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1、Chapter 8 Work 教学设计授课教师林翰君教材选用英语基础模块第二册授课类型新授课授课时间40分钟教学内容分析本课的教学内容是根据广州市中职英语统编教材英语(基础模块)一册Chapter 8 work中口语能力目标及口试试题进行结合,本课是单元学习中的第一节课,要求学生掌握有关职业名称的表达与运用,所涉及的生词不多,句式简单,学习内容的理解难度不大,本课主要引导学生对职业名称表达进行学习,对过去时进行复习与巩固。学生情况分析本单元授课对象为中职一年级学生,全班50人。学生的英语基础参差不齐,英语基础好的学生善于表达自己,学习兴趣浓厚,但也有部分学生基础薄弱,英语储备有限,缺乏适当的表

2、达技巧,自主学习能力弱。因此在教学中要充分发挥优秀学生的带头作用。本单元是学生第一学期第八单元第一课,话题与工作紧密相关,所学话题符合学生的兴趣和关注内容。本课教学内容主要为:掌握常见职业名词;能够掌握一般过去式,以及can的正确表达。本单元内容的教学需要运用多种教学手段,关注每个学生,制造轻松的环境,帮助学生达成教学目标。教学目标1、 语言知识目标通过对本课内容的学习,学生掌握一般过去时,并能掌握表达能力的语句。2、 语言技能目标学生能够表达基本的职业名称及能力表达。3、 情感态度目标通过对主题内容的学习,激发学生保持对学英语、用英语的兴趣,通过对主题内容的合作学习,加强学生合作解决问题的良

3、好氛围。教学重点1、 一般过去时的运用2、can / could的正确使用教学难点1、用所学语言与他人合作进行有关工作的简单交流教学媒体PPT/Video教学策略方法1、讲解法 2、小组教学法 3、活动教学法教学过程Step 1 Review/复习旧课(2mins)(Review the key point we learnt last time.)The teacher shows some pictures on the screen and asks them “How often do you?” “once a week.”设计意图:回顾上节课重点,巩固所学内容。Step 2Lead

4、-in/引入新课(2mins) (Go to the new chapter) asking & answering (2mins) The teacher asks the students the following questions.What kind of job do you know? What are they? 设计意图:导入本课主题,引起学生学习兴趣。Step 3New content/新课内容1、 match the words(12mins)watch the video and match the words Tailor /doctor /farmer /babys

5、itter /language teacher/ plumber /dentist/ fireman 设计意图:小游戏环节,让学生在看完小视屏后,将手中写有职业名词的纸条贴在正确的图片下面。该活动意在调动学生积极性,主动学习新单词。2、Grammar learning(17mins) 1、asking & answering (2mins) The teacher asks the students “Did you have a part-time job?”-Yes, I did./No,I didnt. “What was your part-time job ?”-Salesperso

6、n/assistant /worker/waiter/waitress/counselor设计意图:对学生过去是否兼职进行提问,引起学生关注对过去事情的正确表达。2、Past tense(5mins) I /he / she/ it + was a teacher. You/we / They +were a teacher.e.g. She is a teacher.-She was a student .(1) The teacher shows some pictures on the screen to let the students make sentences.设计意图:以小组竞

7、赛的方式,看图造句,加深学生对过去时表达的理解和运用。3、 Practice(12mins)(1) practice the conversation with a partner.(A)A:What is her job?B:She is a waitress .A:Was she a waitress three years ago?B:No,she wasnt .She was a factory worker.-A:What is her job?B:She is a homemaker .A:Was she a homemaker three years ago?B:No ,she

8、wasnt .She was a receptionist .(2) practice the conversation with a partner.(B)A:What was her last job?B:She was a waitress at her last job.A:Really? When was she a waitress?B:She was a waitress from 2001to 2003.-A:What was his last job? B:He was a florist at her last job.A:Really? When was he a flo

9、rist ?B:He was a florist from 2002 to 2004.(3) Change the present tense statements to past tense statements on page 145.(1/2/3/4/5)设计意图:对话练习能加强所学知识的实际运用。Step 4Conclusion(3mins)1、 Review the nouns of job.(Tailor /doctor /farmer /babysitter /language teacher/ plumber /dentist/ fireman)2、 The past tense. (I was a teacher./She was a students./ They were dancers./)设计意图:总结归纳本课所学,加深学生对所学知识的印象。Step 5Homework(1min)1. Review the words and expressions.2. Pair or group practice(page 146)设计意图:让学生巩固课堂上所学知识。板书设计 由于本节课所采用的是多媒体教学环境,所以,教学内容是以PowerPoint课件的形式展示的,当中包括相关的图片等。教学反馈教学反思


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