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1、状语从句的译法,1,状语从句的译法,Chapter Three Part 2,从句及长句的译法(3):,状语从句的译法,2,状语从句的译法 4-1,英汉两种语言在状语的用法上同样存在着较大差别。在实际运用中,英语状语从句应用非常广泛,比如时间、原因、条件、让步、目的状语从句等。由于英汉两种语言在状语从句用法上存在差异,因此,在译成汉语时,应避免按照原文的语序、结构机械地对应翻译,需要选择恰当的词语、结构和语序,把原文忠实地翻译出来,并使译文符合汉语的表达习惯。 试比较下列句子的A、B两种译法。,状语从句的译法,3,状语从句的译法 4-2,例1 He shouted as he ran. A.

2、当他跑的时候,他大声喊。 B. 他一边跑,一边喊。/他边跑边喊。 例1汉译时,译文A人为地把“跑”和“喊”两个同时发生而且具有相同重要性的动词设定了主次,把“喊”突出为一个更重要的主句的动词,而“跑”只是一个辅助动词,作为背景来映衬喊这一动作。这样就不能很好地表达原文的含义。而译文B中用了 “一边一边”的并列结构,把两个动词放到了同样重要的位置,为读者勾画出一副生动的画面,也更好地表达了原文的含义。,状语从句的译法,4,状语从句的译法 4-3,例2 After all, it did not matter much, because in 24 hours, they were arrivin

3、g here. A. 反正关系不大,因为24小时以后他们就要到达这儿了。 B. 反正关系不大,24小时以后他们就要到达这儿了。 例2的A、B两种译法中,译文B较好,没有用关联词,而把原句译成表示内含因果关系的并列分句,这更符合汉语的表达习惯。而译文A硬把“因为”两字翻译出来,显得画蛇添足。,状语从句的译法,5,状语从句的译法 4-4,可见,我们在翻译状语从句时,要按照汉语习惯,选用正确的句子结构合词语,这将有助于读者更好地理解原文。下面是一些常见的状语从句的译法。 (一)表示时间的状语从句 (二)表示原因的状语从句 (三)表示条件的状语从句 (四)表示让步的状语从句 (五)表示目的的状语从句

4、Exercises,状语从句的译法,6,(一)时间状语从句,1. 译成汉语中相应的表示时间的状语 2. 译成“刚(一)就”的句式 3. 译成并列的分句,状语从句的译法,7,1.译成汉语中相应的表示时间的状语,如果英语中表示时间的状语从句置于句首,汉语译文可与原文保持一致。如果英语中表示时间的状语从句后置,按汉语习惯,汉语译文通常前置。 例1 When I was a young girl, I lived near a concentration camp. 当我还是个小姑娘的时候,我住在一个集中营附近。 例2 As I reached those goals, they built on o

5、ne another. 当我达到这些目标时,它们都会相互促进。 例3 Please turn off the light when you leave the room. 离开房间时,请把灯关掉。,状语从句的译法,8,2.译成“刚(一)就”的句式,例1 Hardly had we arrived when it began to rain. 我们刚到就下雨了。 例2 When I reached the beach, I collapsed. 我一游到海滩就瘫倒了。 例3 He had hardly rushed into the room when he shouted, “Fire! Fi

6、re!” 他刚跑进屋里就大声喊:“着火了!着火了!” 例4 He had scarcely handed me the letter when he asked me to read it. 他把信一交给我就叫我念给他听。,状语从句的译法,9,3.译成并列的分句,例1 She sang as she prepared Johns supper. 她一边唱着歌,一边为约翰准备晚饭。 例2 They set him free when his debt had not yet been paid off. 他还没有还清欠债,他们就把他放了。 例3 They were just about to g

7、ive up the question, when suddenly they found the answer. 他们正打算放弃这个问题,突然就找到了答案。,状语从句的译法,10,(二)表示原因的状语从句,1. 译成表示“原因”的分句 2. 译成因果偏正复句中的主句 3. 译成不用关联词、表示内含因果关系的并列分句,状语从句的译法,11,1.译成表示“原因”的分句 2-1,例1 The crops failed because the season was dry. 因为气候干旱,作物歉收。 例2 He cant continue his studies because his father

