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1、辽师大版教材快乐英语四年级下册第十单元话题:Meal Its time for dinner教学设计 设计者:马菲菲 单位:黑山县段家乡中心小学 Its time for dinner.教学设计一、教学设计理念四年级小学生好动、好奇、爱表现是他们的特点,能用简单的句子进行交流。对英语有较强的好奇心。我在教学中采用多样化的教学手段将听、说、玩、演、唱溶于一体,激发学生学习英语的兴趣、,使学生通过合作学习体验荣誉感和成就感,培养学生一定的语音语调基础,形成初步用英语进行简单日常交际的能力。将枯燥无味的英语单词转变为丰富有趣的英语活动,让学生在活动中玩,在玩中学,在活动中体验学习英语的乐趣.二、教学

2、内容分析本课是快乐英语四年级上册第10单元第一课,本课插图生动形象,更能体现了这套教材的趣味性,本课的主题是询问时间来展开的。三、教学目标1、能听懂、会说、会读Its time for dinner.能够熟练运用所学语言相关语境中进行交流询问,并能做出正确的回答。2、能理解Dinner is ready.与Coming.的含义。并能够准确应用。3能听、说、读、写单词breakfast, lunch dinner书写规范,并能够在日常生活中正确、熟练的运用。四、教学重点、难点Major points : (1)Words: breakfast lunch dinner (2)Sentences:

3、 正确运用句型Its time for.Difficult points : 能够区分Its time to 和Its time for的用法。五、教学对象分析本课的教学对象时小学四年级的学生,他们有了一年的学习英语的基础,学习起来较为容易,对英语有兴趣。能够很好地参与到课堂当中。六、教学媒体和教学手段1.用幻灯片制作教学课件辅助教学。2.准备教学过程中所需要的图片。3.准备教学活动要用的评价用具:各种食物。4.通过各种肢体语言和游戏环节,使学生在玩中学,在学中玩。让学生在情景中体验学习英语的快乐。用英语来做事情,用英语来表达日常生活中的用语。使学生很愉快地接受知识,有利于帮助学生运用英语在我

4、们的生活当中学以致用。七、教学过程: 设计意图 第一课时(1)在课前,我与学生用英语简单的交流,然后以唱歌的形式使学生在轻松、愉快的氛围中迅速的进入英语课堂愉快的歌曲,让学生先活跃起来,并营造愉快的氛围。(2)用歌曲引出本课课题unit10Step1 Warming up 1Greeting Hello boys and girls!Lets do warming up How old are you?How old are you ? I am one ,one ,one , I am two, two ,two I am three ,three, three I am four ,fou

5、r, four .I am five ,five five ,I am six ,six, six. I am seven. seven . seven. I am eight eight eight .I am nine nine nine I am ten ten ten.2Free talkHello ! how are you? What time is it?(出示课件钟面)Its time toAre you ready for my class?Today we are going to learn Unit10.(二)Presentation Practice出示钟面 【利用课

6、件】What time is it? Its 6 oclock . I am hungry. Its time for breakfast.Breakfast read after me. Read it one by one. Lets practice. Game: Traffic lights.(游戏规则red lights the students say nothing. green lights they say the word quickly ,yellow lights they say the word slowly )Next lets write. Write it w

7、ith your foot. BreakfastBreak +fast. Left hand -break right handfast Clay hands -breakfastPractice in group.出示钟面 【利用课件】Whats the time? Boys and girls,guess whats the meaning of this sentence ?Its 12 oclock.I am hungry too.Its time for lunch.(同样方法教授lunch)Lets play this game. Magic finger.(游戏规则when I

8、show one finger,they say the word once ,two fingers they say the word twice,three fingers ,they stand up and turn around then sit down say it) Next lets write. Finger finger follow me.L U N C H Write it with your head.出示钟面 whats the time ? who can ask? I answer its 5:50 .pay attention to time. We wi

9、ll read five fifty. Dinner is ready.Lets learn dinner 方法同上一个单词 lets play a game . high and low voice.(游戏规则) when I say dinner loudly ,the students say it lowly then when I say dinner low voice ,the students say it loudly)Lets review the words and sentences. Play a game “blow balloon”(游戏规则)we say the

10、 words one by one with blowing balloon. When I clap the hands, the balloon is broken.The students stand up and then say Chinese.)智慧树上摘苹果 句子Its time for5 Listen to the tape -read after me-read by yourself -read in role -practice the dialogue. Work in group and read in role.Lets report by groups.Make

11、a new dialogue in group then report by group.(三) HomeworkWrite the words and sentences on your exercise book then memorize them.板书设计 Unit 10 breakfast Its time for lunch dinner .(1)情境导入让学生感受到老师真的饿了,吸引学生注意力。(2)通过复习时间来导入三餐。(3)通过我设计的三个游戏让学生们玩的特别开心,而且是快乐的学习轻松加愉快。巩固练习我这个苹果树是最吸引人也是最亮点的地方。随着苹果落地我们真真切切的感受到学习英语多媒体带给我们的快乐。5


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