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1、-范文最新推荐- 入党积极分子学习状况思想汇报 经过近一段时间的自己学习和党员的帮助,本人在思想上积极要求上进,在工作中向党员同志看齐,对党的认识更加深刻。现将本人近期思想情况汇报如下: 第一,要提高学习马克思主义理论的自觉性。认真学习马克思列宁主义、邓小平理论,是党章规定的共产党员义务的第一条。共产党员必须懂得:理论上的成熟是政治上成熟的基础,政治上的清醒来源于理论上的坚定。有些同志在重大问题上政治不敏锐,甚至失去辨别能力,重要原因就是缺乏应有的马克思主义理论素养。理论上贫乏,政治上就不清醒。只有刻苦学习马克思主义理论,才能在复杂多变的国际环境中,在深化改革、扩大开放、大力发展市场经济的新形

2、势下,坚定共产主义理想和社会主义信念,牢记全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,始终坚持党的基本路线不动摇,永远保持一个共产党员应有的共产主义纯洁性。 第二,要坚持理论联系实际,学以致用。理论联系实际,是马克思主义一个基本原则。学习马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论,必须坚持理论联系实际,坚持学以致用。最重要的是运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法来改造主观世界,端正自己的世界观、人生观、价值观,提高为人民谋福利的自觉性。评价一个共产党员重要的是看他做的怎么样,看他能不能在端正自己的世界观、人生观、价值观上下功夫,实现学于用、知与行、说与做的统一。 第三,掌握做好本职工作的知识和本领。党章中把学习科学文化

3、和业务,努力提高为人民服务的本领,作为共产党员的一项义务作了明确的规定。当即世界科学技术突飞猛进,科学技术对社会,对经济影响愈来愈大。因此,我们要把学习科学、文化和业务知识,掌握做好本职工作的知识和本领,提高到保持党的先进性的高度来认识,从而增强学习科学、文化和业务知识的自觉性和紧迫感。共产党员要掌握做好本职工作的知识和本领,一靠学习,二靠实践。要干一行,爱一行,学一行,钻一行,精通一行,努力成为本职岗位上的内行和能手。 总之,共产党员应该成为学习的模范和又红又专的模范,不但要刻苦学习马克思主义理论,而且要学习科学、文化和业务知识,掌握做好本职工作的知识和本领,努力创造一流的成绩。只有这样才能

4、在新形势下更好的发挥先锋模范作用。 明白了这些道理,我在工作中有了方向,有了动力。懂得干好工作的目的和重要性。所以在以后的工作中我定要加倍认真负责,努力向党员同志看齐,缩小同党员同志的差距,争取早日加入党组织。 by J. GoodOne of the best ways to convey exactly how you feel about someone is through words. A special love poem written by you or someone else, sentimental quotes or thoughts of love are just

5、a few ways to convey your thoughts to your loved one. When writing a love letter, you can tell your love exactly how you feel with words from the heart! Those who love deeply never grow old. AnonymousWriting the perfect love sentiments can be a little difficult for anyone. Due to that fact, weve gat

6、hered some love quotes, sentiments, tips and ideas on how to write a love letter to help you. You might also consider sending an e-card that has the perfect sentiments already on it!Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

7、Tips for writing your own love letterImagine exactly how your love will feel when they see your feelings in a poem, quote, or sentiment. You can even go a little further and post it as a love dedication or in poetic form on the Internet for your love to see! Below are a few tips to keep in mind when

8、 youre writing something. Make it personal. Let the words come from your heart. Include why you love them and how they make your world brighter just by being in it. Express your gratitude for them being in your life. Be affectionate and loving. Let them know your love for them will never fade and yo

9、u will always be there. If you are sending it by mail or delivering it to them physically, handwrite it. If you are sending it electronically, make a web page with the poem on it, have it posted as a love dedication or as a poetry submission. Whatever you write. make sure you are truthful and sincer

10、e. Love QuotesLove quotes can capture exactly how you feel about your love in just a few words. That makes them a very popular addition to any love note. It is almost like your own personal dedication or wish to the person you are sending your love note to. Below is a list of a few love quotes. If t

11、here is anything better than to be loved, it is loving. Source Unknown Let no one who loves be unhappy. Even love unreturned has its rainbow. James Matthew Barrie My love for you is like time, if you give it just one moment, it will last forever. Submitted by Linda Barton Its not being in love that

12、makes me happy. Its being in love with YOU that makes me happy. Source Unknown For an instant, love can transform the world. Source Unknown Remember. love is the link that holds two hearts together. Source Unknown While many a soul are unhappy with love, no one is ever happy without it. Submitted by

13、 Andrew Worden What do I get from Loving You? Loving You! Submitted by Gabby Love is a beautiful dream. William SharpeLove SentimentsLove Sentiments are the phrases that are found on greeting cards and stationary. When writing your own love note or card they can be very helpful and precise in captur

14、ing what you want to say. Below is a list of some sentiments taken from the Valentine E-Cards Collection When Im in your arms my whole world is just right. Hand in hand, heart to heart; my love for you will never part. The depth of your love and the sweetness of your kiss feeds my soul. Every moment

15、 spent with you is every one of my dreams coming true. Standing together side by side there is nothing in this world we cant conquer when its just you and I. Love will lead to you all your dreams. With hands and hearts together lets celebrate the joy of finding each other. Dear Tigger,I never though

16、t that I could ever love again but you came into my life 3 months ago and showed me that I can. I have never been as in love with anyone before as I am with you, every day you bring something new. You make me laugh and have never made me cry. Without your love I would probably die.I promise you this

17、, from this day forth: I will love you forever - dont ever doubt that. I will never want anyone elses touch but yours; you make me feel like I am the only woman in the world. You are the only man in the world as far as I am concerned. You are my heart and soul. I feel as though we are meant to be together, that we have been brought together by God. I have always believed that I had a soul mate out there and I am sure that is you, I see it every time I look into your eyes and I feel it when you hold me in your arms. Baby, my sweet baby, I love you. Yours always,Michele 7 / 7


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