energy food. The food composition chart shows the daily intake of fat content provided by various foods,The amount of fat needed to be consumed minus the amount of fat provided by the food is the daily

29、supply of vegetable oil.The calculation of lunch and dinner recipes is the same as above.Note: teenagers diet special matters needing attentionChildren and adolescents should be balanced diet. Encourage more cereals to provide sufficient energy; ensure the supply of fish, poultry, meat, eggs, milk,

30、beans and vegetables, meet the needs of protein, calcium and iron, and increase the amount of vitamin C in the diet to increase iron absorption. To encourage young people to participate in physical activity, the development of good, strong physique; the children are overweight or obese, should be en

31、couraged through lifestyle changes, such as increased physical exercise, adhere to a reasonable diet, proper control of body weight. Should not use drugs or restricted diet and other ways to lose weight, so as not to affect the growth and development of teenagers. Review during the examination revie

32、w during the examination, diet, brain activity in a highly nervous state, the brain of oxygen and nutrients needed more than usual, such as protein, phospholipid, carbohydrate, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin PP and iron consumption increased, so to pay more attention to supplement these nutrients.


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