8、 can no longer afford his tuition fee. 他不能继续他的学业,因为他父亲再也付不起他的学费了。 例3 The decision aroused some criticism, because none of her teammates could set up to take her place. 这一决定引起了一些非议,因为队友中还没有人能取代她的位置。,状语从句的译法,12,1.译成表示“原因”的分句 2-2,例4 We had to put the meeting off since so many people were absent. 由于很多人没

9、有来,会议只好延期。 例5 I like animals because they dont pretend to be someone theyre not. 我喜欢动物,因为它们从不假装成别人。,状语从句的译法,13,2译成因果偏正复句中的主句,例1 Because he was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he stuck to his point. 他深信这件事情正确可靠,因此坚持己见。 例2 Pure iron is not used in industry because it is too soft. 纯铁太软,所以不用在工业上

10、。 例3 Because the young man frequently came to Bettys house, he was regarded as Bettys boy friend. 这个小伙子经常到贝蒂家来,因此,别人都以为他是贝蒂的男朋友。,状语从句的译法,14,3译成不用关联词、表示内含因果关系的并列分句,I am going to bed, as Im very tired. 我非常疲倦,要去睡了。,状语从句的译法,15,(三)表示条件的状语从句,1. 译成表示“条件”的分句 2. 译成表示“假设”的分句,状语从句的译法,16,1.译成表示“条件”的分句,例1 It was

11、 better in case they were captured. 要是把他们捉到了,那就更好了。 例2 Well let you use the room on condition that you will keep it clean and tidy. 如果你们能保持整洁的话,我们可以让你们用这个房间。 例3 We will let you go if you promise to keep the secret. 如果你答应保守秘密,我们就让你离开。,状语从句的译法,17,2.译成表示“假设”的分句,例1 If you are not too tired, lets go out

12、for a walk. 如果你不是很累的话,我们就出去散散步吧。 例2 If I didnt receive a kidney transplant within six months, I would surely die. 如果我6个月内不做肾移植手术的话,那我肯定会死。,状语从句的译法,18,(四)表示让步的状语从句,1. 译成表示“让步”的分句 2. 译成表示“无条件”的条件分句,状语从句的译法,19,1.译成表示“让步”的分句,例1 Although its raining, they are still working in the field. 虽然在下雨,但他们仍在地里干活。

13、例2 Though the sore be healed, yet a scar may remain. 伤口虽然愈合,但伤疤却留下了。(谚语) 在翻译英语让步状语从句时,常用汉语中表示让步的关联词“虽然”、“尽管”、“即使”、“就算”等。汉语中表示“让步”的分句一般前置。,状语从句的译法,20,2译成表示“无条件”的条件分句,常用汉语的关联词“不管”、“不论”、“无论”。 例1 Whatever happened, he would not change his mind. 无论发生什么事,他都不会改变主意。 例2 No matter where he goes, he will alway

14、s bear his fathers words in mind, “Never stop helping those who are in need.” 不管他走到哪里,他总是牢记父亲的话:“不要停止去(要)帮助那些需要帮助的人。” 例3 Ill never give in, no matter what happens. 不管发生什么事,我永远也不会屈服。,状语从句的译法,21,(五)表示目的的状语从句,1. 译成表示“目的”的前置分句 2. 译成表示“目的”的后置分句,状语从句的译法,22,1.译成表示“目的”的前置分句,常用汉语的关联词“为了”。 例1 He pushed open t

15、he door gently and stole out of the room for fear that he should awake her. 为了不惊醒她,他轻轻地推开房门,悄悄地溜了出去。 例2 We should start early so that we might get there before noon. 为了在中午以前赶到那里,我们应该早动身。,状语从句的译法,23,2.译成表示“目的”的后置分句,通常用汉语的关联词“省得”、“以免”、“以便”、“生怕”等。 例1 The murderer ran away as fast as he could, so that he might not be caught red-handed. 凶手尽快地跑开,以免被人当场抓住。 例2 The teacher raised his voice so that the students in the back could hear more clearly. 老师提高了嗓音,以便让后排的学生听得更清楚。,状语从句的译法,24,状语从句的译法,25,


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