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1、润州区四年级下册英语专项练习八(阅读理解)班级_ 姓名_ 一、阅读短文,判断句子与内容是否相符,相符用“T”,不相符用“F”表示。Iusuallygetupatsevenoclock.Ihaveacupofteaandsome sandwichesformybreakfast.ThenIgotoschoolbybus.Igotoschoolatsevenfifteen,andIgohomeatfouroclockintheafternoon.AtaboutsixthirtyIhavedinner,andIwatchTVatseven.Itsmyday.()1.Igetupatseven.()2

2、.Igotoschoolbybike.()3.At7:50Igotoschool.()4.Igohomeat4:00intheafternoon.()5.IwatchTVafterdinner(晚饭后).二、阅读短文,判断句子与内容是否相符,相符用“T”,不相符用“F”表示。Lucy: Excuse me, whats the time?Tom: Let me see. Its twelve.Lucy: Oh, its too late. Im hungry.Tom: Me, too. Why dont we have lunch?Lucy: OK.I like rice. Do you li

3、ke rice?Tom: Yes, I do .And Im thirsty, too.Lucy: Thank you. ( )1. Its eleven oclock now. ( )2. Lucy is hungry. ( )3. They have bread for lunch. ( )4. Tom doesnt like rice. ( )5. Tom is thirsty, too.三、根据短文对话,选择正确答案。Alice: Hello, Jane. Jane: Hello, Alice. Alice: How many subjects do you have this ter

4、m(学期)? Jane: I have English, Science, Chinese, Art, Music, PE and Maths. Alice: What lessons do you have in the morning, Jane? Jane: Well, let me see. We have Science, Chinese , Art and Maths. Alice: What subject do you like, Jane? Jane: I like Art. What about you, Alice? Alice: I like Art, too. Jan

5、e: Oh, we like the same(同样的)subject. Alice: How many Art lessons do you have in a week(星期)? Jane: Three. I like it. Its fun. ( ) 1. Does Jane like Art? A. Yes. B. No. C. I dont know.( ) 2. Do Alice and Jane like the same(同样的)subject? A. Yes. B. No. C. I dont know. ( ) 3. How many Art lessons does Ja

6、ne have in a week? A. Two. B. Three C. Four. ( ) 4. What lessons does Jane have in the morning? A. Science and Chinese. B. Art and Maths. C. All of them (以上全选).( ) 5. How many subjects does Jane have this term(学期)? A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven.四、根据短文对话,选择正确答案。This is a park. There are many flowers in i

7、t. Some are yellow. Some are red. There is a river. The boats are very small. It is Sunday. There are many people in the park. Some are walking. Some are playing games. Some old men are sitting under the big tree. Look at these students! Theyre singing and dancing near the river. Their teacher is pl

8、aying with them. They are very happy. ( )1. The people are in the . A. classroom B. farm C. park D. school ( )2. There is a in the park. A. tree B. river C. picture D. hill ( )3.Are there any boats in the river?A. Yes, there are some birds. B. No, there arent any.C. Yes, there are. D. No, they cant. ( )4. What colour are the flowers?A. They are red and yellow. B. They are red and blue.B. They are blue and yellow. D. They are red and purple ( )5.What day is it today? A. Its Saturday. B. Its Sunday. C. Its Wednesday. D. Sorry, I dont know.


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