大学英语听力 .ppt.ppt

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1、上海市震旦外国语中学 孙 霭 霞,College English Lesson Seven ,大学英语听力 第二册 第七课,说 课 内 容,一、教材分析 二、教材处理 三、教学方法 四、教学手段 五、教学程序 六、课件展示,一、教材分析,地位:本教材体现了二期课改的特点。以学生的发展为本,开发学生潜能,结合外国语中学学生学有余力,学以致用的特点。精选学生终生学习必备的基本技能,着力培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,使学生学会学习,形成国际视野和开放意识。 作用:在培养学生听懂基本语言单位(如语音、字母、数字、单词、句型)的基础上,逐步增强学生在语篇水平上的理解能力和熟练程度,提高他们对所听内容的分

2、析、归纳、综合、推断能力。,1、 教 材 的 地 位 及 作 用,2、教 学 目 标,知识目标: 学习掌握弱音的使用及“提出建议”的句型和词组. 能力目标: 提高学生听、说、读、写及知识自学的综合能力. 德育目标: 教育学生应努力学好外语,为今后成为复合型人才打好扎实的基础. (As students, we must study English hard in order to be comprehensive people in the future. ),3、确立教学目标的依据:,以全面实施素质教育为指导思想,按照二期课改的要求,开发学生潜能;结合本校学生学有余力的特点,精选本课。着力培

3、养学生的创新精神和实践能力,使学生学会学习,形成国际性的视野和开放性的意识。 2. 调动学生的学习激情,培养学习兴趣,为进一步学习打好扎实的基础。 3. 通过听、说、读、写的训练,使学生获得英语基础语音知识和交际初步运用英语的实践能力,拓展学生的英语综合能力。,重点:学习表示“提出建议(Giving advices )” 及“接受建议(Accept advices)”的主要句型。 难点:1.本课短文的文化背景。 2. 特定语言环境下的专有名词和词组在实 际生活中的运用。,4、教学重点和难点,二、教材的处理,以学生的发展为本 学生个体差异 班级间的知识水平差异 创造英语氛围 培养学生学习兴趣 小

4、组讨论,表演等形式 巩固知识,三、教学方法,我的五步教学法:,主题导入 由浅入深 由易到难 由已知到未知 循序渐进,四、教学手段,多调动学生的感官 增加直观性和趣味性 多媒体辅助教学,五、教学程序,新课导入 新课讲解 反复操练 反馈练习 归纳总结,六、展示多媒体教学过程,Sing an English Song,Whatever Will Be, Will Be,When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother, what will I be? Will I be pretty? Will I be rich? Heres what she sa

5、id to me. Que se-ra se-ra, whatever will be will be. The futures not ours to see. Que se-ra se-ra, what will be will be! Que se-ra se-ra.,Phonetics Weak Forms,A. Listen to the following ten phrases and five sentences carefully. B. Supply the missing words in the blank. C. Repeat what you hear.,major

6、 in: v. 主修study in subject at college. take advice:听取劝告、忠告 economics: n. study of the system of money, industry, employment etc. used in various countries. pocket money: small amount of money given to children. make sense: seem reasonable; be able to be understand.,Language Points,Economics: is a ve

7、ry popular university major nowadays in the West as well as in the East. A degree in economics is useful if a young person wants to find a job in a good business company. part-time job: Young people in the West have a strong desire to be independent. Most university students take part-time jobs eith

8、er on or outside campus. During summer when the holidays may last two or three months many students go to big cities for chances to find a job that will enable them to earn some money for their expenses in the new academic year.,Listen to the Dialogue,Contents: Topic:,Giving Advice Id Go On studying

9、, if I were you.,Listen carefully & write T or F,Jane cant decide whether to go to university or get a job. Janes father does not want her to go on studying. The man in this dialogue is one of Janes friends. Janes friend suggested Jane to get a job. Janes friend wants to study economics, if he has a

10、 chance again. According to the dialogue, normally parents know whats best for their children.,(T),(F),(T),(F),(T),(T),基础型题目,If Jane goes to university, she can still have time for fun. She will not be able to get a part-time job, if she goes on studying at university. Janes parents want her to majo

11、r in economics. Jane is not good at calculating according to her friends words. Jane hates to ask her parents for pocket money. Jane appreciates advice from her friend.,(T),(F),(T),(T),(F),(T),She cant decide whether to go to university or get a job.,To study economics at a university.,Because he th

12、inks Jane is good at calculating.,Because she thinks she will have no time for fun with too much study.,She might go to university.,Exercises on the Book,Part One:,提高型问题,He would go on studying.,He would major in economics.,Whats best for her.,Have time for fun.,A part time job.,Part Two:,Answer the

13、 questions,If you were Jane, what would you do, go to university or get a job? Why? Do you often take your parents advice?Why? Did you use to ask your parents for pocket money? What do you think of it?,Get a lot of knowledge at a university. Make money by ourselves.,Yes, because it is very useful an

14、d important. They know whats best for their children. No, because it is not important for me.,Yes, I think I am a student now. I have no chance to get a job and make any money.,拓展型问题,Group Discussion & Make a Conclusion,Are you going to get a part-time job, when you go to the university? Why?,5. If

15、you meet some troubles, who will you ask for help, your parents or your friends? Why?,Yes, I will. Because I can be independent. No, I wont. Because I should concentrate on studying.,My parents. Because they can offer me good advice. My friends. Because they can understand me and we can communicate with each other easily.,As students, we must study English hard in order to be comprehensive people in the future.,What can we infer from the dialogue?,Thank you very much!,My name is Sun Aixia,Welcome to my lesson again!,


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