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1、高中英语-复合句的翻译练习1当你离开教室时,务必关灯。 Be sure to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom. 2你一旦开始,就必须进行下去。 Once you begin, you must go on. 3如果你不快点,你就会误了火车。 Youll miss the train unless you hurry up. 4这个男孩说他曾经和一位美国人讲过英语。 The boy said he had ever spoken English to an American. 5老师告诉我们英国英语与美国英语拼写方面有些不同。 T

2、he teacher told us that there were some differences between British English and American English in spelling. 6如果今天下午下雨的话,我就乘出租车去上学。 If it rains this afternoon, Ill take a taxi to go to school. 7为了赶上头班车我明天得起得早点。 Ive to get up early tomorrow so that I can catch the first bus. 8科学家担心有一天一次更大的地震会袭击这座城市。

3、 The scientists are afraid that one day another big earthquake will hit the city. 9建于1960年的那栋房子在这次地震中巍然屹立。 The house which was built in 1960 still stayed up in the earthquake. 10研究地震的人们认为把房子建在沙地上是不安全的。 People who do research on earthquakes think it not safe to build houses on sand. 11去年地震时,失去家园的人数多达

4、5千。 The number of the people who lost homes reached 5,000 in the earthquake last year. 12这就是你昨天买的那本书吗? Is this the book you bought yesterday? 13正站在我们教室前面的那位女士是我们的英语老师。 The woman who is standing in front of our classroom is our English teacher. 14在西方国家人人都喜欢牛奶作成的奶酪。 In western countries everybody like

5、s the cheese which is made from milk. 15当你说英语时,必须让别人听懂。 When you speak English, you must make yourself understood. 16你认为他来回答这些问题很难吗? Do you think it difficult for him to answer these questions? 17据报道在那个地区又建了一所新学校。 It is reported that another new school has been set up in that area. 18她出生的那个村庄很美。 The

6、 village where she was born is very beautiful. 19他想要一个能放书的箱子。 He wanted a box in which he could keep books. 20Jack有两个姐姐,其中一个是护士。 Jack has two sisters, one of whom is a nurse. 21借走我自行车的那个人叫Paul。 The man who borrowed my bike is called Paul. 22你越表扬他,他工作越努力。 The more you praise him, the harder he works.

7、 23他买了一引起与书相配的磁带。 She has bought some tapes which go with the book. 24他在巴黎时学会了法语。 He learned French when he lived in Paris. 25那是一个女人只能呆在家里的时代。 There was a time when women could only stay at home. 26你最好带把伞,以防万一下雨。 Youd better take an umbrella in case it rains. 27你认识那个在树下躺着的男孩吗? Do you know the boy ly

8、ing under the tree?28.写完信,他出去邮递它。Having written the letter, he went out to post it.29. 当他昨晚来我家时,我已经完成了自己的英语作业。 When he came to my home last night, I had already finished my English homework.30. 多种树对我们这个城市很重要。 Planting more trees is very important to our city. 2深圳市南山区南头嘉南美地A座506室 联系电话086-0755-86212237


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