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1、人教PEP版五年级英语下册Unit 5 Whose dog is it? Story time 教学设计太行路学校 王欢艳教学目标:1 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解故事内容;2 能够朗读并表演故事,还能在语境中恰当运用故事中的语言;3 复习巩固单元重点语言;4 培养渗透学生爱护动物的意识。教学重点: 1 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解故事内容 2 能够朗读并表演故事,还能在语境中恰当运用故事中的语言;教学难点: 单词coping 的理解及发音 教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up1 Greeting2 Free talks: Whose is it/ are these? Is it hers

2、?/ Are these his? 教师可以随机拿起班里学生的物品进行问答,学生在进行练习后找两三组上台展示。设计意图:通过此环节的对话练习复习巩固A部分名词性物主代词的用法,并且为故事中的Whose tail is it ?做铺垫,让学生学习起来更轻松。3 Say and do: Climbing climbing I am climbing. Jumping jumping I am jumping. Running running I am running. Sleeping sleeping I am sleeping. Taking pictures taking pictures

3、I am taking pictures.设计意图:边说边做的游戏学生很感兴趣,让学生在做中理解了动词的用法。此外climbing,running,taking pictures为故事中需要用的单词Step 2 Presentation 1 PPT 展示动物园的照片然后说: Our friends, Zoom and zip go to play today. Where are they today? 引导学生回答:At the zoo.2 展示Zip 照相的图片,教师问:What is Zip doing? 引导学生回答She is taking pictures.教师板书taking p

4、ictures设计意图:先利用图片引起学生的兴趣,让学生在读故事前有初步的印象,猜测故事将会怎样发生3 教师拿出Zip 的头饰,然后边说边做:Now, I am Zip. I am taking pictures of rabbits. What about you? 通过展示让学生理解taking pictures of 并找学生回答自己会照什么设计意图:利用头饰,为学生创设真实的情景,同时边说边做让学生加深对taking pictures 的理解4 Watch the video and answer the question: What does Zip take pictures of

5、?引导学生观看并回答:She is taking pictures of a tiger and two monkeys.之后教师将一只老虎和两只猴子的图片贴在黑板左边,Zip 和Zoom 的图片贴于黑板右侧。 并且补充:Animals are cute. They are our friends. We should love them.设计意图:边看动画边找问题的答语,让学生初步感知完整的故事,了解故事的大致意义。生动有趣的故事动画是学生的最爱,能更好的吸引学生的注意力,让学生在乐趣中学到知识。补充的话语可以教给孩子们一些人文文化。5 Read the pictures from 1 to

6、 3 and answer the questions: Whats the tiger doing? Zip takes pictures of the tigers tail. Why?学生回答后在老虎旁边补充板书running6 Read the pictures from 4 to 6 and answer the question: What are the monkeys doing?引导学生阅读之后小组讨论,然后回答。教师根据学生的回答在猴子旁边补充板书climbing, looking, coping. 注意coping的讲解。教师可分别叫学生跟学做动作,然后讲解:Coping

7、 means do as me.设计意图:将故事分成两部分进行精读,让学生加深对故事的了解。以让学生跟着做的动作的形式直观形象的让学生理解coping,突破本课的难点。7 Read after the tapeStep 3 Consolidation and extension1 Retell the story: 教师先进行示范,然后让学生小组内讨论展示,之后再挑学生进行展示 Zip and Zoom go to the zoo. They take pictures of a tiger. The tiger is running so fast. They take pictures o

8、f two monkeys. The monkeys are climbing. They are looking at Zoom and Zip and they are coping Zoom and Zip. 设计意图:以复述的形式加深学生对本故事的理解,同时锻炼学生组织语言的能力。2 分角色表演故事。可先让学生在小组内练习,然后挑选几组进行展示。3 改编故事。此环节可根据学生掌握情况决定是否需要给框架。 A;Look! Here comes a_. B: Where is it? A;Shh. Be quite. Its _. B: I see two _. What are they

9、 doing? A. Are they _? B: Yes, they are./ No, they arent. They are _. A;Wow, they are so cute.设计意图:改编故事对学生来说有一定的难度,但是补全对话的形式给降低了难度,学生在改编故事的同时巩固运用以前所学和知识,灵活运用本课所学知识。Step 4 Homework 1 将今天所学的故事讲给伙伴或者父母听 2 将自己改编的故事讲给小伙伴板书设计:Unit 5 Whose dog is it? Story timeZootaking picturesa tiger running Ziptwo monkeys climbing Zoom looking coping


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