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1、 There be句型的基本用法 一、There be句型的基本用法是表示“某地(或某时)存在有某人(或某物),而并非某地(某人、某物或某时)拥有什么东西”,其形式为“There be代词或名词(短语)地点/时间状语”。(其实质句式为倒装句)这里there是引导词,没有词义,be是谓语动词,代词或名词(短语)是主语。be要与主语保持人称和数的一致即主谓一致采用就近原则。否定句是在be后加not;一般疑问句是将be放在句首;反意疑问句中的简短问句是由“be(或其否定式)there”构成。例如:1.There is a desk and two chairs in the room. 2.Ther

2、e arent two chairs and a desk in the room. 3.Is there anything wrong with your ears? (Yes,there is/No,there isnt.) 4.There wasnt a meeting yesterday,was there?二、主语后的动词形式:在there be 句型中,主语与动词是主动关系时用现在分词;是被动关系时用过去分词。如:1、There is a purse lying on the ground. 地上有一个钱包 2、There are five minutes left now. 现在

3、还有5分钟。三、There be与have所表示的意义:There be句型表示“存在”关系,have表示“所属”关系,两者不能混合在一个句子中。例如:(1)There will have a class meeting tomorrow.() (2)There is going to/will be a class meeting tomorrow.() 有时候既表示“存在”又表示“所属”时,两种都可以用。例如:(1)、Class Three have a map of China on the wall.(2)、There is a map of China on the wall in

4、Class Three.四、 There be句型常用的时态形式:there will be;there is/are;there was/were;there has/have been;there had been 五、 there be后接不定式时常用主动形式表示被动意义。如:There is a lot of work to do. 注意:当该句型主语是something, anything, nothing等不定代词时,后面的不定式用主动形式或被动形式,意义各不同。如:1、There is nothing to do. 没有事可做。2、There is nothing to be d

5、one. 没有办法(束手无策)。六、 There be句型与不定式结构连用,如:be about to (就要), be certain to (一定会), be going to (将要),be likely to (可能), be to (要), have to (必须), used to (过去常), appear/seem(似乎),happen to (恰好)等。例如:1. There used to be a grocery store on the corner.2. There is certain to be something wrong with the engine.3.

6、 There appears to have been a dangerous accident. 七、There be句型中的替换词有:come (来), develop (产生), exist (存在), fall (落下), follow (跟随), happen (发生), lie (躺着), live (住着), occur (发生), remain (还有), rise (升起),stand (站着)等不及物动词表事实存在。这些动词可以有时态变化。例如:1. There fell a deep silence.突然一片寂静。 2. There remains one more te

7、st to be carried out before putting the instrument into operation.在使用这一设备之前要完成一项试验。 3. Not long after this, there occurred a sudden revolution in public taste.此后不久,公众的情趣发生了突然的变化。 4. There stands at the center of the square the Monument to the Peoples Heroes.在广场的中央矗立着人民英雄纪念碑。八、There be句型有不定式(there to

8、 be)、现在分词和动名词形式(there being),在句中用作主语、宾语、定语或状语等。 例如:1. There being a bus stop so near the house is a great advantage. 2. I dont want there to be any misunderstanding. 3. No one would have dreamt of there being such a fine place. 4. There being no bus, we had to walk home. 5、 For there to be a mistake

9、 in a computers arithmetic is impossible. 计算机计算错误是不可能的。 6、 It was seldom for there to be no late comers. 新来者很少没有迟到的。九、 there be构成的固定句型:1、There is(no)difficulty /trouble in doing sth./There are problems in doing sth.干某事(没)有困难。 2、There is not a moment to lose. 一刻也不能耽误。3、There is no point in v-ing:干某事没

10、道理,没意义,没必要4、There is no sense in v-ing:毫无道理5、 There is no need to v:没有必要6、There is no v-ing(常用动词为saying/telling/knowing/denying等):不可能,无法。(意思相当于It is impossible to+v)7、There is no doubt that毫无疑问8、There is nobody but do sth没有人不。 :1、There is no trouble in hiding that fact from him 对他隐瞒那个事实没什么困难。2、There

11、 is no point in arguing further再争下去也没用。3、Is there any point in going on?有必要再继续下去吗?4、There was no need for him to remain in Shanghai他没有必要再留在上海。5、There was no sense in making a child suffer like that让一个孩子受那样的苦是毫无道理的。6、There was no mistaking his intentions this time这回不可能看错他的意图。7、Once let this fellow st

12、art talking,there was no stopping him一旦让这个家伙谈起来,就无法让他停下来了。8、There is no doubt that I can pass the exam.毫无疑问我能通过这次考试。9、There is none of us but want to enter a good college.我们中没有哪一个不想考入一所好大学。10、There is no denying that the earth goes around the sun.不可否认地球是绕着太阳转的。11、There is no telling when he will be

13、back.无法知道他什么时候回来。12、There is no knowing what he is doing. 无法知道他在做什么。感叹句:通常有what, how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜 悦、等感情。what修饰名词,how 修饰形容词,副词或动词,感叹句结构主要有以下几种:掌握它的搭配,即掌握了感叹句的重点。 1、What+形容词 +复数名词/不可数名词+主语+谓语(陈述语序)!2、What +a/an +形容词 +可数名词单数+主语+谓语(陈述语序)!3、=How +形容词 +a/an +可数名词单数+主语+谓语(陈述语序)!4、How +形容词或副词 +主语+谓语(陈述语序)! 5

14、、How +主语+谓语(陈述语序)!-感叹句的特殊形式例如:1、What wonderful ideas (we have)!2、What noise they are making!3、What cold weather it is!4、How lovely the baby is!5、How hard the workers are working!6、How I wish my dream could come true!典型例题:1)_ food youve cooked!A. How a niceB. What a niceC. How nice D. What nice2)_terrible weather weve been having these days!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a3) - _ I had!- You really suffered a lot. A. What a timeB. What timeC. How a timeD. how time


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